Thought for Sunday, June 30th

Saying the right thing at the right time is definitely something that all of us need to work on; but, an even bigger snare of the devil for most of us is learning to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.  That's a mouthful, right?!  What it really comes down to is knowing when to say nothing at all.  In a disagreement, we all like to be the one to have the last word---to be the victor by using that one last remark, normally said in sarcasm or just plain meanness.  It's really very difficult for any of us to just not say anything at all, especially when we feel adamantly that we are right in the matter.  This is where self-control comes into play.  The Bible word for self-control is "temperance", and Scripture tells us in Galatians 5:22-23 that this is a fruit of the Spirit.  In other words, the Holy Spirit of God fills us with it.

I've shared before the wise words of my Pastor's wife because I've never forgotten them, "If it would feel good to your flesh to say what you're about to say, you better reconsider, because whatsoever is of the flesh cannot please God."

May we all beg God for the grace of temperance, because we live in a society where self-control is not even thought of, much less practiced.  But, girls, God desires so much more for us. 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 30
Matthew 7


Thought for Saturday, June 29th

Dwight L. Moody once said,

"A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian...most of all, his family ought to know."

If your family didn't know just because they heard your public profession of faith in Christ, would they know simply based upon your actions...your words?  Our family knows the 'real' us; they know who we are when we're tired or hungry or just plain grouchy.  But, do they know of our desire to serve The Lord?  Can they see Christ in us?  Can they hear His compassion in our voice...feel His gentleness in our touch...see His passion in our goals?  
Girls, no young lady will ever be perfect, and none will ever be the picture-perfect lady ALL the time.  But, we ought to be trying to be more and more like Christ everyday, and our own family above everyone else should see our heart's desire to be kind, to be loving, to be sacrificial, even when they know the most intimate details of our lives.

Let us purpose today that our light of Christ shine brightest to those we love the very most, our family.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 29
Matthew 6

Thought for Friday, June 28th

There's only two choices on the shelf....
     Serving God or serving self.

When it all comes down to it, there really are only two choices: we must either submit ourselves to the authority God has placed over us or we boast of being our own authority.  You're probably thinking, "No, Mrs. Kim, obeying my dad has nothing to do with 'serving self'."  But, it does!  Not only are we to obey our parents (Ephesians 6:1), the Bible also teaches that God places authority in our lives for our hedge and protection and that we are to honor those authorities with sweet humbleness (Titus 3:1).  So, if it is God's will that we submit to to the authority of teachers, police, pastors, coaches, and principals,  to do otherwise is definitely NOT serving God.  And, if it's not serving God, it is serving self.  

So, what's your choice, girls?  God or self?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 28
Matthew 5

Thought for Thursday, the 27th

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything.  They just make the best of everything.

Have you ever looked at someone who seemingly had it all, and yet, with everything they were the most miserable of people?  We can readily see that in the examples Hollywood sets before us.  Hurting, empty people who are rich in this world's goods but poor in peace and happiness.  The Apostle Paul gives his own testimony of contentment in Philippians 4:11,

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

I've also heard it said that to be happy, you don't have to have what you like; you just have to like what you have.  I think that's a pretty accurate description.  God help us today to be grateful for the blessings we have.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Matthew 4
Proverbs 27

Thought for Wednesday, the 26th

Keep company with good men and good men you will imitate. 

Coming from the mouth of my southern mama, that saying might sound like this, "Honey, if you run with the dogs, you gonna get fleas."  My mama was, for most of my life, a lost woman.  But, even as a lady without Christ, she had wisdom.  And her counsel about my choice of friends was always right on the money.  It is foolish to believe that our friendships don't influence our decision making.  "But, Mrs. Kim," you might say, "I'm able to make my own calls; I wouldn't base my decisions based upon what my friends think."  Wouldn't you though?  Wouldn't we all?  Of course our friends' opinions matter to us; that's why we count them as friends.  And, when the choice is having our friends' (whom we CAN see) approval or the Lord's (whom we CANNOT see), in a corner, most of us would choose the approval of those that we know will laugh and ridicule us otherwise.  The answer, girls, is to choose friends who seek the Lord's approval themselves.  The Scripture tells us in Proverbs 27:17 that,

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

When choosing the friends with which you are closest, be diligent to choose friends that will urge you toward a life spent in service for Christ.  When you've found a friend like that, you've found a friend indeed.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Matthew 3
Proverbs 26

Thought for Tuesday, the 25th

The saying, "many receive advice, but only the wise profit by it" is our thought for today, girls.  Have you ever been asked for your advice in a matter only to find out later that your advice was completely ignored?  Perhaps your advice was wise and helpful, and to know that it was unheeded not only brought you frustration but maybe even hurt feelings, too!  Surely we can understand then the disappointment the Lord has when we, sometimes carelessly, not only ignore His direction for us but worse, do the complete opposite.  God has given us His opinion...His advice, if you will.  Throughout Scripture, and especially in the book of Proverbs, we are given the Lord's thoughts on everyday, practical areas that apply to our lives---but, we don't heed it.  We read through the verses, sometimes even committing them to memory, but when it comes to applying the "advice" we get from the Lord, we falter.  To be wise, we must not only read God's direction; we must also follow His "advice".  He is our Maker, girls.  He knows our limits, our emotions, our weaknesses....He knows us better than we know ourselves.  And, He's left us His Word to be our guidebook.  So, today, let us determine that we will not only read about the Lord's counsel but we will be wise and receive it.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 25
Matthew 2

Thought for Monday, June 24th

Reflecting on this week's messages, the thought that "you WILL lose when you choose, but you will win in the end" is still on my heart.  We have become so stagnant in our walk with Christ that often we instinctively reject any choice that we perceive as too time consuming or too self-denying.  Making the choice to serve Christ WILL cost you.  What are we really willing to give up to follow Christ wholeheartedly?  Are we willing to suffer ridicule?  Endure hardship?  One of the best examples in the Scripture of a servant of the Lord who was willing to count the cost for serving the Lord is King David.  Although David struggled and no doubt brought much sorrow to the Lord, he had a tender heart of repentance when faced with the knowledge of his wrongdoing.  One such example is found in the book of I Chronicles.  Confronted with the huge cost of his own sin of pride, King David asks of Ornan a piece of property where King David can build an altar and seek God's forgiveness.  When Ornan gladly offers him FOR FREE not only the use of his land but the wood and instruments for the offering, King David explains that he will not offer to the Lord that which cost him nothing.

We must understand that to be a disciple of Christ, it will cost us something.  And, to grow in grace, we must be willing to pay that cost.  But, when we consider the great price that was paid for our salvation, is any cost too high?  If we do suffer persecution...if we do lose friends...if we are left out and made fun of...well, what of it?  Christ endured all these things and so much more.  And, yet, He paid the price.  Whatever the cost, may we be found faithful.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 24
Matthew 1

A new vision...a new passion!

Teen Extreme camp this week has, without a doubt, been a gamechanger in my own spiritual life.  With a refueled fire, I believe it's time we get serious sbout serving the Lord.  I've seen the Holy Ghost stirring our teens' hearts this week in a powerful way, and frankly, I don't want what the Spirit is doing in our hearts to stop.

I had several of my teen girls come to me during this week to beg God to use make them more like Jesus and to help them take courageous stands for Christ.  As I wept with them, I realized  their struggles are really no different than my own.  I want to know God's power...I want to stand for the Lord...I WANT TO BE DIFFERENT!  And, so do many of them.

Out of my desire to step out of my comfort zone and my teen girls' desire for help and accountability in their daily walk with Christ, the idea of this blog was formed.  By God's grace, may He use it to help us grow more like Him.