Since November is Thanksgiving month, I've been committed to being thankful for something new, something often overlooked, every day. When I asked someone what they were thankful for this week, the answer surprised me because it came from a youth. A simple word was their reply, authority. Its definition is the power or right to direct or control someone or something. Authority is not something that any of us relish or desire; it's our human nature to resist; it's called rebellion. We're all born with the desire to be our own boss. If you don't believe me, just watch a little one. At 18-months-old or so, they do not know have the capability of discussing their feelings, but when given a stern "no" to something he wants, the reaction is explosive. Waaaaaaaaa! What is he saying? I want it my way and I want it now!! We may not fall onto the floor and scream, but we react the very same way inwardly. We want things our way, in our time. We don't like being told what to do or the time frame in which to do it. And, this is where the sweet gift of authority becomes so precious. Authority is our boundary. If we are obedient to the authorities the Lord has placed in our lives, we won't have to concern ourselves with the chastening hand of the Lord. Authority of all kinds is a blessing to us. It's our hedge of protection, girls. The speed limit sign---designed to keep us from killing ourselves going 120 miles an hour. The curfew your parents impose---designed to protect you by keeping you from the senseless foolishness that goes on late in the night. The rules your school posts---designed to keep order within the classroom. The youth leader requiring you to stop talking in class---designed to ensure that the spiritual teaching doesn't take backseat to the talk of the day. The rule your parents make that you can't text after 10 pm---designed to respect others and to encourage your body to get the rest it requires for the next day.
Authority is not necessarily fun; but, the Lord never told us to respect the things we like and leave the rest.
Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Hebrews 13:17
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 9
I Corinthians 5
We would not be able to handle a life without any rules, so we need to be thankful for authority
ReplyDeleteWow, I never truly considered how grateful I should be for authority. A life without authority would be very reckless and harmful. I need to learn to be more thankful for it.