We've spent the last few devotions talking about what gifts we should receive from ourselves. Even though Christmas should be a time for giving to others, in all truth, when we give these particular gifts to ourselves, we really are giving to others in the long-run. So far, we've covered:
1.) Purity
2.) Forgiveness
3.) Peace
And, today, the gift of releasing yourself from burdensome expectations. Many times, it's not even others' expectations, but those which we place upon ourselves. There was a time in my life that I expected (and demanded) perfection in the cleaning of our home---especially when we were having guests over. I'll be honest, I still like the house to be clean, even when we are not having anybody over. But, the Lord has gently, lovingly helped me release some of that unrealistic expectation. And, you know what, it's been so much better for me---and I'm sure for my children and husband!
Are there areas in your life that you have placed unrealistic importance? Are you a perfectionist missing the real joy in simple, day-to-day life because you're concerned over what you won't even remember 2 years from now?
But Martha was cumbered about much serving,
Luke 10:40
Martha's sister, Mary, got it right in this passage. She realized what was important on this day (just enjoying the fellowship with the Lord). Martha struggled and fumed because she wanted everything to be "just so". The funny thing is, nobody remembers what Martha served that day or whether her home was immaculate. They just remember Mary---the one who put everything aside to listen to Jesus.
This Christmas, ask the Lord to reveal to you the areas where you are obsessive/compulsive. Our far-too-high expectations are hurting no one but ourselves, and life truly is such a short journey. Let's not spend this Christmas worrying about stuff that really doesn't matter anyway.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 21
Colossians 1
They say that your biggest criticizer is yourself. In my case that is true. I need look to God for help in the areas that I expect way to much.