Sunday, April 27th

Girls, today will be the last time that you will find the daily blog on this site.  Mrs. Lois will be restructuring our Beautiful Girlhood devotions and the blog.  She will make sure you have the correct web address for the new site.  It will be going through the Lock Haven web page, so be watchful for the start date.

Today's last entry is not so much of a devotion as it is an exhortation to each of you.  When I say that "I exhort" you, it means I am encouraging you.  Maybe even a better word for exhort is to beg.  And, I have absolutely no shame in begging you girls to serve God because I know the grief and heartache that choosing another path will bring you.  Choosing to serve the Lord is for you advantage---not God's.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."  III John 1:4

No matter what new ministries may unfold at Lock Haven; no matter which direction the Lord may choose to lead us, my heart will always be very passionate about my teen girls.  I love each of you and will be praying that you will yield your lives as instruments of righteousness for Christ's glory.

By His grace,
~Mrs. Kim

Saturday, April 26th

I've always loved this verse because it reminds me that our lives have seasons, too.  Sometimes it seems like everything is fresh, new, and blooming---like spring.  Other times it may seem like our days are like a bitter cold that never seems to end.  Whatever season you're passing through right now, it's important to remember that there is a purpose.

God is using the 'season' you're in for a very determined plan in your life.   So many times, we rush through the dry spells or the seasons of flooding because those aren't pleasant times.  But, unless we learn to find the blessing in the season, we are likely to see it again and again until we do.  

This is a precious passage of Scripture, and I'd encourage you to read it in its entirety.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? 
… Ecclesiastes 3:1-9

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 13
Proverbs 26

Friday, April 25th

What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others.  Mark 12:9

In Mark 12, we are given the example of a man who planted a vineyard.  He hired "husbandmen" to tend his vineyard.  He paid them a salary; they worked for the lord of the vineyard and answered to him for the work that they did or did not do.  One day he sent a servant so that he could receive of the fruit of his own vineyard.  Instead of receiving the profit of his own vineyard, his servants were abused and mistreated.  That is where our verse for today comes in.  What do you think happened to the servants who didn't do what they were hired to do?  Quite simply: the lord of the vineyard used other workers to do the job.  

What job are you supposed to be doing that you are in danger of losing?  Remember, Jesus is the Lord of the vineyard, and if you have trusted Christ as your Savior, He has every right to plan your life and use you for His glory.  If you are behaving as these husbandmen did, do not be surprised when the Lord chooses to use someone else because of your refusal to tend His vineyard with care.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 12
Proverbs 25

Thursday, April 24th

"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works…"  Proverbs 24:11-12

The Lord knows our hearts, dear girls.  He knows what motivates us and what we struggle with most.  And, He absolutely knows what we try so hard to keep hidden from everyone else.  Mean-spiritedness, uncharitable attitudes, and plain out selfish desires drive us often.  Yet, He loves us.  But, today's verse makes it very clear that The Lord Jesus is the Keeper of our souls and He ponders our hearts; He will reward us for how we serve Him, girls...whether good or bad.  

I hope that when He looks upon my heart today and considers the reasons why I am doing what I'm doing that He is blessed.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 11
Proverbs 24

Wednesday, April 23rd

" … Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. …"  Mark 10:24-25

None of us would admit that we 'trust' in our riches, especially to get us to heaven.   That seems foolish to even consider, and yet some people do believe their money can secure them everlasting life in heaven.  Money has never been a prerequisite for salvation, and it has absolutely nothing to do with whether a person knows Jesus as Savior.  

Scripture says that it is difficult for a rich man to go to heaven.  Why is that?  Because sometimes money changes people.  And, when you are so given to worrying about riches, it is difficult to let go of the "security" that you can see in order to trust in One Whom you cannot see.

I'd rather have the peace of God than all the money in the world.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 10
Proverbs 23

Tuesday, April 22nd

I read a devotion by Nancy Leigh DeMoss this week, and the thought for today's devotion is based on that article.  Mrs. DeMoss asks a question, "How can I attract a guy without flirting?"  From Scripture we understand that a flirtatious attitude is not pleasing to the Lord.  It is unfair to young men who are easily deceived, and it is unfair to yourself.  "Teasing" can take on many forms---tossing your hair a certain way, batting your eyelashes, playing dumb.  All of these can be considered flirting.  But, if a girl shouldn't flirt, how does she go about attracting the right kind of attention?

Any young man who is worthy of your affection would not seriously want a girl to fall all over herself to get to him.  I've never met a young man who wanted to be in a relationship with a girl who chased him.  Oh, sure, every young man enjoys that kind of attention and will use it to his advantage, but when he begins to consider a serious relationship, it's not going to be with the girl who puts herself out there on display for every guy willing to flirt back.

So, how do you attract the right kind of attention?

1.)  Know how to talk.  Speak intelligently.  Don't ever play 'dumb'.
2.)  Don't be sarcastic.
3.) Don't brag on yourself or your abilities.
4.) Don't be a snob.
5.) Don't be a pharisee.
6.) Don't be afraid to be friendly, but don't cross the line into flirtatious.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 9
Proverbs 22

Monday, April 21st

And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him. 
Mark 8:32

Beginning in verse 31, the Lord Jesus had begun explaining the events that would take place leading to His eventual death by crucifixion.  Peter, being a "fixer" and a definite 'man's man' immediately jumped into defensive mode.  Peter loved the Lord, of this there can be no doubt.  As was his personality, Peter was passionate about His Savior.  And, when faced with what the Lord said would soon come to pass, Peter reverted to what he knew best---reacting with a fleshly response.  I believe Peter meant what he was saying.  In his mind, I think Peter felt like he was ready to die for Jesus.  He wasn't though.  Imagine, the creation correcting the Creator!  

We do the same thing, don't we, girls?  How?  By having to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into doing what we know in our hearts to be the leading of the Lord.  Sometimes it's because God's leading is contrary to what we want; sometimes it's just because we are afraid.  Who can say why Peter reacted the way he did except that he did so honestly believing he'd fight to the death for Jesus.  

Our flesh is just as weak (if not much weaker!) as Peter's.  May we truly be given to allowing Jesus to rule our thoughts and our words.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 21
Mark 8

Sunday, April 20th

Without the resurrection, Christianity would be so much wishful thinking, taking its place alongside all other human philosophy and religious speculation. ~ John MacArthur

Every Sunday, Christians who attend church are recognizing the precedence set by the early church in celebrating Jesus' resurrection from the dead.  But, on this one day of the year, even the lost world recognizes it.  Whether they choose to honor the day is a different story, but they do at least recognize it.   This day should be a comforting reminder to those who have trusted in the finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary that the battle is already won.  In a culture that is wholly given on all sides to every manner of wicked depravity, the reminder of the Resurrection should give us a renewed sense of courage.  Jesus won the battle, girls.  We may have struggles here on earth; we may be misunderstood, abused, forgotten, provoked, and mistreated, but because we belong to Jesus, we are already victorious in our battle.  We just haven't received the trophy yet.  

Christians worship a raised-again, living Savior.  Because He lives, we can indeed face tomorrow.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Mark 7
Proverbs 20

Saturday, April 19th

That John the Baptist was an amazing servant of God can not be disputed.  He lived a life that most of us would call weird and fanatical.  And, although John was firm in his faith, he had times of doubt.  John the Baptist---the forerunner of Christ---had days of doubt.  And, Jesus sent words of comfort to John to reassure him that his faith was well-grounded; that He was the One for Whom John had spent his whole life preparing.'s devotion isn't about John.  It's about Herod's stepdaughter described  in today's chapter, Mark 6.

And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee.   And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom.  And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist.  And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.

When both of these women stand before the Lord to give an account for the murder of John the Baptist, who do you think will be held accountable---the daughter or her mother?  Both, actually.  This is a classic example of a young lady who made a decision on her own to do wrong.  She could have declined her mother's request.  Mrs. Kim, I thought I was always supposed to obey my parents?! It is right to honor your parents, girls.  But, it is never right to do wrong.  I don't believe any of your parents would ever advise you to do anything remotely close to what this girl's mother advised her to do; but, if they did, would you be bound to obey that?

Remember these verses: 

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29

"...let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4

Your obedience to the Lord must be your guide.  I have found that when I obey the Lord with the right spirit, He works everything out with all the other relationships.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 6
Proverbs 19

Friday, April 18th

Mark chapter 5 presents a very stark contrast of the way God's children should act and the way the devil would have people act.  Notice that the demoniac hung out in the graveyard and had been bound with chains.  His behavior was wild and erratic.  Scripture says that he was always crying and cutting himself with stones.  Cutting oneself has become common practice among some of our teens.  I've been told that it's a means of relieving inward, emotional pain.  However, from today's chapter in Mark, cutting himself was a huge identification for this man being wholly controlled by satan.  

Contrast his behavior with his behavior AFTER he met Jesus!  Verse 15 tells us that he was 1.) Clothed. So, it's reasonable to expect that when God changes a person, their clothing changes.  2.) Sitting.  I don't necessarily think that this is referring to his actual posture but rather his manner.  In other words, he wasn't running crazy.  He was calm. 3.) In his right mind.  God's children should have a testimony of being of a sound mind.  

This man needed Christ to make a difference in his life, and the Lord did just that.  He didn't send the man to anger management classes; He didn't put him on medication to calm his nerves.  He freed him from the possession of the devil.

Jesus' presence will make a difference in the lives of those willing to seek Him.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Mark 5
Proverbs 18

Thursday, April 17th

I like to imagine what things must have been like in Bible times.   What was it like to not have air-conditioning or running was it to make your own bread everyday from did the moms of big families ever keep the laundry washed up...just crazy questions like that.  The question that I'm thinking of this week though takes on a whole different aspect of Bible life.  What was it like to be one of the Apostles?

These were the men who had seen the miracles firsthand.  They were the ones who'd felt healing go from the body of Jesus to the body of one begging Him for His touch.  The Apostles knew the Savior intimately.  He'd chosen to share with them little nuggets of truth throughout the 3 1/2 years that He walked the earth ministering.  They'd known the thrill of victory, the challenge of great crowds, and the humbleness of seeing Jesus intervene in people's lives to help them.  They'd been on an emotional high, but they were about to face something far harder than any of them ever thought possible.  

The Lord knew their weakness, and on the night He took them to Gethsemene to pray, He begged them to stand with Him.  One by one, their eyes grew weary and they gave in to sleep.  What was it like to wake up just in time to see the Roman soldiers grab Jesus with crippling force?  Peter, the hothead, reacted swiftly and cruelly, cutting off the ear of the soldier who'd grabbed Jesus.  What must it have felt like to watch the events unfold just like Jesus said they would, realizing that when the Friend of all friends needed you most, you failed Him.  Finally, what was it like to watch the Son of God take His last breath, knowing that He loved you until the very end?  

The Apostles saw what we take by faith.  If you are an "imaginer", what do you think this week meant to believers over 2000 years ago?  What does it mean to us now?

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 4
Proverbs 17

Wednesday, April 16th

Soon it will be Easter weekend, and Christians everywhere will celebrate it as the day that Jesus proved He is Who He said He is.  It's a wonderful time of solemn remembrance of Christ's power and victory over death, hell, and the grave.  Many churches will proclaim the glorious news of the resurrected Lord this weekend, but they will miss a very vital aspect of the resurrection.

In order for there to be a resurrection, there had to be a death.  And, Jesus' death was a horrible, agonizing one.  There aren't enough descriptive words in our language that adequately  depict the excrutiating pain He endured.   God knew that He'd have to turn His back on His only begotten Son, and what makes it even more amazing is that Jesus also knew that He would die all by Himself for your sins and mine.  The resurrection is the hope of Christ's story.  The terrible death He suffered is the sacrificial fulfillment of prophecy.

 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.  
Leviticus 17:11

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.   Hebrews 9:22

Even though the Resurrection exalts our God far above all other false gods, without the blood sacrifice, the Resurrection wouldn't matter.  This Easter, while we celebrate Christ's rising from the dead, let us humbly remember the high cost of that resurrection.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Mark 3
Proverbs 16

Tuesday, April 15th: Guest Writer, Mrs. Pamela Coulter

"Just a thought I want to share with you girls.  On the 2nd day of driving from Florida to our new home in Missouri, after much weaving in and out of CRAZY traffic in places like Birmingham and Memphis, we were driving down the mountain side.  I realized this entire trip, as tense as it was for me, that it could have been worse.  The husband was just ahead in a great big, yellow truck paving the way, talking to me on our 2-way radios with what was ahead and encouragement and not going faster than he felt safe for me!  Then we hit the mountain side in Arkansas!  Every time I thought we were about to the bottom, it got a little steeper and with sharper curves.  While singing and listening to Mrs. Lois and India's Christmas CD, it hit me: this is just life, girl!  Then the following song came to mind so I started singing:
My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, ALL I HAVE TO DO IS FOLLOW!

How easy  it was to let my husband be my total navigator!  It should be just that easy for us to let the Holy Spirit do the same for us.  Don't we just make it hard sometimes?  He is there for us all the time, paving the way and giving us safe direction.  All we have to do is follow.  

I'm working on that.  Love you all so much."

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 15
Mark 2

Monday, April 14th

Our Wednesday night teen club has been doing a "Wonder of God's Creation" series, and I have to say that it's been incredible.  I have literally been in awe of the majesty and intricacy of God's creation.  

What caught my ear in the last session was the lesson on the hummingbird.  My mother always loved hummingbirds, so I guess I'm already a little bit infatuated with them.  But, I truly had no idea of the magnificence of the tiny little bird.  Did you know that a hummingbirds' heart beats 21 times in 1 single second?  What I found simply wonderful though is the coloring of their breast feathers.  It often appears that the feathers themselves are irridescent.  But, this isn't actually the case.  The appearance of the feathers' color is dependent upon the angle of the light shining on the bird.  Isn't that the same with us?  We don't have any beauty of our own; we truly don't.  The Scriptures tell us that the very best we can do is so far from the mark of God's righteousness.  However, when the light of the glory of the Lord shines upon us, it gives us an irridescent glow.  When the world looks at you from various angles, is the glow of Jesus showing on your face and in your attitude?  During the wonderful times of our lives, it's very easy for the Lord's glory to shine through.  But, what about when the world looks at you from the angle of your heartache and sadness?  Does the light of the glory of God shine iridescently then, too?  It should, and by God's grace, it can.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 14
Mark 1

Sunday, April 13th

Kelsi saw the sign that read, "Danger, keep off frozen ice!".  She sat down and thought about how much fun it'd be to skate out there on that ice.  Sure looked solid enough.  At first, she barely put any weight at all on the seemingly-frozen pond.  But, little by little she inched her way out.  The cracking sound came from behind her, and instantaneously, she knew what had happened.  Before she could scramble back to the shore, the ice shattered completely and Kelsi was submerged in frigid ice water.

Being from the south, we don't really identify much with ice-skating and frozen ponds.  But, this story could apply to any dangerous situation.  It applies even more to spiritual circumstances.  Just as Kelsi saw the sign and understood its warning, so we are able to read the warnings in God's Word.  But, for some reason, we just think we will never get far enough out to fall through the spiritul ice.  Kelsi didn't fall through the ice with the first step away from the shore.  And, neither will you wake up one morning addicted to drugs or selling your body.  I know the analysis sounds extreme, but, girls, you must know that none of us are invincible.  With each step away from the shore (our Savior), we are more likely to get far enough out that we will sink.

Kelsi should have never ignored the warning.  You and I shouldn't ignore God's warnings either.  If you're out on thin ice, turn around and go back to the shore before it's too late.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 13
Matthew 28

Saturday, April 12th

For a little Bible trivia, who went to Pilate and asked for the dead body of the Lord Jesus after His crucifixion?  Scripture records it was Joseph from Arimathaea.  We don't know much about him, but the Bible says he was a rich man.  What astounds me is the incredible influence Joseph had on one of the most powerful men of the region.

In order to go before Pilate, Joseph had to have "pull".  He had to have enough sway with Pilate that he could freely petition him for Jesus' body.  No common person would have had that kind of audience with Pilate.  Joseph did.  Imagine what he could have asked for!  Instead of power or prestige, Joseph asked just one favor: the body of His Savior.   We aren't told, but what do you think Joseph's testimony said to Pilate?

There are people in your life with whom you have "pull".  Are you using your influence for Jesus?  Joseph didn't have to go before Pilate and ask for the body Christ.  He would've still been a Christian.  He didn't have to publicly identify with Jesus the way that he did; he would've still been a saved man.  But, Joseph recognized that God wanted to use him for just that purpose at just that time.  

You may not be rich; you may not captivate the powerful of our community.  But, are you using the influence you do have for Jesus' glory?

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 12
Matthew 27

Friday, April 11th

Judging from one article I read about spring fashion this year, it seems like nudes and flesh-based colors are the way to go.  At least in make-up, that is:-)  Some would call those colors neutral---you know, colors that you can match with anything?  I started thinking about that word neutral and how it could apply to our spiritual life.  One thing I'm absolutely persuaded: wearing neutral-colored make-up or clothing is definitely not the same use of the word when applied to our walk with Christ.

You see, one meaning of "neutral" is to be with out bright or strong colors.  Another meaning though, the one that applies to our relationship with God, is to be in the position of not supporting either side of an argument.  While I am not saying Christians ought to argue, I am saying there are definitely some issues where we cannot remain neutral.  Though I am not going to take the time in today's devotion to cover all of these issues, I want to ask you one question:  have you tried to remain "neutral" in your stand for Christ?  Because there can be no middle ground in your walk with the Lord, trying to remain neutral will only cause you frustration.  Girls, you're either on the Lord's side or your not.  If you are a Christian but have chosen to remain silent or neutral on issues that define our Christianity, then you're really not on the Lord's side.  

So, wear the neutral lipstick this spring; don't wear neutral Christianity.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 11
Matthew 26

Thursday, April 10th

To satisfy my curiosity, I did a survey among random guys to find their best and worst character traits in a lady.  Not surprisingly, their answers lined up pretty well with Scripture.  You see, what the guys listed as undesirable traits is already listed as undesirable by the Lord in His holy Word.  Although my motivation in doing this survey wasn't to "prove God right", that is exactly what my research did.  

The top two offending characteristics in my survey were dishonesty and pride.  Not surprisingly, those two traits also top God's list.  What about the best traits in a girl though?  We covered that in the survey as well.

One of the things I found when I looked at the guys' answers was that they all listed some form of "kindness" as one of their top 5.  Not all of them used the word "kindness"; some used words like "friendly" and "loving", but you get the idea.   Now, what about God's list?  Is kindness listed anywhere in God's top 5?  Mmmmm-hmmmm.  You bet it is.

 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.  Proverbs 31:26

 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.  Ephesians 4:32

There are many more references to "kindness" in Scripture, and I would encourage you to do a word study to see how often kindness is actually linked to the character of God.  Even so, it is a trait God would like to grow in his children, too.  How do I know that?  Galatians 5:22-23 lists "gentleness" as a fruit of the Spirit.  Gentleness and kindness are two different words, but they have similar meanings.  I have found that the two go hand-in-hand.  I don't find myself being kind without being gentle, and for sure, there is no gentleness apart from kindness.

So, girls, when you're thinking about what to put on today, try on an outfit of kindness.  I think you'll find it matches just about everything;-)  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 10
Matthew 25

Wednesday, April 9th

In yesterday's devotion, I shared one of the top 5 things that God and most men find most offensive in a lady.  We will continue with that thought today.

In yesterday's devotion, we learned that dishonesty and its effects are devastating for relationships.  Dishonesty destroys trusts.  Today I'd like you to consider another undesirable trait that the men in my survey found offensive:  pride.  Now, to be honest, this trait wasn't called pride when the men were asked to participate. Rather it was termed "snobby", "conceited", and "stuck-up".  Whatever it is called, it'd be fair to say that God is against it because it is nothing more than arrogance.  

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.  Proverbs 11:2

There's nothing uglier than someone who's beautiful or extremely talented and they know it.  Not only do they know it, but they ensure everyone else does, too. 

A girl's pride is mocking and cruel.  None of us have one single reason to be proud.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 9
Matthew 24

Tuesday, April 8th

After asking several gentlemen to list their 5 most undesirable traits in a lady, I found their answers both convicting and confirming.  Convicting because what these guys found offensive is exactly what God tells us in His Word that is most offensive to Him.

Across the board, all of the men gave one of the same traits that bothered them in ladies: dishonesty.  Why would dishonesty top the list?  For one simple reason: if you do not have trust, you do not have the basic building block for any relationship.  If you are dishonest, you cannot build trust.  The Bible uses the word 'dishonest' in several passages.  But, more often throughout the Scriptures, we see the word 'lying' or 'lie'.  It shouldn't surprise us that since it tops most men's list of most undesirable traits, it also tops God's.  Proverbs 6:17 lists seven things that the Lord hates.  You guessed it, lying is in the top 7.  

Men (and women, too!) hate lying or dishonesty because it breaks down trust.  It divides and destroys.  

"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty,"   II Corinthians 4:1-2

As believers in Christ, we need to renounce dishonesty and beg God to help us be truthful in word and deed.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 8
Matthew 23

Monday, April 7th

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.  I Thessalonians 5:14
Girls, this verse speaks volumes about our Christian walk.  In one short sentence, we are admonished to speak plainly with those who act like heathens, to be compassionate toward the hurting, to give of ourselves to those who have no strength of their own, and to be longsuffering.  The last part of the verse, to be patient toward all men, is what I'd like for you to consider today.
Being patient means to bear trials calmly, even when it's a strain to do so.  Patience also means that you make conscious decisions to NOT be hasty in either decisions or actions.  When we say "patience" we assume we know what it means.  But, being patient has so many facets, and yet, patience is something the Lord expects of His children. 
We've heard children who want what they want when they want it.  Some of my own kids were more impatient than others.  I think of Drew's example.  One day he wanted a cookie, and he sweetly asked for it.  I was caught up with something and kept saying, "Just a minute, baby.  I'll get it."  But, the more I put it off, the worse his impatience became.  He was little, not even 3-years-old at the time.  And, I will admit, he had the normal level of patience of a child that age.  After asking for at least 5 times and being told to hold on, he finally said one long sentence, "Iwannacookieiwannacookieiwannacookieiwannacookie...."  It definitely got my attention because I was laughing!  But, I think that's how we are with God sometimes. 
Think of someone to whom you've not been very patient this week.  Perhaps it's your mom who didn't realize you were having an off day and her chatter caused you to speak too sharply.  Maybe your sister who didn't put your straightening iron away after using it (AGAIN!).  A friend, a church member, the lady at the there anybody that the Lord brings to your mind that you you've wounded by not being as patient as you could have been?
What a thrill...God's mercy is so good and flowing.  All we need do is whisper an "I'm sorry" to our kind, loving Savior and all is well.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for You are the perfect example of patience.  Help us to be more like You.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 7
Matthew 22

Sunday, April 6th

It's been encouraging lately to witness families praying over their food in various restaurants around Orlando.  I can't help but smile a little when I catch a glimpse of a family with heads bowed in gratefulness to The Lord.  Too many times, God's abundant provision is overlooked, especially when out in public.  

I came across this news article today, and I thought this little girl's boldness and courage might be a help to all of us.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
Matthew 21

Saturday, April 5th

"Mama, why do we have to have soooooo many of these caterpillars everywhere??"  Briley and Kinley both have commented on the literally hundreds of caterpillars on our doors, the ground, on the car....everywhere!  At first they kind-of grossed me out a little.  Well, NOTHING like frogs and lizards, of course, but they did give me the creepies:) Eeewwww....all those little legs crawling all over everything.  But, then I began to think about the caterpillars.  

Spring is such a beautiful time of year, and there's nothing like the smell after a soft rain, and the sight of a dainty, graceful butterfly dancing through a flower garden.  Reminds me that winter is over and the earth has been renewed.  There's new plants, new leaves on the trees, new grass, new everything.  The old season has passed away and has been ushered in by the fragrance of renewal.

Isn't that like life though?  We have seasons in life.  Joyful times, sorrowful times, struggling times, and victorious times.  But, nothing ever stays the same, does it?  We may be struggling, and it sure seems like we've been in the 'winter' season for a long time.  But, just like that ole' ugly caterpillar represents a new beginning, sometimes the struggles we endure are what will eventually be our butterfly of spring.  

I still don't really think the caterpillars are cute or anything, but the beauty that they promise in the future is enough to endure them crawling all over everything now.  The trial you are facing now will give way to spring...and renewal.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 5
Matthew 20

Friday, April 4th

In Matthew 19, the Bible gives us the account of a young man who wanted to know how he could inherit eternal life.  Interestingly, he opened the conversation by calling Jesus "good master".  Instead of answering the question about eternal life straightway,  Jesus used the opportunity to appeal to his reasoning and said,  "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God:"  The young man didn't catch the lesson Jesus was trying to teach him.  So, Jesus continued and listed the commandments that he needed to keep in order to be saved.

 Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 

Jesus wasn't trying to teach him that he could "earn" his salvation.  He was trying to show him just how short he came to the mark of God's righteousness.  Guess how the young man responded?  "Oh, I've done ALL those things.  What more must I do??"  There is NO way that this young man had always honored his parents!  You cannot convince me that he had never told a lie or had trouble loving others like he loved himself.  Jesus saw through him and told him that he lacked one thing.  The Lord advised him to go sell everything he owned so that he could follow God.  The Lord knew he hadn't kept all those commandments, but instead of arguing with him, Jesus pinpointed exactly what was keeping him from God: the love of money.  

This man's love for money was enough to keep him from the Lord because he wasn't willing to relinquish what had become his god.  In the same way, not relinquishing what we allow to control us can break the fellowship between ourselves and God.  The young man went away sorrowful because he just couldn't trust God enough to completely sell-out.  

What about you?  Are you completely sold out for the Lord?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 4
Matthew 19

Thursday, April 3rd

I've never seen any of the teen girls at our church be mean to smaller children at all.  Quite the opposite, our young ladies seem to understand the privilege God has given us to have so many young children.  I know...sometimes little ones can be chatty and maybe even annoying.  But, perhaps we are only annoyed when we forget the attitude the Savior exhibited toward children during His earthly ministry.  

That Jesus loved little ones is hardly any secret.  He tells us throughout Scripture that children are a blessing; that children are His heritage.  But, our society as a whole does not see children that way.  It's no wonder that many of our nation's kids feel thrown away and forgotten.  We are too busy to stop and make kneel down and put a band-aid on a skinned  play a game of hopscotch.  Mrs. Lois mentioned during our Saturday meeting that the best way to have nice hair is to allow a child to run her fingers through it at least once a day.  What profound advice!  

Many teen girls don't see the opportunity to mentor and help these younger children, but what a wonderful chance to make a change in the next generation.  Jesus took every such opportunity to influence children.

 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.  Matthew 18:10

The Savior's gentleness was never more evident than when he stooped down to hold a child.  If the Creator had time for children...if He had a heart for kids, shouldn't we?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 3
Matthew 18

Wednesday, April 2nd

Most of you have read or heard of how Jesus took three of his disciples upon a high mountain which has come to be called the "Mount of Transfiguration" among Christians.  Peter, James, and John walked closer to the Lord than the other disciples, and as a result Jesus shared things with them that He did not share with the other nine disciples.  When they were coming down from the mountain, a man met them and begged Jesus to heal his son.  The man told them that he had asked the disciples to heal his child, but they weren't able to.  They weren't able to because they were lacking in faith.  Just that. They were lacking in faith.

"...if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." 
Matthew 17:19-20

How much faith is necessary to be a mighty warrior in God's army?  A VERY tiny amount, actually.  Have you ever seen a mustard seed?  It is so small that if you're not looking for it, you might miss it.  But, the Lord, in His mercy, asks that we only give Him just this much.  

What about you?  Is there a mountain in your life that you need removed?  All it takes is enough faith to put your hand in the hand of the Savior's and trust Him.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 2
Matthew 17

Tuesday, April 1st

Girls, today is a national holiday?  I don't think it's a legal holiday, but perhaps it should be.  No, I'm not talking about April Fool's Day.  But, the holiday I'm speaking about has something to do with a fool, alright.

You see, I think it should be called the National Atheist Day.  Why?  Because, Psalm 14:1 tells us that, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."

God says that it is foolish to question whether or not there is a Creator because quite frankly, the complexity of creation testifies that all of this didn't just make itself.  The great order of the universe, the eco system, and the intricacy of the human body all demand an honest answer to the question, "Could it all be a coincidence?"  To the honest, truly seeking soul, God will certainly reveal Himself.  

Today is a day that many take great pleasure in pranking others and playing practical jokes.  I'm not against having a little fun, but on this day, take a few minutes of prayer to ask the Lord to help you witness to those who do not believe in even the existence of God.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 1
Matthew 17

Monday, March 31st

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.   Matthew 15:11

The Jewish nation is a very disciplined, moral people.  Even their food is carefully chosen based on the law given to the Hebrew nation.  My maternal grandparents weren't Jewish, but they were very strict in their diet,  just like the Jewish.  My mom was never allowed to eat bacon or catfish or ham.  That was considered forbidden in her home, and they didn't eat it.  The dietary restrictions in her home weren't for health's sake, but rather to keep with the teachings of the Seventh Day Adventists.  

There's something to be said, of course, for choosing to eat wisely.  Certainly eating a lot of fatty meat like bacon and ham could be detrimental to one's health.  If I'm given a choice, my own diet doesn't include a lot of pork because I've found that it bothers my stomach.  I choose not to eat it but my family doesn't share that same issue with their digestion, and they do eat ham and bacon.  I do not refuse it because I think it will harm me spiritually.  The Bible tells us that, 

"...every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:" 
 I Timothy 4:4

What you put into your mouth shouldn't be the focus of your spirituality; what comes out of your mouth should be.  It is the evidence of what is within.  Harsh words, cursing, gossip, complaining, and bitterness are what defiles or makes you unclean.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 31
Matthew 16

Sunday, March 30th

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.  Matthew 15:8

How do you know when you are giving the Lord "lip service" as opposed to "heart service"?  Easy!  When you are serving the Lord from the heart, it is YOUR desire to do the things you are doing.  Your parents don't have to beg you to come to church, and even if they don't want to come themselves, your desire is to be there.  When you're serving with your heart, no one has to remind you to read your  Bible.  Mama doesn't have to make a rule that Bibles must be read before anything else (although it's not wrong for mamas to set that standard!) because it is already something that you've chosen yourself.  Daddy doesn't have to say, "Umm, isn't that dress too short, honey?" because you've already checked yourself in the mirror and asked the Holy Spirt if your dress is ok.  When your pastor asks for volunteers, no one has to drag you by the arm screaming because it's your own desire to do what needs to be done for the Lord's house.  

Girls, all of us need our hearts checked, don't we?  There must be careful self-examination of our motivation because the Lord desires our service and our worship to be from our hearts, not just with our mouths.  

If I say I serve God, then my actions should attest to that.  And, if my actions attest to that, the attitude behind my actions ought to be of humble gratefulness.  Instead of thinking we're doing God a favor by showing up for church, our thinking should be more along the lines of being excited for another opportunity to hear the Word of God.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 30
Matthew 15

Saturday, March 29th

In Matthew 14, we are told the story of King Herod who was enticed into killing John the Baptist.  He was living in sin with Herodias, his brother Philip's wife and was confronted by John the Baptist for his intentional mockery of  God.  It made King Herod mad!  But, the people considered John a great prophet, and King Herod feared public disapproval if he were to have him murdered.  After his niece danced enticingly for him, he promised her whatever she wanted.  He had no idea what she would ask!  Her mother had already told her what to ask for: John the Baptist's head on a silver plate!  

When Herod realized what he had done, he was sorry;  but, because he had made a vow, he did as he promised and had John the Baptist beheaded in prison.  What an incredibly prideful man!  He didn't want to appear weak in front of all those who heard him make the vow to his niece.  Even though he was sorry and knew that he'd spoken foolishly in promising such a thing, he had too much pride to admit he was wrong.  

Pride is a wicked thing, girls, for it leads to so much more.  It is pride that mocks us when we refuse to say sorry when we're in the wrong, and it is the same pride that refuses to accept others' apologies.  How many times I've argued just for the sake of arguing even when I knew I was wrong!  We just hate to be wrong, don't we?  But, it's certainly not doing us any favors because there will always be times when we are wrong in life!  We harm no one more than our own selves when we, like King Herod, would rather continue down the wrong path just because we don't have the character to admit we've made a mistake.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 29
Matthew 14

Friday, March 28th

Many people believe in "fate" and are not convinced when you attempt to look for the positive in our negative society.  What's frightening is that some Christians have also somewhat accepted that line of thinking.  Instead of digging in our heels and working harder for the cause of Christ, we've backed off from causing confrontation and allowed our convictions to be slowly stripped away.  We feel defeated and take an attitude of, "Well, if we can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em".  Many of us just feel like our society can't be changed; it's beyond hope, so why try?  Girls, we are not the only ones who've ever felt like this.  Throughout time there have been  those who have chosen to focus on making a difference for Christ one person at a time.

If there was ever anyone who might have had reason to forget about being different, it could have been Noah.  Imagine working every day building a boat, as well as sharing about the one, true God with everyone you meet. A hundred years pass, and you're still working on that boat.  And, so far, not one single person outside your own family has chosen to walk the righteous path with you.  If Noah was discouraged, we aren't told about it.  He was human, so I'm sure he had some measure of doubt.  It would've been so easy to lay aside the ridicule and embarrassment.  After all, no one stood with him except for those of his own home.  But, he didn't quit.  He didn't become despondent because of their circumstances.  He just continued warning people of the impending judgment of God and swinging that hammer.  

If there has ever been a time when we ought to be forging full-speed ahead, it's now.  Don't allow our godless culture to take away your voice for Christ.  We win, girls....Christians win!  So, why don't we start acting like it?  Be excited...don't be defeated.  Ask God to use you as you yield to Him.   And, get out there and reach people for Christ!  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 28
Matthew 13

Thursday, March 27th

I talked about this verse with my children today at Bible this morning.  

 The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.  
Proverbs 27:7

It seems pretty self-explanatory, and at face value, it is.  But, to make a spiritual application I want to use an example.  If I had spent all day eating potato chips, chocolate, and ice-cream, I'd be more than full by the evening.  What if one day after pigging out all day someone stopped by the house and said, "Mrs. Kim, we'd love to take you out right now to Chipotle's (my favorite).  While I may go along, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy the food very much because I would already be full.  It doesn't matter that the food I ate was nutritionless and full of preservatives, I still wouldn't be hungry---even for my favorite food.  In the same way, if I spend my time with spiritually-nutritionless habits and do not feed myself sustaining spiritual food (the Word of God), then come Sunday morning, I am full already and do not desire "a good meal" at God's house.  Why?  Because I've feasted through the week on a spiritual diet of little Bible reading and even less prayer.  So, even though I'm full, I'm not full with the right kind of spiritual nourishment.  And, when it's time for the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart, He can't because I'm already full.

What about you?  Are you so full of the wrong things that come Sunday you have no room for spiritual food?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 27
Matthew 12

Wednesday, March 26th

Life can be frightening and at times, very unsettling.  Even for the most faithful of the Lord's servants, circumstances can sometimes cause feelings of defeat and despair.  Certainly all of us have been there; some of us may even be there right now.   I don't know any Christian who's never felt alone---like they'd been forgotten.  There was one believer in the Bible though whose testimoy always encourages me.

We call him John the Baptist, and Jesus said that there was not a greater man born. John was a determined man, living his whole life for the purpose he'd been born for---to pave the path for Christ to be revealed to the world.   Fearlessly preaching repentance, John made an enemy by telling King Herod that he shouldn't be living with his brother Philip's wife.  Cast into prison and feeling like no one knew his name, he must have felt abandoned.  In his heart, he knew who Jesus was and believed with every ounce of his being that Christ was the Savior of the world.  Still, in the stillness of the moment in that nasty, musty jail, John called for Jesus' disciples.  He asked but one question: Are you the Messiah or are we supposed to look for someone else?  Why did he ask that?  I believe in my heart that John knew the answer.  So, why did he ask?  Because he was human, and he needed the compassionate reminder the Lord sent back through his disciples:
Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. Matthew 11:4-5

Jesus didn't scold him for his momentary lack of faith.  He knew John's heart and knew where he was.  Just as a shepherd gently picks up a lost, wounded lamb, Jesus sent back words of comfort, explaining that John could be confident in all that he'd seen the Lord do.  

In the same way, the Lord knows our frames, girls.  He delights in our strengths and longs to comfort us when we hurt.  Jesus could have said something like, "Seriously, John??  After all I've done for you...after all you've seen Me do....and you still doubt???"

Jesus didn't say that though.  He encouraged John to hold on; to remember all that John had seen with his own eyes.  You and I need to do the same thing.  When we are feeling just a little lost and alone, we need to remember how we've seen the Lord work in our own life.  John had to take a minute to reflect and remember.  You and I need to do the same thing.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 26
Matthew 11