Tuesday, November 26th

30 Days of Praise

...to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
You'd have a hard time convincing some people that it's better to give presents than to receive them.  Everybody likes to be remembered at birthdays and Christmas.  So, what does this verse mean?  How is it more blessed to be the giver rather than the receiver?
Today we will have the privilege of delivering Thanksgiving care boxes to families in need.  The packages contain everything needed to have a traditional feast.  We are excited about being able to share the gift of Christ through this holiday ministry.  But, as much fun as we've had doing these boxes, it's been a stark reminder of the verse for our devotion today.  By sharing of our provision, we've been able to witness this Scripture first-hand.  Is it not better to give than to receive?  The blessing is in being made aware that our families could be in the very same situations---needing others to be generous.  It's a reminder that we have so much for which to give thanks.
Today, be thankful that you are on the giving end of God's abundance.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 26
II Corinthians 5

1 comment:

  1. I love to give things to people! The holidays are a perfect opportunity for living out this truth that Jesus shared with us.
