Thursday, February 27th

As we continue our study on the plagues in Egypt, today we will talk about the 3rd catastrophe.

After facing the plague of the Nile river being turned into blood and the plague of the frogs being brought up from the river, one would think that Pharaoh and his officers had seen enough.  But, obviously, the had not.  For those first two plagues, God warned Pharaoh of what was about to take place, but The Lord did not give Pharaoh warning of the 3rd.   He told Aaron to stretch forth his rod toward heaven, and as he did so, the dust of the air became lice.  The lice fell on man and animals and caused horrible misery.  All of you know what lice is; it itches and burns.  Some of the research I've done likened the lice to something we have hear in Florida.  I've heard them called "no-see-ums".  You can't see them, but when they bite you, you definitely feel them!  

One of the biggest significances of this plague is that it is the first one that the magicians could not duplicate.  Even as they advised Pharaoh, he refused to budge.

 Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.
 Exodus 8:19

The plague of the water into blood---crippling; the plague of the frogs everywhere---frightening (ok....maybe not frightening to everybody).  And, today the plague of the 
lice---aggravating.  I just thought of something that might help put this plague into perspective.  All of you have gone to camp at Venture of Faith in Georgia.  During the summer months, there's one thing that sets this part of Georgia apart.  What is it, girls?  What is the most aggravating thing about Venture of Faith in the summer?  The gnats!!  They bite and sting and fly in your face.  This is exactly how this plague was---except much, much worse.  

It didn't move Pharaoh though.  His heart remained determined to have it his way, not God's.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 27
Revelation 6

Wednesday, February 26th

We began our new series, The Plagues of Egypt, a couple days back, and today we will talk about the second catastrophy the Lord sent to bring judgment on Egypt.  

After seeing the water turned into blood and having no clean river, lakes, or ponds for a week, one would think that Pharaoh would consider turning to God in repentance.  He didn't though.  In fact, he didn't even consider it.  He hardened his heart and in essence, snubbed his nose at God.  The magicians were able to do the same thing, so Pharaoh convinced himself that the plague of the water into blood was not from God.  Again, Moses approached Pharaoh and gave him the word from The Lord, "Let my people go."  Again, no positive response from the king of Egypt, so Moses pronounced the latest judgment.  Frogs were to come up from the rivers.  FROGS, girls!  Do you get what I'm saying to you??!  Those nasty, slimy, devilish-looking, big-eyed creatures were to be everywhere---in their homes, in their beds, in their kitchens, ON THEIR BODIES...everywhere.  When they sat down, they inevitibly sat on a frog.  When they put their hands in the kneading troughs to make bread, surely there was at least one frog in the mix.  If they washed their face, there was a frog in the sink.  When they got into bed, they laid down with two beady, little eyes staring at them.  Aaagh!!!  I cannot imagine this plague because truly, I am terrified of the horrid things.  I can imagine that there were at least some of the Egyptian women (Hebrew, too) that were afraid of frogs.  So, if it was anything like my house when there's a frog near, there was a whole bunch of hollerin' going on in Egypt.  Yet, when the magicians were asked to duplicate this plague, they did so with ease; and when Pharaoh saw the magicians also bring up frogs from the waters, he wasn't impressed by God's power.  Still, to get rid of the frogs, he told Moses that he had changed his mind and that he had been wrong.  He lied and said that he'd let the Hebrews go.  What I find crazy though is that when Moses responded by asking when he'd like the frogs to be gone, Pharaoh responded that the next day would be fine!!  I cannot fathom asking for one more night with the frogs!  Nevertheless, the next morning, the frogs were gone, just as Moses had promised.  Pharaoh, however, did not honor his word and refused to let the people go.  

So, why frogs?  Why that plague?  One commentator thought that this plague was to target the symbol of the god who assisted women during childbirth.  Another commentator guessed that it was aimed at the political powers of Egypt. It is interesting to note that frogs will proceed from the mouths of the beast, the dragon, and the false prophet in Revelation 16:13 in the judgments against Babylon as the nations are gathered together for the Battle of Armageddon.  So, the plague of the frogs had significance.  We can be sure that this was not a random plague.  It was one that the Lord designed for His specific plan and purpose.

It just wasn't awful enough because Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he refused to let the Hebrew people go.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 26
Revelation 5

Tuesday, February 25th

After laying the foundation yesterday for our study on the plagues in Egypt, we will get right into the first plague.

Moses and Aaron had asked that the children of Israel be allowed to leave.  Pharaoh refused.  Moses performed several miracles to prove that he was sent from God, but when the magicians of Egypt could do the same acts, Pharaoh refused to listen.  One morning as Pharaoh 
walked beside the Nile river, Moses and Aaron met him.  Once again, Moses spoke, "God says to 'Let my people go'!"  Pharaoh obviously ignored this command, so Moses did as he was directed by God.  He raised his rod over the river and directed that the waters be turned into blood.  And, right then, the waters became blood.  The water in the rivers, streams, and ponds, even the water that had been collected in containers of wood and stone was affected.  All their water was turned to blood.  Just one word....gross.

Some commentators say this was metaphorical and that the water wasn't really blood.  Girls, don't ever try to be smarter than God!  First of all, God says it was turned to blood.  That settles it.  Now, the Scriptures go on to say that the water "stank" and that all the fish died.  But, if this was a metaphor, why would the water stink and why would fish die?

 This was a terrible plague that affected everyone.  But, was there a particular reason for this particular plague?  I have read that the plague was directed at the Egyptian's water supply to target three different gods of their beloved Nile river.  Whether this was the intent of God, I cannot say.  As terrible the plague though, when Pharaoh asked the magicians to duplicate the plague, they, too, were able to turn water into blood.  This is crazy to me.  As if it weren't bad enough that all their water supply had been turned to blood, to prove a point, Pharaoh asked the magicians to duplicate the plague.  And, they did!  So, now more blood water!   Pharaoh wasn't moved at all.  The Bible says he turned around and left.  

For 7 days the blood water remained.  What an awful judgment from God---but still not enough to turn Pharaoh's heart.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 25
Revelation 4

Monday, February 24th

Girls, today we will begin a series in the blog that I am also doing during Bible class at home during school.  I hope it will be a blessing to you:-)

All of you know the main events of the great exodus of God's people from Egypt.  After Joseph (the 11th son of Jacob, renamed "Israel" by God) was sold into slavery in Egypt, he was able to help save his whole family from a horrific famine that last 7 years.  Things were good for the Israelites, until a new Pharaoh took the throne.  He did not know Joseph or his family, and the relationship Joseph had shared with those in higher authority was gone.  The Israeli people began to multiply at astounding rates, sending those in political power into a real dilemma.  Pharaoh feared that, if left alone, the Hebrews (Israelites) would continue to have children until they outnumbered the Egyptians.  In war, that could prove disastrous for Egypt.  So, Pharaoh decreed that the Hebrews must be contained.  He decreed that all Israeli baby boys be killed.  During this time, Moses was born and hid for 3 months.  You know the Bible story....he was put in a little boat, found by the Pharaoh's daughter, and raised as an Egyptian.  When Moses was grown, he made his choice, and one day killed an Egyptian man as he defended one of the Hebrew men.  He fled into the land of Midian and there married Zipporah.  He lived in the desert until one day......

The Lord appeared unto him in a fiery bush and made plain His plan to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt's bondage.  By this time, they had been enslaved for 400 years.  We know Moses balked and complained, but eventually, Moses submitted to the direction of God.  He and his brother Aaron went before the Pharaoh and asked permission  to leave.  Of course, Pharaoh refused!  Instantaneously, life became worlds harder for the Hebrews.  Instead of being forced to make bricks for Pharaoh's use, now they not only had to make the bricks but find the straw to mix into the mortar, as well.  It was unbearable for them...but at this point, they were right on the verge of victory and didn't even realize it.  Let me stop here for a moment...can you imagine how horrible things must have been for them.  They thought they'd be delivered when their leader Moses went before Pharaoh.  Instead of being delivered, now they were being tortured, too!  They wanted to give up, but what if they had?  They would have stopped just short of seeing God's miraculous hand at work.  

After Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he refused to let the Hebrews go, the plagues began.  Starting tomorrow, we will study each of those plagues and what they might have represented.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 24
Revelation 3

Sunday, February 23rd

I think it'd be fair to say that most of you have never heard of Augustus Toplady, a young preacher who decided to take a walk though the English countryside.  During his walk, a sudden storm assailed him.  Seeking safety, he spotted a wide rock formation with an opening inside a cleft.  He wedged his body in that cleft until the storm passed.  Using this real-life situation, he wrote the hymn, "Rock of Ages".  What a great life lesson!  He didn't stand in the storm and try to 'wait it out'.  He ran to the place of safety.  

In our own lives, we will have rain.  We will have dark storms that threaten to overwhelm us.  There's no doubt that we will face storms; the question is not 'will we?'  The question is 'WHEN will we?"  

Don't stand out in the rain,  girls.  Seek shelter in the cleft of the Rock.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 23
Revelation 2

Saturday, February 22nd

 Over the years, I have learned one thing, I cannot trust my own heart.  Many times we hear it said, "trust you heart" or "your heart won't lead you wrong."  Oh, but dear girls, it will.  It definitely will.

Look at the wasted lives of young ladies who truly thought their hearts were leading them in the right direction even though they were going contrary to the clear teachings of Scripture.  You will NEVER be able to prove God wrong, girls, and He very clearly tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that, "the heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

Consider Peter, a very sold-out follower of Christ.  His heart told him he'd never, ever be low enough to deny his Savior in Matthew 26:34.  He was wrong.  Think about King David who loved The Lord and served Him with his whole heart; in fact, the Scriptures say David had a heart for God.  Yet, when he saw Bathsheba on the rooftop, his heart told him he had to have her.  What happened?  His heart led him astray.

Your heart cannot be trusted, girls.  We are emotional creatures, wholly given to our sentiments.  I cannot stress to you how important it is to NOT listen to your heart!  In all matters, go by what we KNOW to be so; the only tangible direction God has left us---the Bible.  Not every topic is covered in the Bible, but for just about every scenario, we can understand God's heart by the principles He has set forth in His Word.  For example, the Bible will not expressly tell you to avoid going out with Mary Jane, who is known for having a wild streak.   But, It will tell you to choose your friends according to their walks with Christ. The Bible does tell us to avoid going to certain places.  Scriptures are clear about not doing, not saying, not being anything that would bring shame to Christ.  So, based on several passages and building upon the principles taught in the Word, we can deduct that going out Mary Jane would probably not be what's best for us.  I like how Mrs. Lois has put it---we need to choose the 'best' for us.  

Don't be led with your heart or your head.  Be led by the Lord.  Be led by His Word.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 22
Revelation 1

Friday, February 21st

Girls, have you ever heard the word "brawling"?  What about "contentious"?  Today's verses cover both of these words, and since The Lord speaks so strongly about women who practice brawling and being contentious, we'd do well to understand what the words mean.

Brawling: Fighting or quarreling done in a loud manner.
Contentious: Having a tendency to causing disagreements and quarrels.

I am sure that I don't want to be characterized by either of these words, but some women are. 

 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.  Proverbs 21:9

It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.  
Proverbs 21:19

The Lord tells us that it is better for a man to sleep in a tiny corner on the rooftop or even out in the woods than with a woman who likes to fight and argue.  And, sometimes women can be just that: argumentative and whiny.  I believe I've shared in the blog that I was very quarrelsome when Pastor and I first married.  He was painfully shy; I was uninhibited and outgoing.  I mistook his quiet nature for grouchyness.  And, just to get him to talk to me, I'd pick a fight.  It was a crazy way to live, and so far from what God wants for His daughters, but it was an environment I created on my own by being a nag.

Some girls are naturally given to always causing an uproar.   They love being the center of attention, even if that means negative attention.  You know in your heart if you are a nag; and  you know whether you cause problems or if you help fix them.  

Just a word of advice: no man wants to marry a girl who whines, murmurs, complains, and picks fights.  If you are struggling with having either a brawling or a contentious spirit, now is the time to deal with that.  Don't wait until your husband is so tired of hearing you fuss and complain that he'd rather sleep in the trees with the birds. 

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 21
Revelation 1

Thursday, February 20th

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 
Colossians 3:3

We are supposed to be dead to ourselves, girls.  What does that really mean?  It means that we are no longer driven by our own fleshly desires and goals but rather by the ever-present conviction that God is to be in control.

Before a person comes to Christ, he/ she is consumed with his own way; filled with the desire for personal comfort and pleasure.  After Christ, we learn there is a different way.  Being dead in Christ takes on a two- fold meaning.

1) Our past is just that...past.  It's comforting to know that nothing in a Christian's past will ever be remembered.  Erased, covered, buried, and forgotten....our sins are GONE.  We owe the Lord a lifetime of service for this mercy.

2) Though our sins are gone when we accept Christ's gift of forgiveness, learning to die to ourselves is a daily, conscious choice.  Though are spirits are saved, our physical bodies are not.  Our flesh craves and desires that which is not good for us.  Our flesh longs for comfort...that which is pleasant and assuring.  However, the path of the Christian is not always easy or smooth.  During these times, it is the body's natural response to recoil at that which causes us personal sacrifice or grief.  The Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 15:31 that he struggled daily with his flesh.  As hard as it is, to know REALLY know Him, we must be willing to lay aside OUR way, OUR desires, OUR plans in order for Christ's way to have the preeminence.  

Fill us, Lord, with the desire to be dead to our ways and alive to yours.

Scripture Reading for the day:
Proverbs 20

Wednesday, February 19th

Most of us have joked about someone that we know who needs "anger management" classes.  I have said it myself about someone who I justified as having a "short fuse".   The truth, girls, is that there is no such thing as anger management in God's eyes.

Our society has accepted anger as a means of self-expression.  The thought in these anger management classes is that we need to channel the negative energy of our anger into something positive.  When one attends these classes, the direction is to punch a pillow or go into a room by yourself and scream until you feel okay.  Girls, that is nothing more than promoting a fit---except we aren't talking to two-year-olds.  One woman said it like this, "We don't need to manage our anger; we need to get rid of it."  I couldn't agree more, but until this morning, it didn't dawn on me how destructive this 'anger management' philosophy is.  To manage something means that you are allowing it to exist.  We've heard of money management, time management, family management, and so on.  But, anger management?  The title alone acknowledges that we are going to allow ourselves to be angry but just in a managed way.  

Ephesians 4:31 gives a totally different teaching:

 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:  

Perhaps the Bible tells us to put it away from us because there is no managing of it.  If we allow only a little anger to exist, then we are hurting ourselves.  Anger is destructive, not only to you but to others.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 19
III John 1

Tuesday, February 18th

The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear? 
Proverbs 18:14

Girls, words are weapons and I hope you never forget the power you hold in your tongue. Physical wounds heal, sometimes with scarring; emotional wounds take much longer to heal and are far harder to nurse.  In fact, the only healing for a wounded spirit is The Lord Jesus.  Only He can reach inside our beings and mend brokenness.  But, when the Scripture refers to the Lord as the Great Physician, it isn't referring to just His physical healing power, although that power is all-encompassing.  Jesus can heal our hearts, girls.  Some of you have been hurt; I've talked in depth with some of you who have struggled with scars left from your past.  Having a wounded spirit not only affects you, dear girls, but those who are precious to you.  

Have you been on the receiving end of being hurt?  I'm sure, because all of us have to some degree.  But, what about on the other side?  Have you ever been the one to wound someone else?  That question, too, is likely to be a yes because we've all spoken carelessly or frivolously.  But, it needs to be a conscious decision daily to ask the Lord Jesus to guide our tongues and help us use our words to heal, not hurt.  It's not always on-purpose that our words or our tones hurt others, but we have to learn to be more aware of some of the things that can REALLY stay with a person.  I remember when I was around 8-years-old having a best girlfriend named Jennifer.  She was my bosom buddy, and we were inseparable.  Jennifer had a problem with scoliosis (curving of the spine) and she was bowlegged.  One day she hopped off the bus and was walking up her driveway.  I raised up to the window and yelled out, "Hey, Jenny, keep trying to walk straighter!  You are getting better!"  She was my best friend and I was so little, I wasn't trying to hurt her.   I had no idea that my words would have the crushing effect that they did.   She was hurt deeply because not only had I embarrassed her in front of a whole bus load of people, but I took very lightly something that bothered her greatly.

Be careful, girls.  Choose your words wisely because once they're out there, it's not possible to retract them.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 18
II John 1

Monday, February 17th

 The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.  Proverbs 17:14 when one letteth out water...what does that mean? The best example I can give is that of the water draining after a bath.  If you have a deep tub of water, when the water first begins draining, it's not even evident from the surface.  Before long, there's a little tornado-like tunnel of water swirling down the drain.  And, what happens when the tub is nearly empty?  The draining water increases speed and because of the air pocket, a whistling sound can be heard?  The Scripture compares this scenario of water draining to the beginning of an argument.  Just as the water emptying can't really be observed from the surface in the beginning, when we choose to argue and fuss, we can't really see the damage it will cause to our relationships.  It doesn't take long for a tub to be drained, and neither does it take very long to see the effects of strife on a relationship.  The more water that drains, the faster the rest of the water empties.  Such is the way with strife.  What begins as a small disagreement can quickly escalate into something that neither party ever intended.  The Lord tells us to leave off contention, before it be meddled with; in other words, don't allow a minor disagreement to blow up into something that cannot be controlled.  How do you stop the water that is quickly spiraling down the drain?  You put the drain plug in the opening.  How do you stop an escalating, volatile argument?  Leave it alone.  You don't continue to bicker just to have the last word or to prove your point.  

Being argumentative does not make you right; in fact, even if your argument has merit, being contentious makes you look wrong.   

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 17
I John 5

Sunday, February 16th: Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

To the Glory of God on Pinterest

“Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.”
~ 2 Corinthians 8:21

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” ~ Philippians 4:8

Pinterest – the other day I saw someone label it as “fantasy football for girls”. :)  Haha!  Most of you know that I LOVE Pinterest --- it’s what I do to relax…or, here recently, I have found that it is great company in overcoming jet-lag :D.  There are so many cool things I’ve learned on there, recipes I’ve tried, photo ideas I’ve obtained, clothing wish-lists I’ve created… :) Just like with anything else online, though, there is definitely plenty of bad on Pinterest.  You don’t even have to search something bad to pull up a bad image; it is startling sometimes how easily I come across pictures of half-naked women (in bathing suits, workout clothes, or sexy every-day clothes), crude jokes, or things pertaining to witchery.  

Stuff like this might not tempt us or cause us to sin…but what if our dad glances at Pinterest over our shoulder?  What if one of our church deacons were to look at our Pinterest profile?  Would there be things on there that might cause them to lust?  Sometimes, pins lead to websites with vulgar things on them, even if the pin itself is not bad.  How do we avoid stuff like this?


If something pops up in my Pinterest newsfeed that I would not want my husband to see (because it would cause him to lust), I click on that pin’s board and “Unfollow” it.

Recently I’ve been going through my “Following” list and individually going through each person’s Pinterest boards, “unfollowing” any boards that would probably have unholy images in them.  There’s even a few people I had to completely “unfollow” because the majority of their pins were not wholesome.

I do my best not to pin any pins that have questionable pictures or words.

If I click on a pin of mine and realize that it leads to a bad website, I immediately delete that pin!

This post is not trying to say that pinning whatever we want on Pinterest is wrong.  No - this post goes right along with “lawful versus expedient”, like with my Celtic Woman example.  My desire here is to try to help us understand that we can be active in guarding against the desensitizing of our hearts.  Even as a married woman, I still take things like this seriously.  If you make a habit of surrounding yourself with pure things now, doing so as a wife (and thus the keeper of your home someday!) will be natural to you.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 16
I John 4

Saturday, February 15th

Glorifying God in the Little Things

“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient:
all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:23

Before I share what God has shown me with this principle, let’s make sure we know what “lawful,” “expedient,” and “edify” mean.

Lawful: allowed, permissible
Expedient: suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance
Edify: build, establish, enlighten, uplift, in a way that improves the mind or character

I’d like to explain this verse with an example from my own life.  One of the “not expedient” things God spoke to me about was a music group I loved to listen to.  Have you ever heard of Celtic Woman?  I LOVED Celtic Woman.  Their voices are amazing, their hearts shine right through in their performances, and the musical team backing them up is just incredible.  Plus, they sing hymns with some regularity – so for a long time I was one of their biggest fans :)  Within the past few years, though, the LORD showed me something; although their music is wholesome, their clothing choice is not.  The Celtic Woman ladies wear extremely beautiful dresses, but their dresses are also extremely revealing.  Sure, their revealing clothing doesn’t cause me to sin (you would need to be worried about me if it did!!) – but, God showed me that it DOES desensitize me to things that are not best in God’s eyes.  So, even though I did not want to, and would have much rather kept listening to Celtic Woman, I chose to stop.  I chose to cut off this “not expedient” thing from my life, so that there would be no way Satan could desensitize me through it.

Although things we do might not be wrong, they might not be the best.  Listening to Celtic Woman’s music is not a sin; but was it helping me grow in my love for God?  That is what is best.  Do we want to give God the basics, or do we want to give Him our best?

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 15
I John 3

Friday, February 14th

Girls, you know life is full of disillusion and disappointment, isn't it?  I know it might seem silly to some, but yesterday was a really disappointing day for the Stockton ladies.  After a long wait, Mia, the girls' little Pygmy goat, finally went into labor.  We were all so excited!  The girls had thought of names for the new baby goat(s) and were giddy with excitement as they ran inside to tell me the news.  It wasn't long though until I realized Mia was in trouble and wouldn't be able to deliver without some intervention.  Their anxious screams of delight turned into horrible cries of fear.  Our focus changed from naming little baby goats to saving  the mother goat's life. The baby goat did not make it, but Mia survived.  I am sure my sweet girls learned very valuable life lessons today, but I am certain I learned more than they.

I was so discouraged and re-lived those awful moments of panic all afternoon.  I played the scenario over and over again in my mind.  "If only I had....what if I had...." I thought to myself.  It wasn't until late evening when I was racing to get the rest of the 4H entries to the office on time that I realized a few very important things.  And, the very precious thing is that my little girls are the ones the Lord used to remind me of His goodness.  

I was crying, and Kinley was trying to reassure me that I did everything I could.  After pausing for a few minutes, she looked at me and said, "Mommy, don't you think that it's really crazy that Bella had a kid and we didn't even know she was pregnant, but Mia's baby died and she was the one we were really waiting for.  Do you think God let us have Bella's baby to comfort us?"  Boom.  Like an avalanche it hit me.  Even in something as trivial, as crazy as a little farm  goat, the Lord cared.  It didn't take away our disappointment, but it absolutely shed a totally different light on the circumstances.

That "wrong goat" turned out to be the right one, didn't it, girls?  Or, at least the goat that God used to remind my girls and me that He truly does care about the tiny details of our lives.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 14
I John 3

Thursday, February 13th

In yesterday's devotion, we talked about one of the questions that normally comes up in our Teen Zone class---why is gambling wrong?.  Today we will cover another often-asked question: Why should I NOT get a tattoo?

Tattoing has become a very widespread practice in American culture---even among Christians.  You've probably heard it said that Christians shouldn't get tattoos and maybe you wondered why.  There are several reasons, so let's get started.

1. The Bible prohibits it.

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord .  Leviticus 19:28

"But, Mrs. Kim, since that was Old Testament law, are New Testament Christians required to follow that?"  That was Old Testament moral law---just like Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal...Are New Testament Christians supposed to follow those commandments?  Of course we are!  The only Old Testament commandments that we are not required to follow are the sacrificial worship laws.  Because of Christ's sacrificial offering of His life for ours on the cross of Calvary, we do not have to sacrifice a lamb anymore for the atonement of our sins.   Jesus Christ fulfilled that portion of the ceremonial law.  

2. Your body is not your own.  When someone trusts Christ as His Savior, he/she is bought with a price, and that person no longer belongs to himself/herself.  "But, what if I get a tattoo of Jesus' name?"  If you belong to Christ, you don't need His name tattooed on your arm to prove it.  The Scriptures tell us that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments.  Obeying God will prove our allegiance to Christ far more than a tattoo of His name carved on our body.

3.  We are not to identify with worldly practices.  

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  I John 2:15

4.  As you age and mature with time, your likes and dislikes change.  What I thought was cool at 15-years-old, I do not necessarily think is cool now!  I shutter to think how I would look as a 45-year-old grandmother walking around with a rainbow unicorn tattooed across my backside.  Mmmm....not a pretty thought!  Tattoos are permanent reminders of a past that you might not want to remember further down the road.

5.  There are health risks associated with tattoos.  With more hygienic practices, tattoos have become better than they were years ago, but there are still medical risks involved.  Infection and disease are just two of those risks that you do well to consider.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 13
I John 2

Wednesday, February 12th

There have been times in our Teen Zone class that I have mentioned certain habits that are displeasing to the Lord.  Whether it be drinking, smoking, immodesty, or gambling, I normally have at least one who will say, "Where is that in the Bible?"  Believe it or not, I am encouraged by that question!  It tells me that some of my teens are truly searching and eager to know God's mind.  But, because we do keep a pretty structured time-constraint, I don't always have the time to cover some of these lifestyle choices in depth.  

Tonight I want to cover one: gambling.  What is gambling and why is it wrong for Christians?  Betting, wagering, poker, etc. are all considered gambling to some degree.  "But, isn't it just wrong if you're gambling away huge amounts of money or if you're addicted to it?"  The answer to that is that no one begins as a compulsive gambler.  It starts small and builds into an addiction.  There are several reasons why gambling is Biblically wrong.

1.) It short-circuits God's design for men to earn their living.  II Thessalonians 3:10, Genesis 3:19.  

2.)  Promotes a "get-rich-quick-mentality".  People do not appreciate that for which they have no personal vested interest.  If you have not put your own blood, sweat, and tears into something, it's hard to be grateful.  It hasn't cost you something.

3.)  Riches can be temporary.  Just as quickly as money comes into your life, it can be  taken.  Proverbs 23:5

4.)  It is a stumbling block to others.  You may very well have the self-control to buy one single $1 scratch-off ticket just for fun and never buy another.  However, not everyone has that same will power.  Just because you do not struggle with it doesn't mean that others won't.  What happens when someone sees you, a professing Christian, buy a ticket.  They reason in their minds, "Well, it can't be that bad.  Such-and-such buys lottery tickets and they're not addicted."  So, they purchase one, then ten, and a hundred.   All for one reason:  they saw you do it and thought if you could handle it, so could they.

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.  Proverbs 13:11

Every decision we make as Christians either honors or dishonors the Savior.  Use the Scriptures tonight for yourself; look them up and then, you tell  me.  Does gambling bring glory to Christ?

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 12
I John 1

Tuesday, February 11th

Most of you know that we've been paying careful attention to Mia, our little Pygmy goat.  Around 8 weeks ago, after feeling movement in her tummy, we were pretty much sure of her pregnancy.  What we didn't know though was when she was bred.  That meant we didn't know when to expect her to kid either.  Several times I was sure she was in labor---shows how little I know about goat pregnancies!  I have watched her carefully, going out into the rain and cold in the middle of the night.  The boys have teased me mercilessly about the night I really did think she was in labor.  In fact, every time we drive up into the driveway, Clay will casually say, "Oh, look, mama, Mia had her baby!"  He knows she hasn't, but he just loves to tease.  Tonight was no exception.  But, being in a hurry, I didn't stop to shine the lights on the pen, instead hurrying into the driveway.  After my chores for the evening were done though, I decided I better go out to check on her one last time before bedtime.  Kinley walked with me.  When we got closer to the pen, I could see a tiny little black and white baby goat.  Only an hour old at the most, his little umbilical cord was still wet.  I thought to myself, "Man!!  I missed it!"  But, as I began looking around, I realized this baby goat didn't belong to Mia but Bella, our older (really elderly, if you want to know the truth!) Nubian goat.  Kinley, wide-eyed with amazement, blurted out, "Mama!  We've been watching the wrong goat this whole time!!"  

I had spent weeks and weeks paying attention to the goat I felt like needed the most care.  Not that Bella didn't need care, too, but what I'd like for you to see is that our lives are much like this real-life circumstance.  We spend so much of our time concentrating our efforts on what we think is important, only to realize later that we totally missed the boat with our priorities.  I don't want to look back  years from now and say, "I was watching the wrong goat!"  What about you?  Have you got your eyes on goals that are God-inspired?  Is your time prioritized with The Lord first?

Much to think about indeed.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 11
II Peter 3

Monday, February 10th

Valentine's Day is this week, and everyone's mind is on love.  It is a wonderful time of celebration for couples.  I've always loved the holiday just because it brings such sweet feeling of romantic love.  This week doesn't stir up those feelings for everyone though; in fact, my mama used to hate Valentine's Day.  It served as a reminder of an unfaithful husband and always left her longing for love from him.  I can imagine it's that way for many people.  But, perhaps those affected most might be teenage girls.  I understand, sweet girls, that you look around and see all the other girls wrapped up in their boyfriends and getting candy and chocolates.  It makes it really tempting to play into that boyfriend/girlfriend mindset, doesn't it?  But, my dear ones, what you can't see are the countless hundreds, thousands of young ladies who will someday remember this Valentine's Day with regret.  Why?  Because for a box of chocolates or some cheap jewelry, they gave away a piece of themselves that they can never get back.  I don't believe any of you girls are in that situation tonight, so please don't think I'm referring to anyone in our group.  I'm not.  I just understand that when you look around and see the fun boyfriends and girlfriends seem to be having, it's so very hard to keep the commitment of saving your heart and your body for the one God will bring in His timing.  If you could look ahead ten years up the road, what would you see in the lives of the ones so wholly given to "dating somebody"?  From experience, I can tell you that you will see ladies who have slowly given small portions of their hearts along their path to various young men.  And, with each broken "relationship", each heartbreak, a little bit of their ability to trust is destroyed.  

And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole. Luke 17:19

Don't buy into the lie that you have to be in a "relationship" to fit into today's society.  You don't.  Guard your heart, dear ones; it is a precious gift to your future husband.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 10
II Peter 2

Sunday, February 9th

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.  I Peter 5:7
Some days you just need somebody to really care about where you are in life and the things you're struggling with.  Somebody that won't give you the "book" answer for what you need to do to feel better.  As ladies, sometimes to feel better all we need is to be able to talk it out, and guys don't understand this.  Guys are "fixers", so when your dad gets frustrated when you are hurting, it's because he doesn't know how to "fix" it.  Being able to pour out our  hearts brings release and most of the time, healing.  I'm thankful that over the years, God has given me friends who didn't expect more from me than God has and who were willing to just sit and just listen.  That's how our friend Jesus ought to be, girls.  He longs to just listen as we voice our hurts, our concerns, our burdens, our anger, and our joy.  He wants to hear it all.  "Well, Mrs. Kim, I can't talk to The Lord like I talk to my friends.  It's just not the same."  It should be the same and even better.  If it's not, it could be that you're trying to make prayer something that God never designed it to be.  Prayer is just you talking to your Friend about whatever it is that you're feeling.  It is simply sharing your secret, innermost thoughts and knowing that they will never be shared with anyone else.  
All of us have sung "Cast Your Burdens" at camp.  Today's verse is the inspiration for that song.  Sharing our burdens with our Savior ought to feel as natural as breathing; unfortunately though, sometimes it doesn't.  That's because prayer takes practice, and practice is work!  But, if we can ever get to the place in our walks with Christ that we grasp just how much we are loved, casting our burdens upon Jesus won't seem like a chore.  It will be a burning need.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 9
II Peter 1

Saturday, February 8th

 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.  Proverbs 8:13

When we fear The Lord, genuinely reverencing His holiness as we ought,  it will be obvious; by what we like but also by what we DON'T LIKE.  Today's verse explains that to dislike evil, pride, arrogance, evil ways, and frowardness will be a natural fruit of the honoring fear we hold for The Lord.  What do I mean by "honoring fear"?  We ought not to fear God like we fear spiders or flying; rather, the word is better described as respect.  This kind of fear is not a shaking-in-your-shoes terror but a quiet, calm reverence.  God is our Father, and He is a loving Father.  There is no reason to fear One Who loves us like He loves us.  He seeks only our best, girls.  He is the kindest, most gentle Father, nurturing His children with tender compassion.
The fear that should be within each of us is a peaceful respect that will lead us to naturally hate that which He hates.  All of the things today's verse lists are pretty self-explanatory, except for one word that I wanted to call your attention to.  Froward.  I've heard this word mispronounced as forward, and we all know what that means.  But, the word froward means being habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition.  In other words, rebellious.  If we plug that definition into the verse, we realize that the Lord hates a rebellious mouth.  Words or tones that are sassy and insolent are not pleasing to the Lord.  Let's be careful to not be froward in our speech.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 8
I Peter 5

Friday, February 7th

And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.  I Peter 4:8

We learned some time back that the Bible word for love is charity, and that is what today's verse talks about.  The word fervent means fiery or excited, and Christians are to have that kind of passionate love one to another.  I don't mean a romantic love but a selfless, brotherly-sisterly type of love.  We are to love deeply and show that love in active, visual ways.  Most of you, Beautiful Girls, are passionate about life in general, and it is evident in the way you play sports!  Loving passionately means that you are willing to take risks.  I don't mean foolish risks---like allowing yourself to get involved with someone who doesn't love your God or share your values.  That's more than foolish---it's plain dumb.  But, the risk I am talking about involves ministering to others and loving passionately when those same people will not return that love or appreciate the sacrifices of ministry.  

This type of love does not come naturally, girls.  It's a love that must be practiced and a fire that must be stoked.  With Valentine's Day right around the corner, everyone's mind is on love---but not necessarily love that is Christ-honoring.   The last part of today's verse says something else about this fervent, passionate love called charity.  The Bible tells us that this type of love covers a multitude of sins.  I truly don't believe the Lord is teaching us to cover up someone's wrongdoing; that won't help them, and it won't help us, either.  But, when the Scripture tells us that charity covers sin, I believe it to mean that when we love deeply and passionately, we will be willing to look over others' slight faults.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 7
I Peter 4

Thursday, February 6th

Yesterday we talked about the word "sexy", how the clothing marketers are using that word in the design of most of their clothing selections, and how it is in direct contradiction to the Word of God.

Now, today I'm going to blow your mind!  Yesterday I explained that it is not God's will for women to flaunt their sexuality, and that is Scriptural (I Peter 1:15).  However, being sexy IS being holy, under certain circumstances.  "Say what, Mrs. Kim???" I can see all of your minds spinning:-)  Well, before some of you go into cardiac arrest, let me explain!

Many ladies believe that being sexy or even desiring to be sexy is wicked and definitely the opposite of holy.  But, wait a minute!  God created our sexuality!  And, He did so with a purpose in mind.

The book of the Song of Solomon is filled with examples of human sexuality.  But, there's just one thing:  the examples are all about a husband and a wife!  So, being sensual or sexy is appropriate and even pure in God's eyes (Hebrews 13:14) between a married couple.  It is not unholy or in the least bit sinful to celebrate our sexuality within the boundaries God has set forth---the marriage commitment.  If you are not married, then God expects you to save your sexual, sensual, and feminine desires for your future husband.  That means the garments that draw attention to your breasts, your rear, or your legs need to be saved for your husband alone.

Looking sexy is not a sin, girls, until you use your sensuality to bring pleasure to eyes that are not yours to pleasure.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 6
I Peter 3

Wednesday, February 5th

As we have periodically done so over the last year, today we will revisit our modesty series.

There's an underlying word in the clothing choices on the market today.  Who can guess the one word I'm thinking?  It may not be a word that is spoken aloud by the marketers or the stores themselves, but there is a single adjective that describes what vendors are looking for in ladies apparel. 


And, there's no age division either.  I've seen the same slinky, short skirts offered in the little girls' section as in the older women's.  So, what does this word sexy mean?  It is defined as doing, saying, or wearing anything that draws attention to my sexuality.  Another word for sexy is "sensual".  Clothing that draws the eye to particular parts of a woman's body parts, like her breasts, her rear, or her legs might be considered sexy clothing.  Our society as a whole is sex-crazed, and as evil men wax worse and worse (II Timothy 3:13), the sexual appetites will only get worse. 

However, the Bible gives us a direct contradiction for how God expects His children to behave:

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
Nobody wants to walk around covered from head to toe with only your eyes showing.  But, I don't believe that's what the Lord is asking either.  Culture changes, girls, and it is not wrong to dress according to your culture---as long as your culture's dress isn't in direct opposition to what we know to be Biblical modesty. 
Using the above definition for sexy, how do your clothing choices compare? 
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 5
I Peter 2



Tuesday, February 4th

Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;  But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:  I Peter 1:18-19

When you consider exactly how much our redemption cost the Savior, our lives offered for His service is still a very small return.  If our salvation could have been purchased with money, that surely wouldn't have been an issue.  God created silver and gold--two of this world's most precious commodities--yet, our souls couldn't have been redeemed with so small a payment.  You see, girls, our salvation was purchased with what was most precious to God, the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.  Our adoption cost Christ everything!  And, it truly broke the Father's heart.  In the darkness of the crucifixion hour, the Father turned His back on Jesus.  In His loneliest hour, He was forsaken.  He hung alone for crimes committed by you and me.  His blood flowed freely, mixing with the painful agony of knowing that even though He was paying the ultimate cost, many would still reject Him.  

The Bible speaks of Christ's blood being precious.  I ask you today: is Jesus' blood precious?  By definition, the word "precious" means having great value or price.  You were/are precious to the Savior, and He has proven the genuineness of His love.  How precious to you is Jesus' blood?   Remember this: if you are important enough to die for, isn't He important enough to live for?

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 4
I Peter 1

Monday, February 3rd

We've all heard Pastor say that, "Bitterness is like drinking poison yourself and hoping someone else dies."  Having bitterness in your heart will always result in negative emotions for you.  But, bitterness doesn't start out that way.  At first, it starts out with just a small seed.  Perhaps hurt feelings or jealousy.  But, bitterness doesn't begin as full-blown hatred.  It's origin is within the word called "grudge".  A grudge is a persistent feeling of ill-will that is the result of a past insult or injury.  There are some people who have very forgiving spirits; they easily extend grace time and again.  Yet other people do not forgive easily.  They harbor and even nurse hard feelings.  But, girls, for our own emotional protection, we have to offer forgiveness.

1.)  Forgiveness is as much a gift to ourselves as it is to those who have hurt us.
2.)  We cannot expect others' or God's forgivenss (for which we need daily!!), if we are not willing to extend our forgiveness to others.  Mark 11:26.
3.)  It is not a suggestion.  God commands us to forgive.  Mark 11:25

Don't hold grudges, sweet girls.  

Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.  James 5:9

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 3
James 5

Sunday, February 2nd: Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

To the Glory of God with the Guys – Purity Part 8

“Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.  Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” ~ 1 Corinthians 7:1, 2

The last thing about purity that is on my heart is this matter of physical touch.  The Bible is pretty clear about this – God does not want a man touching a woman unless he is married to her.  The same is true for a woman, not to touch a man except her husband.  Why does God say this?

Look at what verse 2 says – “…to avoid fornication…”.  Physical touch leads to fornication.  Really, Mrs. Lois, that’s a pretty broad, definite statement.  Then why did God put this in the Bible?  He is trying to give us guidelines, girls, to help protect our physical purity.  He is trying to clue us in that being comfortable with guys touching us is not healthy.  Remember how we talked about being desensitized?  If I as an unmarried girl/woman don’t mind guys touching or handling me, even if they’re not doing so in a “sexual” or suggestive manner…what will I do when some guy who I’m not married to DOES do that?  Will I shrug it off like all the other times a guy has touched me?  

God does not want you to get to that point.  He is trying to help you realize that it is better for you not to touch guys, and guys not to touch you, because it leads to physical sin.  Guys love to touch girls.  And, if a girl lets a guy touch her in a non-sexual way, and she doesn’t say anything, pretty soon, he will try to touch her in areas that he has no business touching.

But that’s ridiculous!  The guys I hang out with are not thinking that way about me!  And I certainly am not thinking about them like that…they’re all goofs anyway.  I would NEVER do something like that!

Oh girls – that’s where the danger lies.  In thinking we can handle something.  In thinking we can keep the power of sexual drives under control.  In thinking we would never do something like that.  The Bible states it very simply: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” ~ 1 Corinthians 10:12

But where are we supposed to draw the line?  How do we really know how far is too far? God didn’t leave any room for doubt.  He said “touch.”  I would rather take God seriously on this one and just not let guys touch me, rather than come up with my own definition of what God really meant by “touch.”

I maintained this rule for myself of “no touch” growing up, girls.  I can speak from experience.  Do you know what I found?  Guys did not mess with me.  Guys respected me.  Guys would go out of their way to hold the door open for me when they would not do so for other girls in my youth group.  Guys treated me like a princess.

And I was happy!  I did not long for a guy to slap my shoulder or hang all over me.  I did not need to hug a guy to feel emotionally secure.  I did not even touch Bro. Josh until our wedding day – even though we were engaged for 8 months!  Why?  Because I trusted God’s judgment more than I trusted my own.

This post is longer than usual, I know, and I hope that some of it makes sense to you.  It is a “touchy” subject (no pun intended! :) because non-sexual physical contact between guys and girls is so “normal” in today’s world.  A lot of good, Christian people would probably think I am going overboard with the whole “no touch” thing.  But I am not trying to be a fanatic about a personal preference – I am truly trying to show you what God is saying to us in His Word.  Keeping our hands off of guys and keeping guys hands off of us is a huge, helpful step in maintaining our physical purity long-term.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 2
James 4