We've stepped out-of-the-box, so to speak, in this series of devotions and talked some about giving ourselves gifts this year. The presents that we bestow upon ourselves this Christmas will not only bless our own lives but enrich the lives of others, too. So far, we've covered:
1.) Purity
2.) Forgiveness
3.) Peace
4.) Personal release from unrealistic expectations
The last gift I'd like for you to give yourself is to love people for who the Lord made them to be and not who we wish they were. It's so easy to pick apart someone's imperfections and flawed character traits, isn't it? We readily see what other people need to change in themselves but rarely see our own faults as quickly. We absolutely expect more from others than we are willing to expect from ourselves. I want people to love me, sure I do, even when I'm cross, impatient, and speak when I shouldn't. I just chalk those things up to my humanity and expect others to understand that we all make mistakes. When I apologize, I want them to readily forgive and not only forgive but to desire my fellowship again quickly. But, oh, when the shoe is on the other foot! When others are moody, lazy, and callous, it's definitely not understanding compassion that crosses my mind. But, you see, girls, those little "character flaws" may not be imperfections at all. Rather they could be traits given by the Lord to be channeled and directed for God's glory. For example, when someone is laid-back and easy-going, we might automatically assume he/she is not very self-driven. Perhaps that slow-to-react personality might be better viewed as "patient", a trait well-pleasing to God.
This Christmas, think of that one person who gets under your skin. Is it really that person or the fact that he/she doesn't act exactly like you think he/she should? Love them. Not for who they aren't but for who they are.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 22
Colossians 2
These gifts to ourselves are great, Mrs. Kim!