Friday, April 25th

What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others.  Mark 12:9

In Mark 12, we are given the example of a man who planted a vineyard.  He hired "husbandmen" to tend his vineyard.  He paid them a salary; they worked for the lord of the vineyard and answered to him for the work that they did or did not do.  One day he sent a servant so that he could receive of the fruit of his own vineyard.  Instead of receiving the profit of his own vineyard, his servants were abused and mistreated.  That is where our verse for today comes in.  What do you think happened to the servants who didn't do what they were hired to do?  Quite simply: the lord of the vineyard used other workers to do the job.  

What job are you supposed to be doing that you are in danger of losing?  Remember, Jesus is the Lord of the vineyard, and if you have trusted Christ as your Savior, He has every right to plan your life and use you for His glory.  If you are behaving as these husbandmen did, do not be surprised when the Lord chooses to use someone else because of your refusal to tend His vineyard with care.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Mark 12
Proverbs 25


  1. Wow!! What a great example of the fact that we are not irreplaceable human beings! God can use anyone he chooses!

  2. We really can't take it for granted when God uses us because he could very easily use anyone else!

  3. "What job are you supposed to be doing that you are in danger of losing?" - very thought provoking statement!
