Friday, September 27th

Michelle Brock says that, A heart that desires to please God will desire to reflect His character.  One of the attributes of God's character is His holiness, so we, as His children, should long to reflect that holiness in our own lives.  Many times both younger and older women have the wrong idea that to reflect God's holiness they must dress in shapeless, unflattering clothing.  This is simply not true.  Immodesty, as we have studied, is an issue of the heart.  It is entirely possible to be clothed in a long skirt and loose blouse and be immodest.  How??  Often by being in "modest" clothing, our heart is lifted up in self-respect,believing that we must be pleasing God far more than someone who is half-naked.  Please don't misunderstand: God is for modesty.  Modesty is Scriptural.  The Lord is for young ladies being covered and feminine.  What He does not smile upon is the cloak of pride that we put on when we think of ourselves as  more spiritual than the one who's wearing tight, unflattering, or revealing clothing. 

Even our color choices can reflect God's glory.  There are some who believe that bright colors are not for Christian women.  Sounds contradictory though when we consider the artwork of God in every part of creation.  The Lord could have painted a fiery red sky with hues of orange and yellow.  But, He didn't.  He chose the calming tones of blue and grey that would be easy on our eyes.  However, He did create using dazzling color elsewhere:  He created brightly-feathered birds, gorgeous, flaming flowers, and brilliantly-colored scenery.  Why?  Because different shades can be used for His glory.  

Be modest, girls.  But, don't be afraid to be beautiful to reflect the beauty of Christ.

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 27
Acts 7


  1. Love your mention of color - it's so true! Don't be afraid of colors, girls - God gave them to us to enjoy! <3

  2. So thankful that I serve a God that allows glorious colors!

  3. Yes, God did give them to us to enjoy! We want to reflect the beauty of Him
