Thursday, October 17th

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Hebrews 11:7
We've all heard the sweet Sunday school song of the Lord telling Noah to build him an arky, arky...If you haven't heard it, let me know.  I'll have Mrs. Lois sing it for us;-)  Noah is a widely-known spiritual giant with most people having a general understanding of his testimony.  However, you may never have heard some of the details of Genesis' intriguing account of Noah's walk with God.

Noah was absolutely a man of great faith.  He lived during a time when sin had so exploded and was so widespread that the Lord had to destroy everything He had made. 
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Genesis 6:6.
Because Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Gen. 6:8), Noah was told of God's plan to destroy the whole world with a torrential flood.  He was told to prepare for the day that God would judge mankind by preaching the way to be saved (II Peter 2:5).  It must also be mentioned that at this time, rain had never before fallen from the sky, so a comprehension of the word "flood" was minimal.  I'm not sure even Noah understood how completely devastating God's judgment would be; yet, he obeyed.  He built everything exactly as God instructed.  For more than a hundred years, Noah built the ark.  I'm certain he faced ridicule and hardship---yet, he worked on, fully persuaded that what God promised to do was going to happen.  Finally the day came that the Lord told Noah to board the ark.  Noah and his wife, their three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their sons' wives walked onto the boat and waited.  And waited.  They must have wondered if they'd lost their minds when after 6 days of being on the ark, there was still no rain.  Yet, the ark was sealed, girls.  The door was sealed by God's own hand.  There they were, safe and sound in the ark.  But, no rain.  Then on the 7th day after their entry into the ark, the distinct sound of raindrops could be heard.  Perhaps at first it was a sprinkle; perhaps not.  Maybe all of a sudden the bottom just fell out and rain poured from the sky while also spewing up from the ground.  It was the worst of storms, you can be certain.  And, all the while, Noah and his family were safe and sound---inside the ark.  The ark is a picture of safety, girls.  Noah, his wife, their 3 sons and their wives all found a haven inside the ark and were spared the judgment that fell to all the world.  In the exact way, those who are in Christ have found a haven.  One who has placed his trust in Jesus for salvation need not fear the wrath of God's judgment.  Just as the Lord kept safe those who had placed their trust in Him during Noah's day, you can be sure He will protect and provide for His children now.
Noah, a preacher of righteousness, found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  When all the world around him laughed and lived riotously, Noah and his family obeyed God, openly showed the way for salvation to any who would listen, and built.  All the world around us in our generation are living foolishly, wickedly, and in direct disobedience to God.  When God's judgment falls this time, will you be found openly sharing the path of salvation to any willing to listen, building solid homes and churches, and safe in the ark of Jesus?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 17
Acts 26

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful reminder that Jesus is our ark. Our safe Haven.
