Wednesday, February 5th

As we have periodically done so over the last year, today we will revisit our modesty series.

There's an underlying word in the clothing choices on the market today.  Who can guess the one word I'm thinking?  It may not be a word that is spoken aloud by the marketers or the stores themselves, but there is a single adjective that describes what vendors are looking for in ladies apparel. 


And, there's no age division either.  I've seen the same slinky, short skirts offered in the little girls' section as in the older women's.  So, what does this word sexy mean?  It is defined as doing, saying, or wearing anything that draws attention to my sexuality.  Another word for sexy is "sensual".  Clothing that draws the eye to particular parts of a woman's body parts, like her breasts, her rear, or her legs might be considered sexy clothing.  Our society as a whole is sex-crazed, and as evil men wax worse and worse (II Timothy 3:13), the sexual appetites will only get worse. 

However, the Bible gives us a direct contradiction for how God expects His children to behave:

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
Nobody wants to walk around covered from head to toe with only your eyes showing.  But, I don't believe that's what the Lord is asking either.  Culture changes, girls, and it is not wrong to dress according to your culture---as long as your culture's dress isn't in direct opposition to what we know to be Biblical modesty. 
Using the above definition for sexy, how do your clothing choices compare? 
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 5
I Peter 2




  1. Sexy=not something we should strive to be.

  2. Very true, being sexy is not something we need to try to achieve.
