Thursday, January 9th: Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

Our Speech to the Glory of God

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” ~ Exodus 20:7

When I was twelve years old, I came across a tract entitled, “Is It Swearing?”. This pamphlet covered some words that are common in today’s vocabulary, but words that should not be part of our vocabulary at all. Here are some of the words it covered:

- Gosh, golly: “used as a mild oath, slang replacement for God”

- Gee: “used as an introductory expletive, a slang replacement for Jesus”

- Darn: “a slang term for ‘damn’”

- Heck: “a slang term for ‘hell’”

Did you know that? I certainly did not, until I read that pamphlet. Growing up, my parents did not let us use such language, but it was not until I was 12 that I understood why.

“Oh my ____” “_______it!” or, just plain old “________” --- we all know that is how the world speaks today. But did you know that every time someone uses gosh, golly, or gee, they are blaspheming the name of God – taking the name of God in vain? People today would call this “wooden swearing”, or basically, not swearing at all. But, girls, God does not change, and He says that it is wrong to swear mildly or strongly:

But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” ~ Matthew 5:34-37

Seriously, Miss Lois, that’s not what that means…Really? Look it up in two or three dictionaries and see if I’m wrong. The reason I wanted to share what I learned with you is because what we say is to be to the glory of God. How is it glorifying God when we’re using His name – or damn, or hell – as swear words?

Well if I shouldn’t say those kind of words, what CAN I say? That is certainly a natural question – and it is a question we should ask! I think we Christians sometimes are too good at mimicking the world’s ways and not even realizing it. We hear each other say things like “oh my word” or “oh my goodness” --- but did you know that “Word” and “Goodness” are either names or descriptions of God? That is something I realized recently and came under conviction about. The only thing I might say now is “oh my soul” because David used that term in Psalms more than once. However, even then, I am trying not to even talk like that, because – why do we even HAVE to talk like that in the first place? Just because it is “normal” doesn’t make it right. If we have a habit of talking like the world but we didn’t realize just how worldly it is, God is ready to help us get rid of this habit! His mercy and patience is abundant.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 9
II Timothy 1


  1. Sometimes it is easy to condition ourselves to what we hear and it comes like second nature to use slang words. I need to remember to ask myself is what I am saying glorifying to God?

  2. This is a very good reminder because those kinds of modern phrases just tend to "slip" without us even thinking about it. I need to have a vocabulary that is more glorifying to God!
