Wednesday, April 9th

In yesterday's devotion, I shared one of the top 5 things that God and most men find most offensive in a lady.  We will continue with that thought today.

In yesterday's devotion, we learned that dishonesty and its effects are devastating for relationships.  Dishonesty destroys trusts.  Today I'd like you to consider another undesirable trait that the men in my survey found offensive:  pride.  Now, to be honest, this trait wasn't called pride when the men were asked to participate. Rather it was termed "snobby", "conceited", and "stuck-up".  Whatever it is called, it'd be fair to say that God is against it because it is nothing more than arrogance.  

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.  Proverbs 11:2

There's nothing uglier than someone who's beautiful or extremely talented and they know it.  Not only do they know it, but they ensure everyone else does, too. 

A girl's pride is mocking and cruel.  None of us have one single reason to be proud.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 9
Matthew 24


  1. This goes along with a woman/girl who makes sure they talk loud enough for the men/guys around to hear what they are saying - I am pretty sure most men find that obnoxious!

  2. What a great reminder of the fact that we should not think so highly of our self cause there is nothing to be proud of.
