Tuesday, November 12th

30 Days of Praise

Having God's Word is a privilege all of us have known our whole lives.  We've never, ever faced physical torture or been publicly punished for simply believing the Scripture.  I'm not saying we never will, but thus far, we have not.  Today I'm grateful for the privilege to possess, as my very own, the written Word of God---God-breathed and preserved in my language.  It is my comfort, my strength, and my hiding place.  It is my foundation for everything I hold precious in my life.  However, I've often taken this privilege for granted.  I've been careless with my Bible---leaving it on the pew.  I've been negligent with God's Word---ignorantly tossing it aside like it was just any other book.  I've been unthankful for God's Word---at times lazy about the privilege of being part of the Scripture Press Ministry at Lock Haven.  I've not always appreciated the treasure of the Bible; I'm certain I don't fully appreciate it even now.  We need to cherish our Bibles, realizing that others have given their very lives in Its defense. 

I don't use this picture to frighten you; I use it so you might have a visualization of what others have endured for simply refusing to deny their faith in the Scriptures.  The above torture was used to make a "heretic" recant.  Untold martyrs did not recant their faith, however; instead, they accepted the grueling pain of having their limbs dislocated or completely torn off or being burned at the stake.  Martyred for nothing more than their faith in the Scriptures.  We are blessed, dear girls.  When you pick up your Bibles today, do so with a renewed appreciation of the gift you hold in your hands.  And, tell God that you are grateful for His Word.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 12
I Corinthians 8


  1. That picture is frightening, but it is a needed reminder. We are so careless with God's precious Word, taking it for granted sometimes daily by the way we live our lives for ourselves. Thank you for reminding us of Its value today, Mrs. Kim!

  2. The bible is so valuable! I need to be careful not to ever take it for granted.
