Friday, August 9th

What service do you think most thrills the Lord when He looks at the work His children are doing in His name?  Surely, it's going to a foreign field to give the Gospel to a heathen nation.  Or maybe, it is the life of sacrifice---living below your means in order to afford to financially support missionaries to go to the heathen nations.  Still yet, perhaps it is the day spent at the homeless shelter working in the soup line to feed the hungry.  Giving of your possessions to those less fortunate? 

While all of these things are wonderful gifts to the Lord, I'm not sure they are the greatest offering.  "Mrs. Kim, for real??  How much more could anyone sacrifice than to go to a foreign field to share the Gospel??"  Indeed, the heart of God is missions.   But, did you know that by caring for two specific groups of people you please the Lord like no other service?  Which two groups?  Widows and orphans.  As simple as that.  And, right here in your own backyard you can serve the Lord Jesus in a very easy way.  We have widows at Lock Haven.  When is the last time that we baked them cookies or offered to clean their house or mow their yards?  What about the orphans at Lock Haven?  While all of the children at Lock Haven have a physically-living father, many do not have a spiritual father at all.  What could we do to minister to them in the name of their Heavenly Father? 

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,"  James 1:27

Do I have pure religion?  Do you?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 9
Luke 3

1 comment:

  1. Reading this I was reminded of the story in the bible where all the people were giving large s ums of money and were very prideful about it. Then there was a window lady who didn't have much, but she gave two mites. All she had. We all need to try to be more like that widow. Today I read Luke 3.
