Saturday, August 24th

Sometimes the quotes I come across are quite funny; yet, some of them, though funny, have some merit.  One said, Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.  While no one would ever really try to do such a thing, there's a serious thought here.  This saying means that we should never cause more damage to our friend by correcting his/her error than the error itself is causing.  Sometimes all we see is the bad---even in our friends.  Instead of focusing on the commendable traits, we pick at the bad.  I'm not saying that we should hide our eyes from wrongdoing; I'm not saying that we should pretend everything is right when we know that our friend is in trouble spiritually.  What I am saying is that sometimes we rebuke harshly for things that are minor and do not correct at all when the offense is major.  I guess we have it backwards.  In Matthew 23:24, the Lord Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and told them that they strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel.  In other words, they majored on minor things and minored on major things.  There's a fine line, girls, and I realize that.  The line is in the fact that you must not be judgmental or condemning; however, you must be a representative of the Light.  So, be gentle.  Always offer a listening ear, but never let your silence be misinterpreted for a sympathetic understanding when your friend is in the wrong.

Finally, remember Proverbs 27:6,

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 24
Luke 18


  1. Hm I had never heard that quote before and It really is thought provoking. Saturday I read proverbs 24 and Luke 18

  2. Sometimes I get so stressed out over the tiniest things. I realize that this is not good though. I want to try to get better at this. Today I read Proverbs 24/ John 11
