Thursday, January 2nd

One of the things  I try to remember to thank God for often is His hand of physical protection.  There have been times that I know of a certainty that the Lord's angels surrounded me (or someone in my family) and kept us safe.  There's just so much danger in this world that if we're not careful, it could be very easy to be afraid of everything!  There are some who live in a constant state of fear, and I think it must be a miserable way to live.  There's a difference between a realistic fear (such as of frogs and lizards) and a complete phobia that inhibits normal, everyday life.

I think of the example of the Apostle Peter.  He was a bold, fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of guy who often talked too much.  We know that Peter got scared though and because of his fear, he faltered.

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

His fear was reasonable---he thought he'd drowned!  Though his faith waivered in the midst of the turmoil, God took care of him and lifted him out of the churning waters.  

As  we begin 2014, it's time we face what we fear the most and trust the Lord to give us victory.  Are you afraid to really let go and trust God with your future?  Maybe your fears center more on the tangible---like whether you'll have your basic needs met.  Still yet, perhaps you are genuinely terrified of being hurt or losing someone you love.  The simple fact, girls, is that we all fear something.  The question is does the fear control us OR do we allow the Lord to control our fear?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 2
I Timothy 1


  1. Wow, that last question was very thought provoking. We can't let our fears get in between us and God! God will take care of us, we need to let God control us

  2. What a great post! With God in our life, we should be able to give all our fears to him.
