The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
How often do I find myself doing just enough to get by? Perhaps just enough Bible reading; maybe just enough housecleaning; possibly been just kind enough to someone. We do what we must to meet the standard of good enough. But, in the Scripture we see examples of those who did more than just enough. They went above and beyond what was required, and they were blessed for it. Consider the illustration Jesus gave in Luke 10 of who we've come to call the "Good Samaritan". Most of you know the story: a man is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves. He was beaten, robbed, and left for dead on the side of the road. A priest walked by him and instead of helping, crossed over to the other side of the street. The same for a Levite (a group chosen by God to be His representatives)---he didn't even want to be bothered by the sight of this wounded man. Finally, a Samaritan man happened by. So great was the prejudice against Samaritans by the Jews that Samaritans were called dogs. But, this Samaritan man did what God's people would not. He had compassion on the hurt man! He gently cleaned the man's wounds and even paid for him to have a room at the inn so he could heal from the savage beating he'd received. He asked for nothing in return and even offered to pay if there were any more charges from the man's stay. I submit to you, girls, that this man did FAR more than just enough. Surely he had somewhere to be; some plans for the day to accomplish. And, yet, he stopped, had compassion on the innocent, and inconvenienced himself in order to make a difference in one person's life.
Today, do more than just enough. Go the extra mile.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 28
Mark 7
Great reminder of how just enough is never enough. I want to be like the Samaritan in the story. From now on I am going to pray for God to help me go the extra mile. Today I read Mark 7/ Proverbs 28
ReplyDeleteI agree that this is a great reminder! Sunday I read mark 7 and proverbs 28