Thursday, November 14th

30 Days of Praise

When we speak of the Holy Ghost, sometimes people get the wrong picture in their minds.  Our minds have been so socially-programmed that normally, the first image we see flash through our minds is that of some kind of eerie, white-robed apparition, and the first thoughts we have are normally of skepticism.  Now, if you've been raised in a Christian home or brought up in Bible-believing church, the term Holy Ghost is one you've likely heard many times.  But, do you understand Who He is or what His job is in your life?  Today I praise God for giving His children the Holy Ghost.

While Jesus walked upon the earth, He ministered to the masses and fellowshipped with His disciples.  But, as the time approached that He knew His life would soon be sacrificed, He breathed on the disciples and said,

...Receive ye the Holy Ghost: John 20:22

Our Savior was making preparations for the disciples to have comfort and assurance after He would be raised from the dead and ascended into Heaven.  So, the Holy Ghost is not some weird, out-of-body experience.  It is the presence of God sent to dwell within believers in Christ.   While some know in their minds who the Spirit is (the words Holy Spirit and Comforter are synonymous with the words Holy Ghost), they've never really experienced how sweet His presence is in our lives.  The Spirit of God is part of God, girls.  We do not worship 3 Gods---Jesus, God, AND the Holy  Spirit; rather, one God in 3 persons.  God IS the Father.  God IS the Son.  And, God IS the Holy Spirit.  It sounds confusing, and to the finite mind, it can be a little mind-boggling.  However, it is not required of us to understand it---only to believe that it is the way God says it is.  I will use the example of my daughter.  Hailey is my daughter, this is true.  She's also Bentley's sister, and now, she's Daniel's wife.  These are not three different people but rather one person with 3 different roles. 

The Holy Ghost is the part of the God-head that comforts us in our sorrow (John 14:26); He is the part of God that brings conviction when we are going contrary to righteousness; and, He prays for us when we don't know how to pray (Romans 8:26). 

Without the presence of the Holy Ghost, there would be no daily presence of God in our lives.  There would be no conviction that things are not right with our Heavenly Father, and the solace we find when our hearts are breaking would not be available.

God has been good in giving a real part of Himself to His children.  We need to be more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as well as thankful that we  serve a God Who gives part of Himself to draw us to Himself.

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. I John 5:7

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 14
I Corinthians 10

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost. I'm so glad it is there to convict me.
