Saturday, January 11th: Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

Our Attitude to the Glory of God

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:”
~ 1 Peter 1:21

Attitude – unfortunately, we females are pros at this one. Good attitudes, sweet attitudes, bad attitudes, nasty attitudes…you name it, we’ve got it!

A time when it is most difficult to have a right attitude, though, is when the person we are dealing with does not have a good attitude to begin with, either. If you’re like me, that just makes me more mad and frustrated with that person. I easily clam up and silent treatment is unfortunately something I am good at --- and that is so wrong!

Glorifying God in our attitude is not easy…and God never said it would be. Look at the verse above: we know we are to follow Christ’s steps. How does the verse describe Christ’s steps?

He suffered.

Yes, Christ was without sin, and did not have to battle the flesh like we do. However, the Bible does say that He was tempted in every area that we are tempted – He was God and man at the same time. And, He bore our sins for us…I don’t know how much more suffering a person could endure than that.

How do we have a right attitude with others? We seek to respond as Christ did. To our human hearts, this answer might almost feel like a cop-out, but truly, there is no better One we can turn to for an example. He endured more bad attitudes from others than any one of us will ever have to endure - His own brothers thought He was crazy until after He arose from the dead; the soldiers kicked Him, spit on Him, pulled His beard out; the Jews screamed for His crucifixion; one of His own disciples betrayed Him, one whom He had invested 3+ years in; we sin against Him even though He has given us eternal life. The list goes on and on! Yet what did Christ do? He responded in a holy, Godly, and meek manner.

Responding like Christ takes effort, daily concentration. Sometimes, we fail. But if we on purpose ask God for His help in this area, He will help us to walk more like His Son!
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 11
II Timothy 3


  1. Thank you for this post Mrs. Lois! It is so important that we respond to things in a Godly manner,it isn't always easy but God will help us!

  2. Sadly I have a hard time having a good attitude when someone has a bad attitude. I am going to pray and ask God to help me glorify Him in my attitude all the time!
