Thursday, March 6th

By the power of God, Moses has changed the water into blood, brought frogs up from the Nile River, seen dust turned into lice, called forth swarms of flies, witnessed a very grievous disease among the cattle, sheep, oxen, and donkeys of the Egyptians,  beheld huge boils on both men and beast in Egypt,  called for hail and fire from heaven,  stood amazed at the devastation from the bands of locusts, and finally, announced that darkness would envelope Egypt.  The plagues did not change Pharaoh's mind, and at a certain point, his mind was beyond changing.  Because he would not repent, God used his hardened heart for the revealing of His power.

After nine catastrophic disasters, Pharaoh was so mad he commanded Moses and Aaron to leave his presence and to never return.  The final plague ensured that they never would.  

 And Moses said, Thus saith the Lord, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt: And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.  Exodus 11:4-5

The last plague would not involve any loss of property.  It wouldn't cost Egypt a single penny in replacement.  But, the toll in human, gut-wrenching, raw emotion would be measureless.  From the firstborn son of Pharaoh to the firstborn of the lowliest slave, there would be no difference.  Can you just for one moment imagine that you are in Egypt on this night.  Do you hear the piercing screams from  mothers finding the lifeless bodies of their precious boys?  The agony of their fathers driven to their knees in desperation?  Tragic.  Senseless.  You see, even in this awful judgment, there was a way of redemption.  The blood of a lamb had to be put above the doors of those who believed what Moses had said would happen.  

 The Lord promised the children of Israel deliverance, and Pharaoh learned that though he was the most powerful man in the country, he was powerless in the hands of the Almighty.  

We know how this Bible story ends.  The children of Israel were literally driven f rom Egypt with money, jewels, and other valuables from Egypt.  Freedom is what God's people were promised, and freedom is what they were given.  It didn't come quickly or easily.  But, it did come.  In the same way, God promises us deliverance and freedom.  Sometimes that promise may take time to come to fruition, but just as sure as His promise was to the children of Israel, His promises to us are just as solid.  When you are tempted to worry and wonder why The Lord is not moving to free you from the  troubles that plague you, consider that He may be dealing with your "pharaoh"  to show Himself worthy and powerful.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 6
Revelation 13


  1. This series has been wonderful, Mrs. Kim! I never heard the ten plagues compared to the every-day throes of life. Thank you for this ministry <3

  2. I have benefited so much from this series, thank you!
