Keep company with good men and good men you will imitate.
Coming from the mouth of my southern mama, that saying might sound like this, "Honey, if you run with the dogs, you gonna get fleas." My mama was, for most of my life, a lost woman. But, even as a lady without Christ, she had wisdom. And her counsel about my choice of friends was always right on the money. It is foolish to believe that our friendships don't influence our decision making. "But, Mrs. Kim," you might say, "I'm able to make my own calls; I wouldn't base my decisions based upon what my friends think." Wouldn't you though? Wouldn't we all? Of course our friends' opinions matter to us; that's why we count them as friends. And, when the choice is having our friends' (whom we CAN see) approval or the Lord's (whom we CANNOT see), in a corner, most of us would choose the approval of those that we know will laugh and ridicule us otherwise. The answer, girls, is to choose friends who seek the Lord's approval themselves. The Scripture tells us in Proverbs 27:17 that,
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
When choosing the friends with which you are closest, be diligent to choose friends that will urge you toward a life spent in service for Christ. When you've found a friend like that, you've found a friend indeed.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Matthew 3
Proverbs 26
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