Tuesday, August 6th

Someone once remarked, "I would rather fail in the cause that someday will triumph than triumph in a cause that someday will fail."  A mouthful, right?  It is a statement that is both confusing but also very thought-provoking.  As a Christian, I can't deny that sometimes I look around and wonder if there's any way at all that a Christian girl can be Godly without being reclusive (withdrawn from society).  Even though I know in my heart that the battle is already won and that when it's all said and done, Christians are the victors in the war against the devil, I still struggle with the fairness of it all right now.  I would be lying if I didn't tell you that sometimes the glitter and gleam of this world's entertainment seems like so much fun, and I wonder if I'm missing out;  if my children are missing out.  You may have wondered yourself if this Christian race is truly worth the cost.  But, when we consider that the cause of Christ will triumph and this triumph is determined within God's set time, then it becomes easier to focus on putting one foot ahead of the other.  Too many times, we get ahead of ourselves---we want to see victory now and in so desiring, we choose rather the cause that seems victorious now but will, within God's time, fail.  Christ's cause---soulwinning, God-honoring activities, having a genuine servant's heart---this is His cause and will triumph.  Self-gratifying desires, worldly activities, and having a heart set upon only that which pleases ourselves is a cause that will ultimately fail.  As an all-in Christian young lady, you will have days that you fail; but you will ultimately win.  As a mediocre, luke-warm Christian young lady, you will have plenty of days when your flesh wins---you have the time of your life!  But, that cause is ultimately going to lose and you are left with nothing...no life of devotion for the One Who offered you His own precious blood.

So, which is it?  A cause that today will bring you pleasure and tomorrow grief; or a cause that today may cost you a few pleasures of the flesh but will in eternity pay huge dividends.  Which?  Moses chose well...

"Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;"

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
Mark 16


  1. This really is a thought provoking statement. It sort of reminds me if that saying we were taught at camp during our morning devotions "you will lose when you choose, but you will win in th end." today I read proverbs 6 and mark 16

  2. I find myself to often wondering what else could be out there? What if there is an entire different world? The truth is the world is different and there are some things that I am not doing but I am definitely not missing out. The pleasure of sin only last for a little while. In the end it is all hurt and you don't even remember the so called "fun." I would much rather fail now and win In the end, Then to win now and lose in the end. Today I read Mark 16/Proverbs 6.
