Monday, September 30th--Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

How many of you are daydreamers?  How many of you think about the future?  How many of you already have your entire wedding planned out, you just need the guy? :) What goals do some of you have for life? You know, God puts within us the ability to dream; He wants us to dream because He wants us to consider something: His will.  Sometimes as teen girls we think, “Oh, the will of God is something I’ll worry about when I’m done with high school”.  We think it’s something mystical, difficult to understand, something that only really applies to pastors and missionaries.  But did you know that God has His will available for you to discover today?


What is the will of God?  Here are a few things the Bible lists:

  1. To tell others of Jesus Christ – Mark 16:15 – “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
  2. To give thanks in every thing – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
  3. To love the LORD our God with all our heart and soul; to love our neighbor as ourselves – Matthew 22:36-40 – “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
  4. Surrender – 2 Corinthians 8:5 – “And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.”
  5. To abstain from physical, emotional, and spiritual fornication - 1 Thessalonians 4:3,4 – “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:  That every one of you should know how to posses his vessel in sanctification and honour.”


In considering the will of God today, girls, I want to encourage you to:

  • Be open to the will of God.  Would you be willing to change your dream if God directed you another way? James 4:13-15 – add “Lord willing” to your vocabulary! :)
  • Be available for the will of God.  Does your schedule revolve around the church’s schedule?  Are you available when your mom, dad, or grandparent needs help with something?  Are you willing to deny yourself some pleasure in order to help your sibling with something?

  • Be diligent in the will of God.  Be busy doing things that are a “given” – walking with the LORD, serving at church events, soul winning, passing out tracts, serving the needy…opportunities to serve the LORD are abundant!


Ephesians 5:15-17 – “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”  

 Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 30
Acts 10

Sunday, September 29th

As Pastor Stockton preached this morning from Luke 12, he used some wonderful illustrations, and the whole message was such a blessing.  I feel like the Lord used verse 12 especially though: 

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Some women struggle with open gossip and its destruction; others, who wouldn't dream of talking about others publicly, think nothing about speaking negatively about others to their own family members.  There is a difference, girls, in talking to your mothers about others' behavior or choices; she's your mom---that's what you're supposed to do, especially if you have questions. However, what I mean by gossip within your own family is speaking hurtfully, spitefully, or maliciously about someone else.  We ought not do that, even with our own family members.  I stopped to consider my own circumstances.  It's true that husbands and wives, parents and children talk to each other, but have I ever said anything about someone to my husband or to my children that I wouldn't want shouted from the housteop?  The answer, yes, I'm afraid I have.  This is one verse that may need to be framed and hung where it can serve as a reminder that just because something is spoken within the confines of our home, if it's not God-honoring, it ought not be said.

Lord, help us today to whisper words in the dark that will not cause us shame or  embarrassment should the words ever be shouted from the housetop.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 29
Acts 9

Saturday, September 28th

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16
O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1
Singing is praise set to music!  Our hearts should be overflowing with a beautiful melody for a God Who values us above all His creation.  But, Mrs. Kim, I'm just not a singer...I don't like to sing!  I didn't say that you needed to join the choir or sing a special for church; I said that you need to have a song in your heart!  Did you know that when you are going about your daily work, shopping, homework, whatever....humming a song of praise to the Lord will do much for your mood, AND it will put others around you at ease.  Why?  Because normally people who are humming softly have an air of peace about them.  It says to the listener, Everything's okay in my world.  A word of caution though: while you are out and about, perhaps shopping, it's very easy to pick up the tune that's blasting on the intercom and hum or sing along.  Before you know it, the song on your lips and in your heart is not a spiritual song at all and definitely not allowing  you to sing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Sing, girls!   Sing because you're happy....sing because  you are on your way to Heaven....sing because you have a Savior Who loves you more than anything.  Sing unto the Lord!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 28
Acts 8

Friday, September 27th

Michelle Brock says that, A heart that desires to please God will desire to reflect His character.  One of the attributes of God's character is His holiness, so we, as His children, should long to reflect that holiness in our own lives.  Many times both younger and older women have the wrong idea that to reflect God's holiness they must dress in shapeless, unflattering clothing.  This is simply not true.  Immodesty, as we have studied, is an issue of the heart.  It is entirely possible to be clothed in a long skirt and loose blouse and be immodest.  How??  Often by being in "modest" clothing, our heart is lifted up in self-respect,believing that we must be pleasing God far more than someone who is half-naked.  Please don't misunderstand: God is for modesty.  Modesty is Scriptural.  The Lord is for young ladies being covered and feminine.  What He does not smile upon is the cloak of pride that we put on when we think of ourselves as  more spiritual than the one who's wearing tight, unflattering, or revealing clothing. 

Even our color choices can reflect God's glory.  There are some who believe that bright colors are not for Christian women.  Sounds contradictory though when we consider the artwork of God in every part of creation.  The Lord could have painted a fiery red sky with hues of orange and yellow.  But, He didn't.  He chose the calming tones of blue and grey that would be easy on our eyes.  However, He did create using dazzling color elsewhere:  He created brightly-feathered birds, gorgeous, flaming flowers, and brilliantly-colored scenery.  Why?  Because different shades can be used for His glory.  

Be modest, girls.  But, don't be afraid to be beautiful to reflect the beauty of Christ.

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 27
Acts 7

Thursday, September 26th

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Romans 16:17

Has it ever bothered you when a preacher calls out well-known people who have claimed the name of Christ, yet live contrary to the Word of God?  The verse in Romans is our authority to call out sin and to distance ourselves from false teaching.  I've heard preaching where the brother or sister-in-Christ who is promoting corrupt doctrine is named by name.  I wasn't bothered, but I heard from some who were.  They felt like the preacher who was preaching shouldn't have mentioned any names---he shouldn't have been so harsh---he shouldn't have been judgmental.  However, using the Bible as our Guide, we should not only name false teaching, we should also mark the false teachers.  Why?  Why should we do that, Mrs. Kim? Doesn't the Bible also say that we are not to judge others?  Girls, when we are talking personal preferences, personal convictions, personal choices, we are not to be anyone's judge; however, when we are talking about Bible doctrines clearly defined in the Word of God, if the Bible proclaims it as wrong, it is not wrong for us to agree with God that it's wrong.  Romans 16:18 explains what false teachers accomplish when young Christians and babes-in-Christ don't know any better,

and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Don't be intimidated, girls!  If God says something is wrong, it will be wrong no matter who says otherwise.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 26
Acts 6

Wednesday, September 25th

Maybe you're having one of those days that you wish you could just go back to bed, pull the covers over your head, and forget it all.  You may feel overwhelmed and forgotten.  Did you know, girls, that even big girls feel like that, too?  It's true, and on those days when our emotions are at an all-time high, it feels like everything we've said or done has gone wrong.  Just remember, that tomorrow the sun will come up again, and the Lord will give you a brand new start!  Don't be discouraged and don't let your emotions and the devil tell you that there's no use in trying.  Chances are, after a good night's sleep, a chocolate bar or a bowl of ice-cream(he he he), a good cry, and some time in the Word of God, you'll feel better.  On the days when I feel like I've made the biggest mess of things, I remember the words of a wonderful song,

Empty and Broken, I came Back to Him
A Vessel Unworthy, so scarred from Sin.
But He did not Despair... He Started over again
And I Bless the Day, HE didn't Throw the Clay Away.

Even at my worst, my Savior loves me and gives me the hope that tomorrow will be a brighter day, and you know, it always is:-)

Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. Psalm 119:114

Thank God, He doesn't throw the clay away!  He just starts over, girls.  Making and remaking us until we are a vessel of honor for His glory.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 25
Acts 5

Tuesday, September 24th

If in the fellowship of service I seek to
     attach a friend to myself,
so that others are caused to feel
if my friendships do not draw others
    deeper in, but are ungenerous
     (i.e., to myself, for myself)
then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If by Amy Carmichael

Church youth groups can be the worst for forming cliques--exclusive groups who leave others out.  In the world, in our schools, this is commonplace, but, this should be anything BUT common in our churches.  I've watched our girls, and I have to be honest that I don't see this very often, but we must be on our guard that it is NEVER the case.  No one visiting Lock Haven should ever feel like there's no place for them here because they don't fit in to any of the cliques.  Instead of forming cell groups, we should be growing together in grace as a whole. 

I don't believe Miss Carmichael is saying that we shouldn't have that one special friend, maybe the one we'd consider our best friend, but that friendship should never, ever make others feel isolated or left out.  Rather, our friendship should draw others to Christ.

Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 24
Acts 4

Monday, September 23rd

A couple of weeks back I talked about the way we should pray, and how we should use the example given in Luke 11.  The first thing we should do is praise the Lord!  I gave you some things we ought to be thankful for. Today I'd like for to remind you of the 2nd thing the Lord mentioned in that same passage.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Luke 11:2.

We ought to be praying that the Lord comes back soon!  Do you pray that way?  Do any of us?  I think it's fair to say that we're all grateful for heaven and for the assurance that we don't ever have to spend a day in hell, but do any of us truly ask the Lord to hasten His return??  I've heard girls say, "Well, I want the Lord to come back, but I want it to be after I have a chance to get married and have children."  The problem is though that when we do get married and have children, then we want the Lord to delay His coming so we can see our children raised and then grandchildren....and on it goes.  The Apostle Paul truly looked for the second coming of Christ and desired it as we all ought to long for it.  In fact, he says,

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
Though his whole life was dedicated to living for Jesus, He looked for a day when he'd be with Christ forever.  Do we look for that day with anticipation...with excitement?  I'm convinced though that if we could see only the half of what Christ has prepared for His children, we'd not only long for Christ's return, but we'd beg Him for it...just as He tells us to in Luke.  Through eyes of faith we must press on knowing that He is coming again.  We should be anxiously awaiting...and if we're drawing closer and closer to the Lord, ASKING for Him to return soon for us.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 23
Acts 3

Sunday, September 22nd

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8
It's just too hard to be a Christian these days!  Ever heard that?  When someone says that, they are really saying that they feel like the boundaries and rules are too much of a burden.  But, I don't believe the Lord ever meant for the Christian life to be a burden or a list of do's and don'ts.  Our walks with Christ should be joyful and exciting; but, many times, they're simply not.  We think too much about what we're not allowed to do and not enough about what we can enjoy freely.  In fact, the Bible says there's only 3 things God really asks of us:
1.) To do justly.  This means to do things honestly and fairly.
2.) To love mercy.  This means to be compassionate; to show pity.
3.) To walk humbly with our God.  This means to act with an absence of pride.
Now, is that rule list really all that bad?? 
Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 22
Acts 2

Saturday, September 21st

Peter, one of the Lord's closest disciples, no doubt loved the Lord with all his heart.  He was an up-front, straightforward kind of guy with a huge passion for His Savior.  He was the kind of man that spoke before taking the time to think.  He's always remembered for being the disciple that when push came to shove, he denied even knowing Jesus.  Sometimes I feel sorry for Peter!  It's true that when the Savior needed him most, Peter turned his back on him.  It's also true that Peter had so much faith that he once stepped out of a boat right into the churning sea with tumultuous waves crashing all around him.  Yes, when he took his eyes off Christ, he began to sink, but how many of us would have had the courage to even step out of the boat?   Peter wasn't this picture of a super-Christian that we sometimes get in our minds.  He was real in his faith and in his struggles.  But, the reason why Peter is the subject of today's devotion is because he didn't quit.  Even though he failed the Lord time and time again, he didn't quit on God.  I know he must have felt like giving up so many times, but he didn't.  Even though he failed the Lord, he continued to try.  It also encourages me to consider that in spite of his shortcomings, Jesus loved Peter unconditionally.  And, not only did Jesus love Peter in spite of himself, but He continued to use Peter for the glory of God.  Knowing that God still wants to use me, even when I fail Him constantly, makes me want to be better for the Lord.  Because I don't fear God ever turning His back on me, I'm strengthened even in my weakest point. 

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I Corinthians 12:10

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 21
Acts 1

Friday, September 20th

If someone were to say to you, a person is predestined at birth either for heaven or for hell, are you confident that you'd have a Biblical response?  When someone talks about being predestined, they are referring to the doctrine where some people are chosen to be saved and some are chosen to go to hell,  but neither has a choice in the matter.  The ones who promote this doctrine believe that God chooses who He will accept and who he will reject, and it has nothing to do with personal accountability.  Predestination is a false doctrine, girls, and you need to understand why.  It is true that hell is a real place and people are going there, but no one has to.  The Gospel is for whosoever will (Romans 10:13).  This is not a conclusive list but just a few references where the Lord makes it plain that His gift of salvation is for whosoever will:

Matthew 10:32
Acts 2:21
I John 4:15
Revelation 22:17

Remember, if someone is willing to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus in genuine repentance for salvation, He is willing to save them.  If you're willing to ask, you're part of the whosoever will.  Don't be misled, girls; no one is predestined to be eternally lost or eternally saved.   Where someone spends eternity is based solely upon a personal decision to either accept or reject Christ as Savior.  However, once a person chooses to accept Christ as Savior, that person is predestined to be conformed into the image of Christ according to Romans 8:29.   

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 20
John 21

Thursday, September 19th

I've always heard if someone will gossip with you, they will gossip about you, but I've never heard one quote I came across today.  He who lies for you will lie against you.  A lot times, especially in our teenage years, we feel like when we cover for someone, we are fortifying the solidity of our relationship.  Sometimes we outright lie to protect a friend from getting in trouble; often we don't tell a straight-up lie, but we don't tell the whole truth.  A half-truth is a whole lie, girls, and, you need to understand now that nobody who is truly your friend will ever expect you to lie for them.  Proverbs 12:19,

The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.
Do not ever be willing to lie for someone, girls.  It's not a measure of friendship, but rather a measure of your own character.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 19
John 20

Wednesday, September 18th

A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle. Proverbs 18:19
Have you ever noticed that it is much easier for us to have more patience and grace with those outside of our own family?  The same is true within our Christian family, as well, I believe.  We can easily accept the shortcomings and imperfections of our unsaved friends at school.  We're even more accepting of strangers' mistakes than we are those closest to us.  Part of the reason, I believe, is because with strangers and acquaintances, we naturally put up a defensive wall designed to protect us from emotional involvement.  But, with those closest to us, those barriers of protection are normally not erected; we feel safe and protected.  And, we should.  The most secure place in this world should be within the walls of our own homes and churches.  However, because of that security, when we are hurt by those we love, the hurt goes deeper and stays longer.  Today's verse helps us to understand how important our personal relationships are and how carefully we need to guard them.  I don't believe that any of us would intentionally wound those who are the most precious to us, but perhaps a deterrent to that is to remember that when we do, it is much harder to win forgiveness and trust again.  
Dear Lord, help us to remember just how sweet our physical and spiritual families are to us and to understand how the devil would try to hinder those relationships.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 18
John 19

Tuesday, September 17th

I've found it heartbreaking to read of the local 12-year-old girl who committed suicide because of cruel, merciless online bullying.  She is a prime example of someone who desperately needed a friend.   As Christian young ladies, we need to be so tender to the leadership of the Holy Spirit that we don't miss the opportunity to minister to someone so genuinely broken and wounded.  I keep wondering, "Would it have made a difference in her life if just one person had reached out?"  None of us know this girl, but are there others just like her that we come in contact with every single day that we could offer a compassionate smile or encouraging word.  Recognizing a broken and crushed spirit takes Holy Spirit wisdom, because I'm not talking about drama, girls.  There's a difference in a broken person and one who is wholly-given to making a major production of every negative aspect of her life.  We have genuinely-hurting people all around us who need a touch from the Lord.  Psalm 41:4 tells us,

Blessed is he that considereth the poor:
This word "poor" means needy.  We are to consider the needy, not just pass them by because we are short of time, short of patience, or short of mercy.  Let us humbly remember that our time is the Lord's; we are to give our lives for His glory.  If it is patience to deal with people who are in their deepest valley that we lack, we must ask the Lord to give us His compassion.  And, if it is mercy that we are in need of, let us remember that without the Lord's mercy, we could be the one struggling with discouragement or worse, bullying.
Help us, Dear Jesus, to consider the poor.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 17
John 18

Monday, September 16th--Guest Writer: Mrs. Lois Ormsby

Hello, girls!  I am excited to participate in this wonderful blog-ministry that Mrs. Kim has put together for you – for us!  We all need accountability – and today, I wanted us to be accountable in the area of thankfulness.

 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  Being thankful is called being content – not wishing for more things, better clothes, prettier hair :) …contentment is thanking God for what He has already given us.  The Bible says “…be content with such things as ye have…” Hebrews 13:5.  The Bible also says “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”

 Thanking God for what we have puts a smile on our face.  Thankful people are joyful people!  If we are viewing life with a grateful heart, we’re not constantly complaining and grumbling about the irritations of life on this earth.  And you know what?  Thankfulness is contagious – when we are thankful, we cause those around us to be thankful, too.  A thankful person just seems to put to silence a grumpy soul!

Besides thanking God, we should also remember to thank other people for what they do.  Unfortunately, we live in a very ungrateful society where people expect things to be done for them and given to them.  Let us not fall into this same rut; let us be ladies of thankfulness, ever-aware of God’s blessings through those around us!  Decide on purpose to thank the waitress at the restaurant for her service; your Sunday school teacher for his or her lesson; your parents for providing you with what you need; your sister for helping you with the dishes…I think we get the idea! :)

 So – what do you have to thank God for today?  Secondly, who in your life can you thank for something they did today?

 Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 16
John 17

Sunday, September 15th

If I slip into the place that can be filled
      by Christ alone,
making myself the first necessity to
   a soul instead of leading it to
     fasten upon Him,
then I know nothing of Calvary love.
If by Amy Carmichael
Sometimes it becomes so easy for others to lean upon us.  We become their counselors and guides.  This is not wrong; it is absolutely necessary to disciple young Christians and teach them the right ways to serve the Lord.  However, sometimes in the process of training young ones in the Lord, we become more than just a counselor.  We unknowingly allow ourselves to become someone's rock.  I'll share my own testimony to illustrate this.  Most of you know that I was raised in a Southern Baptist church.  My parents did not attend church at all.  But, my next-door-neighbor loved me and had a burden for my soul.  Though I made a profession of faith in Christ as a little girl, I did not come to know the Lord as my Savior until I was 21-years-old.  Pastor Stockton and I began attending Cornerstone Baptist Church and after doubting my salvation for a while, I went forward and gave my heart to Christ.  My pastor's wife became precious to me.  I had so many questions---and so many doubts, too.  I was truly a very insecure young Christian; genuinely a fragile babe in Christ.  Though I sought her counsel constantly, she never grew weary of my constant neediness.  One day though, after bringing her my concerns and my burdens, she very plainly said to me, "You need to seek God's counsel in this.  I am not your Savior, Kim, and I cannot take the place of Christ."  I was stung by what I considered a rebuke, but I realized that she was right.  I had been bringing my cares and burden to her and not to the Lord.  She had unknowingly allowed me to place her in a position that only my Savior should be.

Be careful, girls.  Never look to another human being as infallible and do not allow yourselves to become someone's rock.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 15
John 16

Saturday, September 14th

The speaker at this weekend's conference gave a 3-part presentation on the "Twelve Steps to Being Beauty-Full".  One of those beauty-regimen steps really spoke to my heart, and I thought I'd share it with you girls. 

 The speaker said this, "Freedom from self is a choice."  She elaborated on what freedom from self means, but basically it is simply giving up your right to demand what you want or think you deserve.  Many times, especially when we are serving God faithfully, we feel like God owes us an explanation of why certain things are being allowed in our lives.  We do not enjoy being made more expressly into the image of Christ through the pressure of the Master's hands at the potter's wheel.  But, in order to serve the Lord more faithfully, we have to be willing to relinquish that.  We need to understand that just as the beautiful song says, "Thou art the Potter; I am the clay...mold me and make me, use me Lord, I pray", so we need to be willing to be shaped and molded.  And, we can't be if we are not yielded; genuinely ready to give up the "me" attitude.  Deep down, I've not ever genuinely considered myself a selfish person; however, I am so keenly aware that I need to be more willing to spend and be spent for the Lord's use.  I need to be more willing to give up what I reserve for "me":  my wants, my desires, my expectation.  We all need to understand that the Lord allows nothing that isn't for our best.  I pray that the Lord will make me more willing for Him to increase and my self to decrease (John 3:30)
May the cry of our hearts be as Paul's in II Corinthians 12:15,

And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you;
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 14
John 15


Friday, September 13th

Has someone ever called you naïve, and it really, really bothered you?  Or, maybe they used a term of endearment such as "Little Miss Goody Two Shoes".  Words can really hurt, girls.  The old adage,

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me!
is NOT true.  In fact, I think sometimes that someone's words can hurt worse than a slap in the face.  That is why we should always be careful to guard our mouths because once the cutting words are out, they're out and there's no turning back.  But, today's devotion isn't about our words.  It's about being called innocent or childlike or unworldly.  All 3 of those words are synonymous with the definition of naïve, and which of those words do we really NOT want to be?  I want to be all of them--innocent, childlike, and unworldly.  I desire to be innocent about worldly topics; it doesn't bother me at all for someone to laugh at me when I don't understand a street term they've just used.  Why?  Because in order to know the street talk, the gutter language, I have to be running the street.  The Scriptures themselves tell us to be childlike,

Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.  I Corinthians 14:20
I desire to be child-like.  Children believe with great faith, and the Lord uses the example of their faith to direct us.  And, I definitely want to be called unworldly
I also believe there's a difference between being ignorant and being separated.  I don't want my girls to be ignorant---kept in a box or a bubble not able to function in a real world.  I want you all to understand and YET choose to keep yourselves from the world's way of talking, thinking, dressing, and acting.  So, the next time someone says, "You're so naïve," smile and say, 'Why, thank you, that's so nice of you to say.'  Don't take it as a snide remark; take it as a compliment.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 13
John 14

Thursday, September 12th

I have tried to never, ever cross the line in our Beautiful Girlhood group of talking about what should be a mom's sacred privilege of discussing with her daughter(s).  And, I hope no one will feel like I have after today's devotion.  But, after reading a Facebook post by someone that none of us knows personally, my heart was burdened.  The initial post was about the lack of concern for the thousands of babies being aborted in America every single day.  The woman who responded (again, I stress that none of us know her) very bluntly stated that everyone was wrong for being pro-life.  She then went into a tirade about Christians condemning her Christianity because of her beliefs about abortion.  She was rude, obnoxious, and very unkind, accusing everyone who disagreed with her of being judgmental.  I'm not sure how the conversation played out; I felt very badly for the young girl who tried to take a Scriptural stand because in effect, she was raked over the coals.  It is not my intent to pound all of you sweet young ladies with Bible until you give in to my way of thinking.  Rather, it is my desire to equip each of you to stand against the wiles of the devil. 

So, exactly why is this woman's "pro-choice" stand wrong Biblically?  Is it wrong for a woman to have a measure of control over what takes place in her own body?  First of all, girls, take note of this statement:  Mrs. Kim is pro-choice: 

 I am for every young lady CHOOSING to be obedient to God in keeping her heart and body pure; 
I am for CHOOSING to not allow myself to be in any compromising situation that would dishonor my parents or my God;
and, I am definitely for young ladies CHOOSING to give their hearts to their daddies until the Lord brings the right man at the right time into their lives. 

Remember this statement, girls, for it will serve you well in all areas of life, not just the pro-choice/pro-life debate:

Your rights end where someone else's begin. 
 In choosing the world's definition of being pro-choice, one has to agree that a woman's rights are more important than the rights of the human being within her.  And, that is not Biblical.   God is the Creator of life and knows every single human before they are ever born!   

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; Jeremiah 1:5 and

Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself; Isaiah 44:24 
If He is the Author of life, it is not our place to "choose" whether a life is allowed to exist or not.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 12
John 13

Wednesday, September 11th

You may remember exactly where you were.  Exactly what you were doing.  Or you may just remember a feeling of profound helplessness as our country was brought to her knees in sadness for the lives lost on September 11, 2001.  Being in a foreign country that day, I can remember watching the news as they flashed picture after picture of the devastation and loss.  I thought, "But, why??"  Looking back, our why's have been answered.  The attacks in New York that day and during every terrorist attack since have been for one simple reason: a profound hatred for the God America has served.  The attacks against Israel are for the same reason.  And, sometimes, it can be so daunting to desire to be filled with the love of Christ, and yet, maintain some form of patriotic loyalty at the same time.  But, we can be both patriotic and Christ-like.  The war against radical extremism is raging, to be sure.  But, we must remember that any religion that seeks to persecute Christianity is not really seeking to destroy Christians as much as it is seeking the destruction of Christ.  Be assured, girls, Christ will NOT be destroyed, and furthermore, Jesus comforts us in Matthew 16:18 with a promise,

...upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
In order to have a burden for the souls of a people so wholly given to hatred and evil, we have to keep in mind that Jesus dealt with the same kind of hatred.  He says,
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; John 15:20
Girls, may we humbly remember today those brave Americans whose lives were taken suddenly and cruelly 12 years ago; and, may we never forget the grace that God has bestowed upon each of us to have been given a chance to hear the Gospel and serve the true God.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 11
John 12

Tuesday, September 10th

I promised that we'd continue our modesty study occasionally in this blog, and today's devotion digs a little deeper into the subject. 

In review, we know that:

Modesty is an attitude of humility that seeks to please God rather than man or self.  It is characterized by restraint and self-control, and dignity in dress, speech, and actions.

Modesty is a product of pure thinking and is not determined by what you wear.  You don't become modest by putting on a "modest" dress.

Being appropriate requires discretion to evaluate what is modest in each situation.

Although it is not true that modesty equals clothing, it is true that what we wear and how we wear it can be modest or immodest. 

(What is Modesty: Discovering the Truth by Michelle Brock)

Today I want to talk about the motivation behind what we wear because truly that plays a big part of whether or not we are modest.  Your motivation is what drives you.  If I am motivated by a desire to please my friends (whether they are my hand-sewn, so unfashionable jumper friends or my spend-$100-for-brand-name-only-shoes friends), I have an immodest motive.  Why?  Because my driving force is to please my friends.  When other people's opinions control what choices we make, we have an idol.  For example, if we are willing to buy an outfit that makes us look washed-out or that doesn't flatter us simply because we want our friends' approval our motives aren't modest. 

You see, girls, modesty doesn't always have to do with wearing revealing clothing.  It has to do with our motivation.  Our driving force.

What's your motivation today? 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 10
John 11

Monday, September 9th

Psalm 78:8
And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.

How many times have you heard something like, The generation of teenagers today have no desire for God or spiritual things.  I've heard it myself; in fact, I've SAID it myself.  And, while overall that might apply, there is a reason that your generation, as a whole, is not seeking God.  If you read all of Psalm 78, the writer makes a commitment to not hide all the works that God had done from the upcoming generation (vs 4).  He places the blame on the previous generation and calls them a stubborn and rebellious generation.  Girls, that's what I need to do today.  The reason why your generation is not walking with God is because MY generation, as a whole, did not have our hearts right with God.   We did not follow the God our nation served at its inception.  And, we owe you, your generation, an apology.  It's been said that what you tolerate, your children will embrace, and that's absolutely the truth.  My generation didn't embrace homosexuality, rampant immorality, drug usage, and disrespect to parents, but we did tolerate it.  As a result, your generation not only tolerates unholy living but embraces it and revels in it.  The cycle can stop though, girls.  You can make a difference for your children by refusing agreement with what God says is wrong.  You can be the "I Will" generation.

~I will serve the Lord God with my whole heart.
~I will stand for right in the face of evil.
~I will honor the truths that have been laid out in the Word of God.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 9
John 10

Sunday, September 8th

If you've never read the book If, written by Amy Carmichael, you need to.  It's a very small booklet, not meant to be read in a single session.  I've had my copy almost 20 years, and though the pages have yellowed, the spiritual nuggets of wisdom are still profound to me.  Today I share with you a thought from its pages.

If I cast up a confessed, repented, and forsaken sin against another,
and allow my remembrance of that
sin to color my thinking and
feed my suspicions,
then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Often times when we've been hurt, we honestly do our best to forgive.  With our best effort we do try to forget.  But, there are times when we save our hurts, nurture them almost, in order to use them as weapons in the next battle with the one who hurt us.  I've done this with circumstances and situations that I know I've genuinely forgiven.  When I ponder the circumstance that caused me pain, it doesn't bring that little stabbing ache any longer; but, I will still use that past hurt to my advantage.  It invokes sympathy, after all, from the one who wounded my heart. 
Today, I encourage you, dear girls, that when the sweet Lord pours a balm of healing onto a wounded spirit and by grace gives you forgiveness for one who's wounded you, don't save your hurt for the next battle.  When you forgive, relinquish the ability to use the hurtful circumstance in the next battle.  What if, though we knew in our hearts we were forgiven of our sins, the Lord still reminded us of the awful things we did before we were saved?  We'd not lead a very victorious life in Christ, would we?  There would be no way we could if we were constantly reminded of what we were.  Instead He does the opposite...

As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 8
John 9

Saturday, September 7th

Today's devotion has to do with a passage of Scripture that is actually in our daily Bible reading.  If you've read Proverbs 7, you know the story of the young man who was led astray by a pretty girl.  The young man is void of understanding---in other words, ignorant.  This young man's lack of constraint has been the subject of many sermons and the sad example of what happens when we are led by our own desires. 

The young woman, dressed in the attire of a harlot (prostitute), has also been the subject of many impassioned lessons on the dangers of dressing immodestly.  However, today's devotion isn't going to cover her clothing choices.  Rather, it deals with the attitude of her heart.  This young lady was a flirt.  We all understand what I mean by that; she led the young man on.  She had no serious intentions, but she did want to capture his attention for the moment. 

With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. Proverbs 7:21
Notice, girls, the strong language the Bible uses to describe how she led him on...she forced him.  We absolutely MUST realize that when we speak flirtatiously, when we bat our eyelids, when we use the flattering speech, we are on dangerous ground.  Make no mistake about it: you are not responsible for a young man's actions.  He chooses himself to do wrong.  However, if you are a flirt, you are just as responsible for your actions.  Be aware, sweet girls, that what can honestly seem so innocent to you doesn't seem that way at all to a young man who is void of understanding. 
Remember, if you're a flirt, the results will hurt.
Scripture  Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 7
John 8

Friday, September 6th

Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.

Sometimes I wish I could watch all of your faces as you read these quotes that I find!  I love the ones that make us read it over and really consider what is being said.  I had to read the quote for today 4 times before I got it:-)

But, what does this quote have to do with us...with our Beautiful Girlhood ministry?  It is definitely applicable to us, girls, because sometimes in life (well, not sometimes...a lot of times!), things just don't work out like we thought they would.  There are occasions when my best-laid plans have to be set aside because the day just didn't go as I planned.  What did I do?  Quite simply, I had two choices: get mad, pout, throw a fit, etc. or change gears and re-plan.  I make these statements matter-of-factly, but the truth is that by nature, I do not like to step outside the box too much.  I like schedules; I like order.  And, the Lord has had to teach me that to better serve Him, I have to be willing to allow Him to dictate my schedule.  None of you may battle perfectionism, and I hope that's the case because such expectations about life, people, and situations certainly won't serve you well.  Sometimes when life throws you a monkey wrench, you have to have the fortitude and grace to stop, get your bearings, and move on.  But, too often, because it upsets us that we can't always have control, we get bothered.  If we're not careful, we throw an inward temper-tantrum.  We'd never let anybody see it, but in our hearts, we get mad and pout.  Be careful because eventually those inward temper-tantrums are manifested outwardly.

So, dear girls, as the old saying goes, When life gives you lemons.....
Some of you might have been in the service when Pastor Stockton couldn't remember the rest of the saying.  He's so funny:-)  Anyway, he said, When life gives you lemons....umm...make lemon pie??
That works for me.  And for you, make lemonade or lemon pie or lemon candy....but always try to make the best of whatever situations you face knowing that God is in control.  He will use the interrupted schedules, the disappointing situations, and the times when we feel helpless for His glory.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
John 7