Wednesday, October 2nd

So many times I've thought of my mama.  Sweet memories.  Precious times shared.  We were close...very close.  And, I miss her dearly, but I don't want today's devotion to be clouded by my nostalgic memories of a lady who truly sacrificed so much for me. 

I suppose by the world's standards, I would have been considered a "good girl".  I always made curfew, she always knew exactly where I was, and it grieved me to cause her pain.  In fact, I can only remember telling her an outright lie one time.  I'm certain I lied many, many more times, but the one time I remember, my dishonesty hurt her heart.  I can remember the way she looked at me, and the tears that she tried to hide.  It wasn't the lie that broke her heart.  It was the fact that I wanted my own way so much I was willing to lie to get it.  It was selfishness---plain and simple.  I've thought of that day time and time again and wished I had done things differently. 

The Scriptures tell us,

Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Deuteronomy 5:16
Many equate this verse with Ephesians 6:1,
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

And, while children are to obey, there is a stark difference between honor and obedience.  The Merriam-Webster online dictionary helps us understand the two words' definitions.  Honor is respect that is given to someone who is admired.  Obedience is being willing to do what someone tells you to do or to follow a law or a rule.  Although for the most part I obeyed my parents, I can honestly say that I didn't do all that I should have to honor them.  To help you better understand, obedience-in- practice is behavior observed when your parents are present or will have opportunity to find out what you said or how you acted.  Honor-in-practice is behavior that chooses to do as your parents have asked EVEN when you believe they'll never know the difference. 

The day I lied to my mama----I didn't obey or honor.  And, I'm remorsefully sorry...even thirty years later.  Obey your mama cheerfully, girls; you'll be so thankful you did.  But, do more than obey; honor her.  It will be worth more than all the wealth in the world for her.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 2
Acts  12


  1. I can honestly say I do try to honor my mama. I know that there have been times where I broke her heart. By the Grace of God I am going to try not to do it again.

  2. So true, Mrs. Kim. The older I get the more I realize how many times I dishonored my parents as a teen, especially...even if I didn't disobey them all those times! It scares me to think of how I have affected my entire life by dishonoring my parents - and makes me all the more aware of how important it is now for me to honor my husband.

  3. I don't want to ever dishonor my mother, she has done so much for me! I need to always give her the respect she deserves!
