Saturday, September 7th

Today's devotion has to do with a passage of Scripture that is actually in our daily Bible reading.  If you've read Proverbs 7, you know the story of the young man who was led astray by a pretty girl.  The young man is void of understanding---in other words, ignorant.  This young man's lack of constraint has been the subject of many sermons and the sad example of what happens when we are led by our own desires. 

The young woman, dressed in the attire of a harlot (prostitute), has also been the subject of many impassioned lessons on the dangers of dressing immodestly.  However, today's devotion isn't going to cover her clothing choices.  Rather, it deals with the attitude of her heart.  This young lady was a flirt.  We all understand what I mean by that; she led the young man on.  She had no serious intentions, but she did want to capture his attention for the moment. 

With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. Proverbs 7:21
Notice, girls, the strong language the Bible uses to describe how she led him on...she forced him.  We absolutely MUST realize that when we speak flirtatiously, when we bat our eyelids, when we use the flattering speech, we are on dangerous ground.  Make no mistake about it: you are not responsible for a young man's actions.  He chooses himself to do wrong.  However, if you are a flirt, you are just as responsible for your actions.  Be aware, sweet girls, that what can honestly seem so innocent to you doesn't seem that way at all to a young man who is void of understanding. 
Remember, if you're a flirt, the results will hurt.
Scripture  Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 7
John 8


  1. Very true. I try not to be a flirt but sometimes I find that just by being my normal self it is as if I am flirting. I need to ask for God to help me not to lead boys on. I would never hurt a young man on purpose but It is possible to do it unintentionally. Today I read Luke 4/ Proverb 7

  2. Ok - figuring out how to comment on here! Miss Kim, I am so thankful for you and your heart for us younger women of LHBC. I love this blog-ministry and I have appreciated reading your challenges for the teen girls...because the challenges apply to all of us, not just the "un-married"! :)

  3. I feel like this is a very useful post for teenage girls, because without even meaning to we can end up flirting. And flirting really is leading him on. Today I read John 8 and proverbs 7

  4. MRS. LOIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
    Flirting is definitely something I need to work on. Sometimes it is just so nice to have a boy pay attention to you, that we try and flirt to ensure we get that. But, that is not the way that God intended it to be.

  5. :) Thank you, Carrie - love and miss you girls!
