Sunday, September 29th

As Pastor Stockton preached this morning from Luke 12, he used some wonderful illustrations, and the whole message was such a blessing.  I feel like the Lord used verse 12 especially though: 

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Some women struggle with open gossip and its destruction; others, who wouldn't dream of talking about others publicly, think nothing about speaking negatively about others to their own family members.  There is a difference, girls, in talking to your mothers about others' behavior or choices; she's your mom---that's what you're supposed to do, especially if you have questions. However, what I mean by gossip within your own family is speaking hurtfully, spitefully, or maliciously about someone else.  We ought not do that, even with our own family members.  I stopped to consider my own circumstances.  It's true that husbands and wives, parents and children talk to each other, but have I ever said anything about someone to my husband or to my children that I wouldn't want shouted from the housteop?  The answer, yes, I'm afraid I have.  This is one verse that may need to be framed and hung where it can serve as a reminder that just because something is spoken within the confines of our home, if it's not God-honoring, it ought not be said.

Lord, help us today to whisper words in the dark that will not cause us shame or  embarrassment should the words ever be shouted from the housetop.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 29
Acts 9


  1. This really is a good point. Saying bad things about someone to family is still gossip.

  2. This post really convicted me! It's so easy to say things to family that we wouldn't say to anyone else. Thank you, Mrs. Kim!
