I've heard Pastor Lane say, "I'm weary in the work but not weary of the work." I've also heard people say something like this, "Well, I just spent my whole life serving God, and I just got burned out." What are they really saying? They are excusing a lifestyle of not serving Christ by saying that they worked for the Lord so hard and so long that they really have nothing left to give. Can that be true, you might ask. I don't think so. Because even when you are physically spent, as is the case with elderly saints, you may not be capable of going out and door knocking. BUT, even the most feeble, most wearied soul can pray. We have one lady at Lock Haven who, because of physical impairments, cannot go with us on Thursday night soulwinning. But, she is just as active in our soulwinning program as anybody is because she takes tracts and mails them all over Orlando and Kissimmee.
As our VBS progresses with services every night, I see that many of us are tired. Genuinely weary. But, hallelujah! We are not tired of the work....just a little worn out in the work. Girls, if there ever comes a point in your life that you say within yourself, "I'm tired of serving God. I'm just tired of it.", there's a problem. And, it's likely not a weariness problem. There's a spiritual issue going on. Stop, ask God to search your heart, and get it right. Don't keep going! Also, recognize that you are flesh, and as flesh, our bodies do get weary. Learn to listen to the signals your body gives you when you need to rest. So, instead of staying up till 1 am texting or Facebooking, get some rest. You'll feel refreshed and better able to face the new day in the morning with the right kind of spirit.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 7
Luke 1
Hmmm I hope that if I ever get to the point in my life where I am tired of the work for Christ I have someone there for me to push me through. Today I read Proverbs 7/ Luke 1