Glorifying God As Women
When I was a teenager, the LORD used a sermon at camp to point out to me a very sad, disgraceful story of two sisters in the Bible. Please take the time to read through Ezekiel 23, the entire chapter. Here are some of the ungodly things that God said these sisters did:
They committed multiple sexual sins – whoredom, fornication, prostitution
They defiled their bodies through the religious practices of the men they had relationships with
They engaged in sexual sin as young, unmarried women
They admired pictures of men
They eventually lusted after these pictures of men so much that they “had to have” sex with them
They continued as adults in the sins they had committed as young women
They sacrificed their children to the gods of heathen lands
While still in sin, they acted like they were still in tune with God
They put on excess makeup and jewelry for the sole purpose of attracting “sexy” men
They used things set apart for worship of God to enhance their sexual experiences
They got to the point that they would engage in sexual sins with anyone and everyone
What a terrible chapter! Today what I want to exhort us with is this: do you see how one or more of these things are normal in our society today? I am not talking about people of this world – this chapter is about two sisters who knew exactly who God was and even pretended to be pious women. God is trying to show us here what kind of women we should NOT be.
Though a sickening chapter to study, it is an important one for us to think about. Sin usually begins with “a little harmless ___________”. Let us now, while we’re still young, think about what we allow into our life and ask the LORD if it would one day lead us to sin. Doing some self-examination now can save you from a life of sorrow and deceit!
I do not know your own stories firsthand. Each of us probably have things in our past (or maybe present) that we would not want people at church to know about. My exhortation today is that we would be willing to let go of whatever it is that is keeping us from being the opposite of what these two sisters were. Remember that God knows all about us, even if no one else does – and just like He did with these two sisters, He will hold us accountable for the way we live our lives.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 9
Revelation 16
Wow what a great example of how not to act as young ladies.