30 Days of Praise
I love the different seasons of weather! Today was windy and overcast with a very noticeable nip in the air. I thought it was wonderful!! I took advantage of the "feel" of fall to enjoy a piping hot mug of hot cocoa. I love this time of year for so many reasons, but the main reason is probably because fall always reminds me of a very important life- lesson. After the hottest summer, the driest spell, the most oppressive heat or drought, normally autumn rushes in to refresh us with its crisp temperatures and inviting scents.
In much the same way, there are seasons of life. Sometimes we walk through what seems like a barren desert---spiritually we are thirsty with no sign of life around us. There are times of oppressive heat---it can feel like we're walking through a fire pit with the flames of disappointment and discouragement ready to devour us. Seasons of weather change and so do seasons of life. You may be walking through a valley right now, but hold on, for fall is coming. Seasons in the weather remind us that God is faithful; summer after summer, winter after winter. He is faithful in the seasons of our lives, as well, Just when you feel like you can't take another step, the Lord will send a "season" of encouragement...a little treasure of comfort.
Thank you, Lord, for using the different seasons as a reminder of your faithfulness!
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 24
II Corinthians 3
Wow I love this lesson! This so encouraging!