After asking several gentlemen to list their 5 most undesirable traits in a lady, I found their answers both convicting and confirming. Convicting because what these guys found offensive is exactly what God tells us in His Word that is most offensive to Him.
Across the board, all of the men gave one of the same traits that bothered them in ladies: dishonesty. Why would dishonesty top the list? For one simple reason: if you do not have trust, you do not have the basic building block for any relationship. If you are dishonest, you cannot build trust. The Bible uses the word 'dishonest' in several passages. But, more often throughout the Scriptures, we see the word 'lying' or 'lie'. It shouldn't surprise us that since it tops most men's list of most undesirable traits, it also tops God's. Proverbs 6:17 lists seven things that the Lord hates. You guessed it, lying is in the top 7.
Men (and women, too!) hate lying or dishonesty because it breaks down trust. It divides and destroys.
As believers in Christ, we need to renounce dishonesty and beg God to help us be truthful in word and deed.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 8Across the board, all of the men gave one of the same traits that bothered them in ladies: dishonesty. Why would dishonesty top the list? For one simple reason: if you do not have trust, you do not have the basic building block for any relationship. If you are dishonest, you cannot build trust. The Bible uses the word 'dishonest' in several passages. But, more often throughout the Scriptures, we see the word 'lying' or 'lie'. It shouldn't surprise us that since it tops most men's list of most undesirable traits, it also tops God's. Proverbs 6:17 lists seven things that the Lord hates. You guessed it, lying is in the top 7.
Men (and women, too!) hate lying or dishonesty because it breaks down trust. It divides and destroys.
"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty," II Corinthians 4:1-2
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Matthew 23
How interesting that all of the men you surveyed listed dishonesty. What a good reminder to walk in God's truth!
ReplyDeleteDishonesty, not only is it wrong, it hurts so many people in the process!