Tuesday, March 11th: Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

Glorifying God on Facebook – Part 1

“And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.” ~ 1 Timothy 5:13

The verse above is specifically what God says usually happens to young widows who do not remarry.  However, whenever I am on Facebook, I often think of this verse.  Let me explain this verse a little, and I think you’ll see why it reminds me of Facebook:

*Idle: doing nothing of purpose, whiling away time

* -
Wandering about from house to house: it’s certainly possible to do this via“cyberspace”

Tattlers also and busybodies: speaking of other people’s business publicly; gossiping

*Speaking things which they ought not: anything that is not edifying

All of us do not have Facebook :)  But, these truths can apply to Pinterest also, or any other social media, for that matter.  Likewise, the post I wrote about Pinterest also applies to Facebookand other social media.

You don’t have to look far on Facebook to find things like 1 Timothy 5:13 is talking about.  This verse serves as a good reminder to me that I do not want to be that kind of woman.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 11
Revelation 18

1 comment:

  1. This is something I need to keep in mind while on pinterest and when I eventually do get a Facebook.
