Sunday, October 6th

For the next few days, we're going to take Proverbs 6, verses 16-19, and break them into segments. 
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Many are bold in proclaiming the goodness of God and seem to take offense when God's righteous anger over our sin is illustrated.  "Surely a God of love could never be angry," some would argue.  This flies directly in the face of Scripture.  Consider Psalm 7:11,

God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.
The very first thing we must grasp is that God's anger and our anger are two very different things.  God's anger is righteous and holy; our anger is inward, based on pride.  Our anger must be repented of; God's anger is always right, and He has never needed nor will ever stand in need of repentance. 
That said, let's begin with verse 16 of Proverbs 6. 
These six things doth the LORD hate...A proud look...
Pride is the very first thing listed that displeases the Lord.  A proud look doesn't have to be outward either.  We can have a proud look in our hearts.  Pride lifts up and inflates.  It is the attitude that we are better than someone else.  We can be proud of our station in life, our intellectual ability, and in many cases, our spiritual position.  We forget so quickly that we haven't always been saved and that apart from the grace of God, our lives would be in shambles.
Lord, help us to remember that even at our best, we have no right to glory in any accomplishment, any victory, any mercy that we've been given.  May we be young ladies wholly given to the humble acknowledgement that it is by your grace alone that we even have breath in our bodies.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
Acts 15


  1. It IS by the grace of God that I am who I am. I could just as easily have been born to a homeless family. I have been blessed. I hope I never get to the place where I am prideful.

  2. I do get a bit prideful at times, and it it's something I pray God will help me work on. It is because of Him that i am so very blessed!

  3. Pride is something we all fight in some shape or form - but praise God, we CAN overcome it in the power of His Spirit!
