To the Glory of God on Pinterest
“Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.”
~ 2 Corinthians 8:21
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” ~ Philippians 4:8
Pinterest – the other day I saw someone label it as “fantasy football for girls”. :) Haha! Most of you know that I LOVE Pinterest --- it’s what I do to relax…or, here recently, I have found that it is great company in overcoming jet-lag :D. There are so many cool things I’ve learned on there, recipes I’ve tried, photo ideas I’ve obtained, clothing wish-lists I’ve created… :) Just like with anything else online, though, there is definitely plenty of bad on Pinterest. You don’t even have to search something bad to pull up a bad image; it is startling sometimes how easily I come across pictures of half-naked women (in bathing suits, workout clothes, or sexy every-day clothes), crude jokes, or things pertaining to witchery.
Stuff like this might not tempt us or cause us to sin…but what if our dad glances at Pinterest over our shoulder? What if one of our church deacons were to look at our Pinterest profile? Would there be things on there that might cause them to lust? Sometimes, pins lead to websites with vulgar things on them, even if the pin itself is not bad. How do we avoid stuff like this?
If something pops up in my Pinterest newsfeed that I would not want my husband to see (because it would cause him to lust), I click on that pin’s board and “Unfollow” it.
Recently I’ve been going through my “Following” list and individually going through each person’s Pinterest boards, “unfollowing” any boards that would probably have unholy images in them. There’s even a few people I had to completely “unfollow” because the majority of their pins were not wholesome.
I do my best not to pin any pins that have questionable pictures or words.
If I click on a pin of mine and realize that it leads to a bad website, I immediately delete that pin!
This post is not trying to say that pinning whatever we want on Pinterest is wrong. No - this post goes right along with “lawful versus expedient”, like with my Celtic Woman example. My desire here is to try to help us understand that we can be active in guarding against the desensitizing of our hearts. Even as a married woman, I still take things like this seriously. If you make a habit of surrounding yourself with pure things now, doing so as a wife (and thus the keeper of your home someday!) will be natural to you.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 16
I John 4
We could use this same logic for Facebook, twitter, myspace ect...
ReplyDeleteSocial media sites are something to definitely use discretion with