Saturday, January 25th

 Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer. Proverbs 25:4

The process of refining silver is time-consuming and tedious, but until the silver is purified, it is not beautiful.  Its composition is not changed while it is being purified; it's still a mineral.  However, before its true beauty can be revealed, silver has to be put through the refiner's fire.  

How can this verse to be applied in our lives?  Our lives represent the silver.  As silver is a precious metal, we are precious in the eyes of God.  But, our lives are covered with impurities like the silver is covered in dross.  The "dross" in our lives represents our own selfish desires, amusements and attractions that glorify our flesh instead of the Savior, and our unwillingness to suffer for the cause of Christ.  The silversmith in our lives' refining process is the Lord Jesus.  It is He Who decides how hot the purifying fire needs to be and when to remove us.  What does the purifying fire represent?  Hardship, trouble,  rejections, failure, and affliction are used by the Refiner to remove those impurities from our lives that are causing us to be less than the beautiful reflection of Christ that we ought to be.

Do you feel like your life is shadowed by heartache, grief, and sorrow?  Could it be that the Refiner is putting you through a purifying fire so that His beauty can be revealed in your life?  Be encouraged!  God's refining process is for your good and His glory.  Remember...In Him, Through Him, and For Him!

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 25
Hebrews 9


  1. It is amazing how much God can change our lives! I need to live in Him, through Him, and for Him!

  2. Its totally radical how God can use something like a battle in our life to show His glory! Never considered it like this!
