Sunday, December 29th

Well, tomorrow is the day, girls!  I pray that this camp will be our best ever and that we will see all of you making decisions for Christ that will be cemented in your hearts until the Lord returns.

Earlier in the year, I told you that I'd be randomly covering modesty in our clothing choices.  It's definitely not an issue that I want to dominate this Beautiful Girlhood blog, but it is an issue that is relevant in your (our) lives.  So, with that in mind, I came across this very concise list of guidelines written by Michelle Hyatt to help us make those last minute decisions about whether we ought to wear something or not.  I thought the list was practical, and I hope that it will help each of you, too.  

1.)  If you have trouble getting into or out of it, it is probably not modest.
2.)  If you have to be careful when you sit down or bend over, it is probably not modest.
3.)  If people look at any part of your body before looking at your face, it is probably not modest.
4.)  If you can see your most private body parts or an outline of those parts under the fabric, it is probably not modest.

Hmmm, thought provoking, right?  As you are planning what to wear to camp this week, consider the motivation for those choices. 

Let's have a great week, sweet girls.  I'm so excited for the privilege of being with you for the next 3 days!
  Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 29
I Thessalonians 5

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