Thursday, September 5th

Today's devotion is about courtesy.  One used to hear the expression "common courtesy" and understood the terminology to mean a courtesy that was normal; in other words, expected.  But, we've come to a place in our homes and in our society that there is no such thing as common courtesy anymore.  The word courteous actually means a manner that is marked by respect and manners.  You probably already practice all of these tips, but it's useful to all of us, nonetheless.

1.)  Always return borrowed items in the same or better condition than when you borrowed them.  Don't be forgetful and don't be negligent with someone else's property.

2.)  Always be appreciative for what other people give to or do for you.   It will serve you well to learn to write thank-you cards.  Saying thank-you is important, but actually taking the time to give someone a hand-written note expresses gratitude on a deeper level.

3.)  If you receive an invitation, always R.S.V.P. in a timely manner. 

4.)  If the door is closed, knock before you enter.

5.)  Don't put your feet up on other people's furniture or belongings. 

6.)  If you have an appointment, be on time.

7.)  If you should dial a wrong number, don't just hang up!  Say "I'm sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.  Please excuse me."

8.)  If you run into someone, say, "Pardon me.  I didn't mean to bump you."

9.)  Say "Yes, ma'am, no, ma'am" and "Yes, sir, no, sir" to adults. 

Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:  I Peter 3:8

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 5
John 6


  1. I think we can always use a reminder of how to be more polite. Sometimes we just go on autopilot and things like this just slip our minds.

  2. Although I try to always be courteous. I realize there are quite a few of these I need to ask God to help me work on. Today I read Luke 2/ Proverbs 5

  3. I agree that it is nice to have a reminder. I admit whenever I call a wrong number, I almost always hang up right away. It's little things like that I need to remember. Thursday I read proverbs 5 and John 6
