Saturday, November 30th

30 Days of Praise

Well, girls, today is the end of our challenge to find something new, something often overlooked, to give God praise for.  I have to admit, it's been more of a challenge than I thought it'd be, but I have enjoyed this month.

All of you know that today we will honor Hailey and our soon-to-be-born Skylee with a baby shower.  The theme for the shower is "Precious Moments, Priceless Memories".  For today's praise, I want to thank God for the privilege of memories.  The Lord could have created us without the ability to remember; sure, that would save us some grief, I guess.  There are painful things that are sometimes brought to mind through memories.  But, if we are willing to give up the bad memories, we must also be willing to part with the sweet ones.  If you're like me, you have thousands and thousands of sweet pictures in your mind.  Priceless moments in time that you wouldn't trade for all the gold in the world.  Mrs. Lois and I were talking about some memories she had as a little girl.  One thing Mrs. Lois and I have in common is that our homes burned to the ground when we were about the same ages.  My mama used to cry over lost pictures and cherished personal items.  But, the one thing that the fire couldn't take from her were her memories.  Memories are priceless because they take us back to times that were fun, times that were precious.

Today, we give you thanks, Lord Jesus, that You chose to create us with the ability to live over and over in our minds those little moments that are so special to us. 

This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
Lamentations 3:21

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 30
II Corinthians 8

Friday, November 29th---Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

~ 1 Timothy 2:1, 2

You know that song, “Across the Miles”, that my sister and I sing? Today, I am thankful that there are people who pray for me every day. Every week. Every month. On days when I feel discouraged, hurt, or confused, God reminds me of the people worldwide who are “…lifting my name to the Lord above…”. What an overwhelming, humbling blessing to know that people care enough to pray faithfully for me! It always amazes me to hear the most “random” person say to me, “I pray for you and your family every single night.” That just shocks me! God is just too good to me.

Who in your life prays for you? A mother, a father, a sibling, an aunt, an uncle? “NOBODY prays for me every day,” you might be thinking. Well, think again --- don’t you know that God knows how much each of us need prayer? Don’t you think He could cause “the most random person” to pray for you too? Have you ever thought of the fact that, perhaps some visiting pastor’s wife noticed you when she and her husband happened to be at Lock Haven during their FL vacation time. She might not know your name, but she remembers what you looked like, what kind of spirit you had, and maybe even what you were wearing…and she is praying for you! Girls – don’t think this is not possible! With God, there is no limit to the way He works in people’s hearts to pray for others! Do you know how I know this scenario is very well possible? It is because I do this very thing when I notice certain people in the churches I go to. There are certain people that God burdens my heart for, and I scribble down a note for myself, reminding myself to pray for them. Sometimes it is a single person who I can see could use a really great spouse; sometimes it is a woman who I can see in her face that she is struggling with some really big life issues; sometimes it is a child who has a big heart for God and captures my heart with his/her childlike faith, whit, and enthusiasm. If people care enough to pray for me, it is certainly something I could do for people in return.

So, ladies: today, let us praise God for whoever is praying for us, and then pray for someone that God lays upon our heart!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 29
2 Corinthians 7

Thursday, November 28th

30 Days of Praise

Happy Thanksgiving, Beautiful Girls!  You are precious to me, and I'm grateful today for Y-O-U!  Working with this group has given me a brand-new burden for teen girls, and it's been such a spiritually-rewarding venture for me.  In challenging you to be faithful to your Bible reading and prayer, I've challenged myself to go bigger for the Lord, and I just want to thank all of you for your faithfulness.

Because today is Thanksgiving, it's appropriate that we consider the cost of that very first Thanksgiving celebration.  It cannot be stressed enough that the Pilgrims faced the risks they did for one reason: to obtain religious freedom in the New World.  They wanted to worship the Lord without the interference of government or fear of cultural repercussions.   Just to contemplate this grueling trip took great faith.  The waters tempestuous, the risk of disease great, the bitter cold, and other factors made this journey difficult, at best, and at worst, life-threatening.  In fact, of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower, only half survived that first hard winter.  Can you imagine willingly taking this risk with your family for only a 50% survival rate?  But, the desire to serve God was greater than their fear.  It reminds me of Hebrews 11:15,

And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
Our forefathers suffered greatly---disease, the cold, and starvation.  Yet, what if they had not been willing to take the risks?  What if our generation---the ones who know Christ as Savior---do not step out by faith and take risks for our religious freedom? 
Today, we give thanks for the ones whose faith drove them to do the "un-do-able".  May we have the same unwavering faith.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 28
II Corinthians 7

Wednesday, November 27th

30 Days of Praise

A very special thank you today to Miss Bentley who provided the inspiration for today's devotion.  I've asked each of you to challenge yourself to being grateful to God each day during the month of November for something that is often overlooked.  I've been surprised at some of the responses of my children; I've noticed more blessings in my own life that have gone unappreciated.  Some of the things mentioned this month: paint, embarrassment, and trials, just to name a few.  But, today, I'd like for you to consider your hands.

The word hands is mentioned 438 times throughout Scripture.  We are to work with our hands (Ephesians 4:28, I Cor. 4:12), praise with our hands (I Timothy 2:8), and minister with our hands (Acts 20:34).  Our hands have huge responsibilities!  What if we didn't have hands?  Besides the most obvious disabilities, I think about what I'd miss by not being able to gently trace a baby's cheek with my finger or feel my husbands fingers intertwined with mine.  If I didn't have hands, I wouldn't be less of a person.  The Lord would surely give grace and even more grace to overcome that disability; but, since I have the blessing of having hands, I should most definitely give thanks to be able to work with my hands, praise with my hands, and minister with my hands. 

Hands...thank you, Lord, for another reminder of your goodness and grace in our lives.  
Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 27
II Corinthians 6

Tuesday, November 26th

30 Days of Praise remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
You'd have a hard time convincing some people that it's better to give presents than to receive them.  Everybody likes to be remembered at birthdays and Christmas.  So, what does this verse mean?  How is it more blessed to be the giver rather than the receiver?
Today we will have the privilege of delivering Thanksgiving care boxes to families in need.  The packages contain everything needed to have a traditional feast.  We are excited about being able to share the gift of Christ through this holiday ministry.  But, as much fun as we've had doing these boxes, it's been a stark reminder of the verse for our devotion today.  By sharing of our provision, we've been able to witness this Scripture first-hand.  Is it not better to give than to receive?  The blessing is in being made aware that our families could be in the very same situations---needing others to be generous.  It's a reminder that we have so much for which to give thanks.
Today, be thankful that you are on the giving end of God's abundance.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 26
II Corinthians 5

Monday, November 25th

30 Days of Praise

Have you given much thought to the modern comforts we've been afforded?  I can't imagine having to carry water from the creek to put in a big boiler out in the yard to get our laundry done.  With as much laundry as we go through, I'd need to make a tent and do laundry round-the-clock.  But, thank the Lord, someone invented the washing machine.  What about a hot water heater?  Have you ever been in your nice, relaxing, hot shower and suddenly had the water turn cold?  While some like a refreshing cool shower, I definitely do NOT.  I like it all-the-way hot.  But, a hot shower is not something that is a necessity, is it?  That's a luxury that we've been spoiled with but one that we rarely think to give thanks for.  All of us are thankful for air-conditioning!  None of you are old enough to remember ever not having it.  I remember as a little girl having a newer house equipped with a central unit.  However, running the air wasn't something that was a normal in our home.  He only turned on the a/c for special occasions.  I can remember getting so excited when he'd tell me to shut the windows because we were going to run the air for a little while.  It's become as common as electricity in today's time.  But, we need to remember that it hasn't always been that way.  I could go on and on about the convenience of modern inventions.  The dishwasher, the electric/gas stove, and the microwave are all common kitchen tools that we take for granted.  What about....the hair dryer and flat-iron??  How many of us would come to church with wild, crazy hair without them? 

There's just so many things that we use on a daily basis that we take for granted.  I'm sure if you look around your home, you can find a bunch of things that you haven't ever thought of praising God for.  To be honest, the quickest way to be thankful is to have those things taken away.  How quickly we become very aware of the importance of our conveniences!  Why don't we stop a few minutes today and thank God for how easy other people's inventions have made our lives.  It is He Who created man with the wisdom to enrich our lives with ways that bless and help us.  It is God Who deserves our praise!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 25
II Corinthians 4

Sunday, November 24th

30 Days of Praise

I love the different seasons of weather!  Today was windy and overcast with a very noticeable nip in the air.  I thought it was wonderful!!  I took advantage of the "feel" of fall to enjoy a piping hot mug of hot cocoa.  I love this time of year for so many reasons, but the main reason is probably because fall always reminds me of a very important life- lesson.  After the hottest summer, the driest spell, the most oppressive heat or drought, normally autumn rushes in to refresh us with its crisp temperatures and inviting scents. 

 In much the same way, there are seasons of life.  Sometimes we walk through what seems like a barren desert---spiritually we are thirsty with no sign of life around us.  There are times of oppressive heat---it can feel like we're walking through a fire pit with the flames of disappointment and discouragement ready to devour us.  Seasons of weather change and so do seasons of life.  You may be walking through a valley right now, but hold on, for fall is coming.  Seasons in the weather remind us that God is faithful; summer after summer, winter after winter.  He is faithful in the seasons of our lives, as well,  Just when you feel like you can't take another step, the Lord will send a "season" of encouragement...a little treasure of comfort.

Thank you, Lord, for using the different seasons as a reminder of your faithfulness! 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 24
II Corinthians 3

Saturday, November 23rd

30 Days of Praise

It's been so nice having Brother Josh and Mrs. Lois Ormsby home with us for a little while during the holidays.  Today I'd like to praise God for bringing them to Lock Haven.

If you know Mrs. Lois, you know she loves butterflies.  With the warmer climate, there's definitely no shortage of the pretty insects in Florida.  I love the spring because we see them everywhere.  They flutter here and there, basking in the sun's rays, seemingly without a care in the world.  Though butterflies appear carefree, in all actuality, butterflies are busy with the important job of helping pollinate plants.  They go from plant to plant, taking a little of each plant's pollen to the next plant.  So, while the pretty butterfly dances and flutters the day away, it is actually helping maintain a very important part of our ecosystem. 

I started thinking about how we as Christians ought to be mimicking the butterfly.  While butterflies are busy doing what their Creator designed them to do, they make it look so carefree.  I wonder if we as servants of the Lord Jesus can learn from the butterfly's example?  What if while we fulfilled the Creator's design for us (to serve Him, to glorify Him, and to draw others to Him), we also enjoyed the journey? What if we stopped stressing out and just started drinking in the blessings and pleasures of life?  Likely our lives would be as pretty and attractive to the lost world as the butterflies are to their onlookers.

Thank you, Lord, for the pretty butterflies and for the encouragement to live as simply, as naturally as they do.  And, thank you, God, for the sweet lady whose love for butterflies inspired this thought.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 23
II Corinthians 2

Friday, November 22nd

30 Days of Praise

I am thankful today that the Lord has given me many examples to follow of people who have done hard things, who have kept the faith, who walked with Christ to the very end of their life's road.  When I am discouraged or downhearted, it helps me to remember that I am not the first one who's encountered heartache or confusion.  There are countless examples throughout Scripture of ones who had difficulties YET remained true to the Lord.  I think of Job---he lost EVERYTHING he had in one single day and did not question or blame God.  I think of Jonathan---King Saul's son who was surely in line for the throne.  When God chose his best friend David to be future King of Israel, Jonathan kept going.  The Apostle Paul---beaten, shipwrecked, stoned, and abandoned by his dearest friends, but he continued in the faith.  Hosea, a Godly man whose wife was a prostitute---wow!  don't you know he sometimes felt like quitting??  But, he didn't.  He remained faithful.

There are countless examples in God's Word of spiritual steadfastness.  There are also numberless examples in my own life.  My own precious mother is one.  Faced with a husband who left her for her best friend, surely she could have given in to defeat and heartbreak, but she didn't.  For me...she kept going.  I think of the couple who lost 10 of their children in a fiery car crash.  With only the grace of God to sustain them, they kept going and used their heartbreak as a venue to draw others to the tenderness of our Savior.  What about Mrs. Jo Rooney in our congregation right now at Lock Haven?  Three times she's faced cancer.  Even at this moment, she's enduring a horrible bout with pain from the chemo.  But, if you were to call or text her, she'd say something about the goodness of Jesus. 

How can people go on when they seemingly have no reason to?  Purely by the grace of God they keep walking, one foot in front of the other.  Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day.  I'm so thankful today for the ones in the Bible who chose to continue in their walks with the Lord.  I'm even more thankful for the people in my personal life whom I have seen with my own eyes remain faithful to their God.  When I feel discouraged and abandoned, I remember that I am not the first one to face affliction.  The same grace that carried others has and will carry me, too.

As others' examples have nudged me on in my faith, I want my walk with Christ to push someone further.  But, in order for that to happen, I have to do the hard things---I have to carry on, even when sometimes I may feel like I can't.  Remember, the grace that carried others will carry you.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 22
II Corinthians 1

Thursday, November 21st

30 Days of Praise

In a society where the discontented numbers are exploding at staggering rates, it is a rarity to find someone who is comfortable "in their own skin".   Today I'm thankful for who I am in Christ.

Femininity is a gift from our Creator, girls, and certainly nothing to shun or be ashamed of.  Instead of enhancing the soft, gentle qualities of our femininity, we've allowed the ranks of the latest pop-star divas to dictate what is pretty.  As a matter of fact, it isn't even called "pretty" or "lovely" anymore.  Instead, our young ladies desire to be called "hot".  Why?  Because somehow over time and through the influence of the ungodly, we've allowed worldly logic to infiltrate our minds.  We've somehow confused true femininity with an imitation that is bold, brash, and brazen---none of which come from the Lord.

Today, I'm thankful for the assurance that God knows exactly what He's doing.  If He created me as a girl, I can rest in confidence knowing that I am indeed who He made me to be.   Instead of 'swimming upstream' by striving to conform to society or fighting the dictates of my own conscience to be who I WANT to be, I can, by faith, rest in quiet confidence that my Creator is all-knowing and all-providing. 

Thank you, Lord, that I am a lady!  I don't have to be embarrassed because I'm afraid of frogs and lizards!  I need not be ashamed that I can't lift hundred-pound boxes like my husband.  There's no reason for me to feel like I have to compete with a man for I am not one.  I am a lady---wholly and completely different from a man.  I am not inferior but I am different. 

Girls, are you thankful today to be young ladies? 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 21
I Corinthians 16

Wednesday, November 20th

30 Days of Praise

Being Mommy to 8 children, I've seen God's hand of protection mightily over the years, especially with the boys.  They've certainly tested gravity, tempted peril, and toyed with danger.  Someone once said to me, "Oh, their angels must be working overtime!" and I laughed it off, not realizing there was some spiritual truth to the statement.  I've never been a collector of the angelic forms we see in figurines, pictures, and what-knots for two reasons.  To be honest, the angels in the Bible are not described like the angels we see in our local Christian bookstore.  Secondly, we are forbidden to worship (honor or adore) anything except the Lord God.  We are not to make graven images or carvings (Leviticus 26:1).  As a new Christian, I mistakenly thought the term "guardian angel" to be misleading. "The Bible never mentions the term 'guardian angel', so it must be a false teaching" I thought to myself.  Then one day in my personal devotions,
the Lord showed me Matthew 18:10,
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
and Psalm 91:11
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

So, even though the term "guardian angel", is not mentioned in Scripture, the concept is.  I know there have been times in my life and the lives of my children that God's protective hand has guarded us from danger.  Today I'm thankful for the angels God has allowed to surround and protect us.
Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 20
I Corinthians 15

Tuesday, November 19th

 30 Days of Praise
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.  Psalm 34:8
Can you imagine how dull mealtime and snacktime would be if we only tasted salty things?  Some of us have a huge sweet tooth, but what if we only had sweet taste buds?  What if all we could taste was the sweet?  Our Creator designed our taste buds to enjoy salty, sweet, bitter, and sour foods.  The Lord created our taste buds for our pleasure!  Particularly during Thanksgiving, I am reminded of the thoughtfulness of our loving Maker.  Can you imagine a Thanksgiving dinner without the spice of the pumpkin pie, the creaminess of the mashed potatoes, the crunchiness of the topping on the green bean casserole, or the dryness of my turkey (lol)?  I am so grateful that we are able to taste and see that the Lord is good.  My God created me for His pleasure---to fellowship with him.   The opportunity to have a personal relationship  with the God of all creation is the most priceless gift that one could ever be given, and the little pleasures He enriches our lives with daily ---like tastebuds---are just added blessings.  He didn't have to design our bodies to find enjoyment in eating.  He designed us this way to bless us and to bring us happiness.
It's the little things, girls.  This month, remember the little things.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 19
I Corinthians 14

Monday, November 18th

30 Days of Praise

Everyone hates being embarrassed in front of people.  Sometimes, though, our embarrassment can help strengthen our character.  Today I'm thankful for times of embarrassment. 

How in the world can anyone be thankful for embarrassment??  It's definitely taken me a long time to get to the place that I can even remotely comprehend how God works through times of humiliation.  While I can honestly say it's never been pleasant, if I allow it, the Lord will teach me something about myself or about how to treat others.  There have been times when I was completely mortified in front of others, yet at the same time, experienced some of the most character-building lessons in my Christian walk.

I wanted to share some of those circumstances with you.

~Embarrassment over my children's actions:  I learned that children need to be allowed to be kids.  Just because they are "pastors' kids" doesn't mean that they don't make mistakes, disobey, or act out.  I learned by being embarrassed that they are just "normal" kids that need love, support, and guidance from mama.

~Embarrassment over a mistake: In singing song specials or in leadership roles, mistakes are inevitable.  Being embarrassed when singing in front of people has taught me that my singing is for God's glory anyway---not my own.   And making mistakes allows others to see my humanity.  Too many times we want to present a "picture perfect" portrait of ourselves instead of what we are---sinners saved by grace.

~Embarrassment over saying the wrong thing:   Often I have said the wrong thing because I've spoken in anger or without spending time in prayer.  After you have to apologize a few times to someone for being in the flesh and using words carelessly, that embarrassment will help you to remember to guard your tongue more carefully.

Even from these few examples, you can easily see that facing embarrassment has been instrumental in my life.  The Apostle Paul says this in 2 Corinthians 12:10,

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
Thank you, Lord, for those times in my life that I had to be embarrassed in order to learn the lesson I needed to learn. 
Embarrassment---something to be thankful for?  Yes, indeed.  When allowed to be used as a tool in the Master's Hand, embarrassment can be instrumental in helping shape us into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 18
I Corinthians 13

Sunday, November 17th

30 Days of Praise

Forgetfulness.  That's what I'm thankful for today.  Seems kind-of strange, right?  I always laugh when someone says, "Hey, Mrs. Kim, you remember how we did such-an-such two years ago??"  Ummm, well, no, really I don't.  I can hardly remember yesterday, much less two years ago!  I'm being serious; my memory is not very good at all.  But...that's not the kind of forgetfulness I'm referring to.  I'm talking about the way the Lord reaches down and mends my broken heart, and with time, eases the raw, ache that the hurt has caused me.  I can remember during a very difficult emotional pain in my life that I became keenly aware that apart from God's grace, I'd not be  able to forget.  I was confident that I'd be able to forgive---after all, God has forgiven me so very much, how could I not forgive??  But, to forget?  This was beyond what I thought was humanly possible.  Humanly possible, maybe; but, certainly not impossible with my God.  I remember reading a quote that ministered to my anxious heart.  If God can wash the sands of the seashore clean and fresh every day, is it not reasonable that this same God can cleanse my heart and mind, fresh and new every day, helping that ache to be less and less hurtful and debilitating? 
 Forgetfulness...yes, I'm so thankful!  Not only that my God forgets my trespasses but that He dulls the memories of the situations that have caused me hurt or grief.    

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 17
I Corinthians 13

Saturday, November 16th

30 Days of Praise

Have you ever had a day that you felt like you'd scream if just one more annoying thing happened?  We all have those "Oh, great...just-what-I-needed days".  Sometimes it can seem like every bad thing happens all at once.  It's on these days that I must remind myself that nothing ever "occurs" to God.  He knows our whole lives from the minute we are born---even before we are born!  These overwhelming days are all part of His plan for our lives.  God's timing is always impeccable (without fault or flaw), and today I'm thankful that the Lord's timing in our victories, as well as in our difficulties, is always for our good.

In January, 2001, I miscarried a baby very early in my pregnancy.  We had just gotten back to Greece a month before after a time of furlough in America.  I had never lost a baby, so it really never occurred to me that I could.  But, more than the emotional devastation I felt, I questioned the timing of it all.  Why couldn't I have miscarried in America where I could have been closer to my mama when I needed her,  I wondered.  In April, we found out we were expecting another baby.  This baby (Kinley) was due in December.  Because of our visa/passport situation, we flew home in November for the baby's birth.  After Kinley was born, my mama came to stay with me in Louisiana for a week to help with the other children.  While she was with me, she broke her back.  To make a long story short, because of the broken back and not having mobility, she developed pneumonia.  Because she had heart disease, her heart was weak and not strong enough to keep pumping with the pneumonia ravishing her lungs.  She died of heart failure January 5, 2002.  Kinley was only 3 weeks old.  And, here's where the Lord revealed to me the perfection of His timing.  Remember I told you I miscarried in January of the previous year?  If I had carried that baby to term, we would have flown home in July for the birth and stayed until probably the end of September.  I wouldn't have gotten to have one last Christmas with my mama; I wouldn't have gotten to be stateside when she died; and, it's very likely that the whole family  wouldn't have been able to fly home for the funeral having just gotten back only a few months earlier.  How different things would have been IF I had carried my miscarried baby to term.  But, because the Lord knew the timing of the future, He knew the events that needed to take place in my life to complete that plan...including my miscarriage. 

Today Pastor couldn't even get out of bed because he is so sick.  Instead of panic and a bewildered cry to the Lord, What?????  Anniversary weekend??!!!, I remembered that God's timing is so perfect, so flawless and thanked Him for already having this weekend under control:-)

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 16
I Corinthians 12

Friday, November 15th

“…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” ~Psalm 30:5

Today I am thankful for this precious promise of God. This has been one of “my promises” for several years --- and you know what? Every time I read, recite out loud, or think of this verse, the promise is true anew. “His mercies are new every morning…” How very true I find this truth to be!

What is a promise God has given you from His Word? There are thousands of promises in there, girls, ready to be claimed. Be thankful that you have the Bible in your language, readily accessible and easy to read; countless souls in this world do not have the same privilege (like the people Mrs. Kim posted pictures of a few days back.) Comment with a Bible verse-promise the LORD has comforted/encouraged you with!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 15
I Corinthians 11

Thursday, November 14th

30 Days of Praise

When we speak of the Holy Ghost, sometimes people get the wrong picture in their minds.  Our minds have been so socially-programmed that normally, the first image we see flash through our minds is that of some kind of eerie, white-robed apparition, and the first thoughts we have are normally of skepticism.  Now, if you've been raised in a Christian home or brought up in Bible-believing church, the term Holy Ghost is one you've likely heard many times.  But, do you understand Who He is or what His job is in your life?  Today I praise God for giving His children the Holy Ghost.

While Jesus walked upon the earth, He ministered to the masses and fellowshipped with His disciples.  But, as the time approached that He knew His life would soon be sacrificed, He breathed on the disciples and said,

...Receive ye the Holy Ghost: John 20:22

Our Savior was making preparations for the disciples to have comfort and assurance after He would be raised from the dead and ascended into Heaven.  So, the Holy Ghost is not some weird, out-of-body experience.  It is the presence of God sent to dwell within believers in Christ.   While some know in their minds who the Spirit is (the words Holy Spirit and Comforter are synonymous with the words Holy Ghost), they've never really experienced how sweet His presence is in our lives.  The Spirit of God is part of God, girls.  We do not worship 3 Gods---Jesus, God, AND the Holy  Spirit; rather, one God in 3 persons.  God IS the Father.  God IS the Son.  And, God IS the Holy Spirit.  It sounds confusing, and to the finite mind, it can be a little mind-boggling.  However, it is not required of us to understand it---only to believe that it is the way God says it is.  I will use the example of my daughter.  Hailey is my daughter, this is true.  She's also Bentley's sister, and now, she's Daniel's wife.  These are not three different people but rather one person with 3 different roles. 

The Holy Ghost is the part of the God-head that comforts us in our sorrow (John 14:26); He is the part of God that brings conviction when we are going contrary to righteousness; and, He prays for us when we don't know how to pray (Romans 8:26). 

Without the presence of the Holy Ghost, there would be no daily presence of God in our lives.  There would be no conviction that things are not right with our Heavenly Father, and the solace we find when our hearts are breaking would not be available.

God has been good in giving a real part of Himself to His children.  We need to be more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as well as thankful that we  serve a God Who gives part of Himself to draw us to Himself.

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. I John 5:7

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 14
I Corinthians 10

Wednesday, November 13th

30 Days of Praise

When I share what I'm grateful for today, it will seem like a praise that didn't take much thought because it's a word that is commonly spoken among Christian ranks.  Mercy.  I'm so grateful today for mercy.  I don't mean God's mercy.  Of course, I am eternally grateful for the mercy that the Lord extended in offering His only begotten Son to pay the sin penalty that I owed.  God's mercy is rich and abundant, and I am not making little of it.  Without His mercy, I'd not ever be able to call Heaven my home.  However, the mercy that I am speaking of today is the mercy we extend on a daily basis to others.  Mercy is defined as the kind or forgiving treatment of someone who may deserve to be treated harshly.  And, I am so thankful this morning that there are examples in the Scripture of ones who showed mercy when perhaps it would have been easier not to.  I think of Abraham.  When disrespected and dishonored by his nephew Lot, he didn't return Lot's  selfish attitude.  Abraham extended mercy and even risked his own life to rescue his nephew and family.  What about King David offering mercy to Mephibosheth---the descendant of his close friend Jonathan?   It was customary to have all the former king's sons and grandsons put to death to prevent a future uprising.  David didn't do that.  Instead, he sought Mephibosheth and fed him from the king's table. 

Throughout the Bible, we are shown examples time and again of those who offered mercy to others; I believe the Lord makes it possible for us to extend mercy because of the great mercy that has been extended to usward.  It has been said that the one who forgives much is the one who has had much forgiven.  It's easier to offer mercy if we know the blessing of receiving it ourselves. 

Mercy---is there someone today to whom you can minister through the gift of mercy?

Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy. Proverbs 20:28

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 13
I Corinthians 9

Tuesday, November 12th

30 Days of Praise

Having God's Word is a privilege all of us have known our whole lives.  We've never, ever faced physical torture or been publicly punished for simply believing the Scripture.  I'm not saying we never will, but thus far, we have not.  Today I'm grateful for the privilege to possess, as my very own, the written Word of God---God-breathed and preserved in my language.  It is my comfort, my strength, and my hiding place.  It is my foundation for everything I hold precious in my life.  However, I've often taken this privilege for granted.  I've been careless with my Bible---leaving it on the pew.  I've been negligent with God's Word---ignorantly tossing it aside like it was just any other book.  I've been unthankful for God's Word---at times lazy about the privilege of being part of the Scripture Press Ministry at Lock Haven.  I've not always appreciated the treasure of the Bible; I'm certain I don't fully appreciate it even now.  We need to cherish our Bibles, realizing that others have given their very lives in Its defense. 

I don't use this picture to frighten you; I use it so you might have a visualization of what others have endured for simply refusing to deny their faith in the Scriptures.  The above torture was used to make a "heretic" recant.  Untold martyrs did not recant their faith, however; instead, they accepted the grueling pain of having their limbs dislocated or completely torn off or being burned at the stake.  Martyred for nothing more than their faith in the Scriptures.  We are blessed, dear girls.  When you pick up your Bibles today, do so with a renewed appreciation of the gift you hold in your hands.  And, tell God that you are grateful for His Word.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 12
I Corinthians 8

Monday, November 11th

30 Days of Praise

Today is Veteran's Day.  We've chosen as Americans to set aside this day as one that recognizes the sacrifices of our armed forces.  We take for granted that this great land has always enjoyed the freedom and pleasures we've been afforded.  Our freedom has come with a great cost!  Many have sacrificed their lives in battle for American freedom, while others, though they did not die on the battlefield, have devotedly served in one of the branches of our military.  Make no mistake about it: military life is HARD.  It is also voluntary.  Our service men and women are in the military by choice.  It's hard to imagine that anyone would willingly leave family, the comforts of home, and friends to travel to a hot, sandy desert for extended periods of a year or more simply to protect what we value most---freedom.  Where would we be without our military?  We'd be enslaved and in bondage.  We'd be hopelessly fearful of an attack by a stronger country. 

The next time you pledge your allegiance to this great nation, remember the ones who've sacrificed for the privilege of that loyalty.  And, let me just throw one more thing out there: if it's offensive to you to pledge allegiance to the United States of America, there's a bunch of other countries out there---you're not required to remain an American.  People forfeit their American citizenship everyday.  Remember, it's a privilege---not your right.

And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born. Acts 22:28
You and I were like Paul; we were born free, girls.  Thank God for the ones who've given their lives to ensure we remain that way.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 11
I Corinthians 7

Sunday, November 10th

30 Days of Praise

Have you ever heard a song or watched a movie or seen a picture that moved you to tears?  Have you ever laughed until your belly hurt?  What about a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach right before you take that big algebra test?  Have you ever felt that?  All of us have because all of us were born with "emotions".  Our laughter reflects a happy heart; sometimes our weeping pictures the brokenness we feel on the inside.  But, as a human, God created us with what He did not create within animals, plants, and trees. 
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; Genesis 1:27
We are created in the likeness of God Himself.  We are created with a spirit.  Our spirit is the part of us that can know God; it's also the part of us that thinks and feels.  I'm so grateful today that the Lord created us with emotions!  What an extremely dull life we'd lead if we never smiled...never cried...never laughed...never felt fear.  But, Mrs. Kim, I don't like to cry.  When I'm crying I feel pain, and I don't want to hurt.  No one does!  But, with the ability to rejoice with happiness, we must also accept the reality that we are going to face pain and hurt in this life.  We can build walls that barricade us in our own little bubble, assuring that nothing can hurt us; but, when we do that, we also place a barrier between our spirit and the wonderful joy that is also part of life.  

I'm grateful today for the ability to know joy; to be able to laugh at silly things.  I'm also thankful for the sorrow that I've faced in my life.  I'm thankful that I serve a God who didn't make me a robot but an individual with hopes, disappointments, and expectations.  These are all part of our emotions.  

Thank you, Lord, that today I'm able to "feel" life. 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 10
I Corinthians 6

Saturday, November 9th

30 Days of Praise

Since November is Thanksgiving month, I've been committed to being thankful for something new, something often overlooked, every day.  When I asked someone what they were thankful for this week, the answer surprised me because it came from a youth.  A simple word was their reply, authority.  Its definition is the power or right to direct or control someone or something.  Authority is not something that any of us relish or desire; it's our human nature to resist; it's called rebellion.  We're all born with the desire to be our own boss.  If you don't believe me, just watch a little one.  At 18-months-old or so, they do not know have the capability of discussing their feelings, but when given a stern "no" to something he wants, the reaction is explosive.  Waaaaaaaaa!  What is he saying?  I want it my way and I want it now!!  We may not fall onto the floor and scream, but we react the very same way inwardly.  We want things our way, in our time.  We don't like being told what to do or the time frame in which to do it.   And, this is where the sweet gift of authority becomes so precious.  Authority is our boundary.  If we are obedient to the authorities the Lord has placed in our lives, we won't have to concern ourselves with the chastening hand of the Lord.  Authority of all kinds is a blessing to us.  It's our hedge of protection, girls.  The speed limit sign---designed to keep us from killing ourselves going 120 miles an hour.  The curfew your parents impose---designed to protect you by keeping you from the senseless foolishness that goes on late in the night.  The rules your school posts---designed to keep order within the classroom.  The youth leader requiring you to stop talking in class---designed to ensure that the spiritual teaching doesn't take backseat to the talk of the day.  The rule your parents make that you can't text after 10 pm---designed to respect others and to encourage your body to get the rest it requires for the next day.

Authority is not necessarily fun; but, the Lord never told us to respect the things we like and leave the rest. 

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.   Hebrews 13:17

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 9
I Corinthians 5

Friday, November 8th

30 Days of Praise

So, you dislike school and don't understand why you have to learn English and math?  You're not alone.  I can remember hating school.  I loved the social part of being in the classroom everyday, but there were times (like during Algebra class!) that I seriously hated being there.  I did not think there would ever come a time in my future that I'd need algebra or chemistry, and it bothered me to be subjected to the monotonous routine.  Sadly, I didn't apply myself as I should have.  I made good grades without even trying, but I look back and see the many wasted opportunities.  I went to a public school for the first 8 years, and then my dad chose to send me to a private academy.  He sacrificed a great deal to offer me a good education, but I didn't use the education to my advantage.  Instead, I lived for the day...for the moment, not realizing that I was squandering a very precious gift.  I didn't realize then that my education was preparing me for the job the Lord had designed me for.  Back then, I hadn't ever heard the word "homeschool", and I surely wasn't thinking at the time that someday I'd be standing before my own little "classroom" trying to explain the fundamentals of Algebra I.  If I had known, I would have listened a little better. 

Everyone of us in this group have the opportunity to study, to learn, and to broaden our horizons.  It's a gift, to be sure, because in some countries, young ladies aren't allowed an education. 
Do these women and young girls look like they're having fun?  How many of them would love the opportunity you have?

Today, thank the Lord that you are given the gift of learning, and never take it for granted.  Do not squander the moment---you never know what kind of job the Lord is preparing you for.

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:9

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 8
I Corinthians 4

Thursday, November 7th

30 Days of Praise

This morning I woke up, drank clean water, took a hot shower, and put on clean clothes.  I will have plenty of food today, I have a bed with clean sheets to snuggle in, and I have a nice home.  When I opened my eyes this morning, a beautiful sunrise was just beginning.  God's signature was everywhere I looked in the skies.  I began to think of those who would awaken in a country where they'll have no clean water to drink.  They'll not have enough food today, and they'll lay their heads on the cold, hard earth.  They won't get the luxury of a hot bath for their tired bodies, and they'll not be able to change from their already-filthy, torn garments.  If they are sick today, there won't be any comfort of a hot bowl of soup.  If their head hurts, they don't have a bottle of Tylenol to bring relief.  They were not born in America, girls.  They've had no choice is this part of their life.  We, on the other hand, have not been blessed because we are deserving; we do not deserve the great wealth we enjoy any more than any other nation.  But, by God's grace, we were born in a country so rich that we don't know what it's like to do without.  Need some visual aids to remind us of how very, very rich we are?

Take a look.

None of us woke up like this today. 

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:8

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 7
I Corinthians 3

Wednesday, November 6th

Thirty Days of Praise
I didn't know my grandparents very well; I don't have very many memories of either my mom's parents or my dad's parents.  My maternal grandparents died when I was a tiny baby; my paternal grandmother passed away when I was only 5.  I had my grandfather for some years, but I never got to know him very well.  From what I've been told, my mother's parents loved the Lord and served God to the best of their ability.  My paternal grandparents were very devoted to righteousness, too.  Unfortunately, I didn't know either set of grandparents well enough at all to testify personally of their walks with Christ.  I like to imagine though that my grandparents called my name in prayer asking God to save my soul...begging God to bring conviction to my heart.  I know SOMEBODY was praying for me.  God's grace and protection, even when I was lost, was no accident.  I firmly believe someone prayed for me.  Someday I'll know who it was that pressed on in prayer until the Lord saved me.  Maybe it was my grandparents.  But, I know it's what I'm doing for my sweet grandbabies.  By God's grace, Raylen, Colten, and Skylee will know first-hand that Grammy's faith in Jesus was the first priority in her life.  They'll know the comfort of having grandparents who pray for them daily.  Do you have grandparents like that?  If you do, you've got something that's far more valuable than an inheritance of silver and gold. 

Godly grandparents---thank you, Lord!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
I Corinthians 2

Tuesday, November 5th

November is a time that, at least for one day, people actually consider the blessings God has bestowed upon them.  The 30 Days of Praise challenge is one that I think will benefit each of us if we are consistent with it.  I'll admit, it's easy to forget and get behind; but, that's just a reminder of how truly ungrateful we've become. 

Yesterday I talked about being thankful for my children and flipped it for the devotion to encourage you to be thankful for your parents.  For today's devotion, I'd like for you to consider your brothers and sisters.  Maybe you only have one sister or one brother; that's not the point.  Have you ever really stopped to consider the vast difference in your life had the Lord not given you siblings? 
Mrs. just don't know my brother!  He's annoying, he tells on me all the time, he tries to provoke me....and on and on.  Or maybe it's a bothersome younger or older sister!  She is always taking my things without asking, she does stuff to purposely get on my nerves, she is mama's favorite...  Does any of that sound familiar?  If so, it's probably because I had a little brother and big sisters!  There were plenty of days that I could have plugged my little brother with about a hundred bb's and told the Lord he got chickenpox!  He was always watching over my shoulder, telling me which boys were against his rules, and making me give him my milk money!  Then there was my older sister!  She made me clean the house, beat me up on a regular basis, and always told on me for doing the same thing she did!  So, girls, I understand how unnerving a brother or sister can be.  But, oh, for the sweet joy of having my dear sisters now!  The memories of my troublesome little brother are precious to me.  I think today of how many have lost a sister...a brother to disease or an accident.  Where would you be without the one(s) in your life that God gave to your family as a gift?  Sure, you might be a little less bothered; you might have all your stuff in its place; you might even have some peace and quiet.  But, you'd be lonely.  Lonely and wishful for someone to fill the silent air with sounds of bubbling laughter. 

Thank God today for your brother(s) and sister(s).  Today is a gift with them.  Don't take it for granted.

Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.   Psalm 33:1

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 5
I Corinthians 1

Monday, November 4th

30 Days of Praise--Day 4

In the challenge to be thankful for one often-overlooked thing each day, today's blessing for me is that of my children.  I recognize that not a single one of the eight are perfect.  Each of them have flaws; each of them have fears and failures.  They've disappointed me, disheartened me, and probably quite a few times, disowned me.  I'm not a mom who sees her children through rose-colored glasses; I know they struggle.  But, oh what precious people they are to me!  They've caused me so much joy that I thought my heart would overflow; they've encouraged me to keep walking with Christ at times when I thought I couldn't; and with every beat of my heart, made me realize that this wonderful job of being mommy is the highest calling that anyone could ever attain.  I'm grateful today to be the mother of eight children who I believe genuinely want to do good. 

None of you girls are mommies yet, so this post isn't one that has likely peaked your interest much.  However, for you, let's flip the coin.  You're not a mom, but you are a daughter.  How thankful are you for your parents?  Just like I realize that my kids aren't superhuman, I hope that my children realize that I am also flesh and blood.  I make mistakes (every single day!), and I fail often.  I've disappointed them; I've wounded their tender spirits with careless words; I've expected more of them that I've expected of grown Christians who've walked with God many years; and, many times I've failed to be the consistent example of Christ-likeness that I've been called to be.  Your parents are the same.  They are hypocritical, judgmental, and harsh.  Yet...they are your parents.  Are you thankful for them?  Do they know you are thankful for them? 

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.  Colossians 3:15

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 4
Romans 16

Sunday, November 3rd

30 Days of Praise--Day 3

Girls, my praise for today isn't applicable to your lives yet---but, I want each of you to understand the plan that God has for a home.   

I'm thankful today for a husband who does his best to emulate the example set forth in the Scriptures.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; Ephesians 5:25
I guess it'd be fair to say that women are complex and often hard to understand.  Yet, God commands husbands to love their wives.  It's not hard to find multitudes of husbands who don't cherish their wives; it's often painfully obvious with selfishness and pride reigning supremely in homes.  I'm thankful today for a Godly man who always puts himself last and earnestly seeks the best for others.  He is hardworking, sacrificial, and selfless.  With all these precious characteristics, it would be quite easy to elevate him to a position that he neither desires nor is capable of sustaining.  What do I mean, girls?  The relationship I have with Pastor Stockton is one that I pray for each of you girls in your own married lives.  He is the very beat of my heart, and I'm more in-love with him now than I was 26 years ago!  But, I recognize this:  he is who he is by the grace of God.  It is the Lord who deserves the worship for shaping and directing my husband. 

Now, you might be wondering...what in the world does this devotion have to do with me??  Because my heart is for each of you to serve the Lord with a husband who will serve with you, I'm sharing with you a few characteristics that need to be evident in a young man before you seriously consider a lifelong commitment.  And, because you should never "date" anyone you wouldn't marry, be especially careful.

1.)  He needs to love the Lord on his own---meaning, he can't borrow your spirituality.  If he's not spiritual now, don't expect a wedding ring to change that.  Men are commanded to be the spiritual leaders.  If he's not walking with Christ now, he's not going to encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

2.)  He needs to be someone your parents have peace with---meaning, if your parents have any concerns, listen to them!

3.)  He needs to have a genuine work ethic---meaning, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty or sweat to provide for a family.

4.)  He needs to have a healthy respect for the women in his life--meaning, if he's hateful to his mother or some other lady/ladies in his life, you need to be very concerned.

5.)  He needs to have upright moral character---meaning, what does he encourage you to do if he thinks no one will ever find out?

Obviously, this list is not conclusive.  There are certainly other qualities that might apply.  But, I want you to think, girls.  You don't wind up with a wonderful husband by chance. 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 3
Romans 15