Wednesday, July 31st

Don't cross your bridges until you get to them.  We spend our lives defeating ourselves crossing bridges we never get to.

I am so guilty of this!!  As ladies, we can spend all day long thinking about what might happen and how we will handle it when it does.  I tell myself it's called being prepared, but girls, it's not.  It's better termed being a worrywart---and worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet!  God  understands that we have concerns, and He makes provision for us when we are worried.
"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."  Philippians 4:6

That word careful just means anxious.  We are not to be anxious or worried; we are to bring our burdens and concerns to the Lord and leave them there.  There's a reason for that:  we cannot change life's circumstances.  We cannot change people.  And, we cannot change the fact that trials, tragedies, and turmoil happen to us.  What we can change is how we handle those adversities.  We can learn the simple lesson that if we cannot change it, why worry about it?  Why not let God concern Himself with it? 
"If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?"   Luke 12:26

So, girls, let's commit together that we will take one day at a time, do what the Lord directs us to do, and ask Him to take care of the rest.  And, what we can't change, let's not worry about.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 31
Mark 10

Tuesday, July 30th

No person was ever honored for what he received.  Honor has been the reward for what he gave.

We honor people all the time for all kinds of reasons--from achievements made to goals attained.  Honor is proper.  But, if you think about it, the above quote is true:  we don't honor people for what they have gotten.  We reward them with praise because of what they have given.  It's been said through the ages that some folks are givers, some are takers.  I believe we have to be both.  Acts 20:35 says,

"...It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Now, this verse does tell us that it is better to be a giver---but, remember there can be no givers unless there are also takers.  I find it so easy to be a giver; it doesn't require any surrendering of my pride.  But, when it comes to being the receiver of a gift or a compliment or an honor, it's a bit more difficult.  You see, that's where the grace of humbleness comes into play.  And, girls, we all need that grace!  For instance, someone might say, "Oh, is that a new dress?  I LOVE it!"  I would respond with something like, "Goodwill.  $3.69 half-off day,"  and that is definitely not a gracious response.  My reply should simply be, "Thank you.  I liked it, too," or something to that effect. 

Today, seek to give more than you take.  But, if you find yourself on the receiving end, do it with grace, humility, and above all else, thankfulness.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 30
Mark 9

Monday, July 29th

Cherish the friend who tells you a harsh truth, wanting ten times more to tell you a loving lie.  ~Robert Brault 
Do you consider yourself to be a good friend, a true friend---a life long friend?  We all have lots of friends but very few that will climb the mountain of success with you and also have the willingness to crawl through the valley of despair right beside you.
It's not ever easy to be that kind of friend because to be a true friend, you have to be willing to sometimes go against the grain and risk your friend being angry to tell her the truth.  The Bible tells us in Proverbs 27:6 that,
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend;"

I don't believe this verse is talking about a friend doing physical harm to anyone.  But sometimes we must say truthful things to our friends that are emotionally painful.  Nobody who truly loves someone wants to hurt their feelings.  But, if you are a true friend, you will be willing to be honest with your friend---ESPECIALLY in spiritual matters.  In fact, friends should encourage each other spiritually.  That's the purpose of friendship.  To be a spiritual friend, you must be spirit-filled and spirit-led.  That means when the Holy Ghost prompts you to say something like, "Hey, Jane (or Judy or Kelly or whatever her name is), I'm concerned about you.  I've noticed here lately that something seems to be troubling you spiritually.  What is it?  Can I pray for you?"  It may require an even more direct approach, "Cassie (or Debbie or Melanie or whatever her name is), that young man is trouble for you.  He's not walking with the Lord.  He will hurt you."  

Friendship, true friendship, is worth far more than gold.  To have that kind of life long friend, be that kind of life long friend.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 29
Mark 8

Sunday, July 28th

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

How often do I find myself doing just enough to get by?  Perhaps just enough Bible reading; maybe just enough housecleaning; possibly been just kind enough to someone.  We do what we must to meet the standard of good enough.  But, in the Scripture we see examples of those who did more than just enough.  They went above and beyond what was required, and they were blessed for it.  Consider the illustration Jesus gave in Luke 10 of who we've come to call the "Good Samaritan".  Most of you know the story: a man is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves.  He was beaten, robbed, and left for dead on the side of the road.  A priest walked by him and instead of helping, crossed over to the other side of the street.  The same for a Levite (a group chosen by God to be His representatives)---he didn't even want to be bothered by the sight of this wounded man.  Finally, a Samaritan man happened by.  So great was the prejudice against Samaritans by the Jews that Samaritans were called dogs.  But, this Samaritan man did what God's people would not.  He had compassion on the hurt man!  He gently cleaned the man's wounds and even paid for him to have a room at the inn so he could heal from the savage beating he'd received.  He asked for nothing in return and even offered to pay if there were any more charges from the man's stay.  I submit to you, girls, that this man did FAR more than just enough.  Surely he had somewhere to be; some plans for the day to accomplish.  And, yet, he stopped, had compassion on the innocent, and inconvenienced himself in order to make a difference in one person's life. 

Today, do more than just enough.  Go the extra mile.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 28
Mark 7

Saturday, July 27th

Have you ever felt really, really overwhelmed?  Perhaps you had a big test coming up and you felt totally unprepared.  Or maybe you had more to get accomplished than you could possibly get done and that sinking feeling of being buried beneath it all made you feel pressured and heartsick.  If you've ever felt like that, you are definitely not alone.  In fact, all of us have felt that way.  Even the Bible hero, King David---aptly named "a man after God's own hear"t---faced discouragement, fear, dread, and depression.  Overwhelmed is defined as having incapacitating emotional or mental stress, and surely, David faced that.  He fought giants, conquered cities, stood for righteousness, and loved God with all his heart.  Yet, David faced inner battles. 

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

David faced these obstacles; he was human.  He was a Bible hero, and yet, he struggled.  Are you and I any different?  We will face struggles; we will be discouraged.  And, yet, like David, we can take comfort in knowing that the Rock of our salvation will never leave nor forsake us.  Far from it!  It is during those deepest valleys, the most overwhelming circumstances, that our Lord is more precious than ever.  

If you are in one of those overwhelming seasons in life, believe this:  in one single moment of time everything can change.  The Lord knows where you are and is upholding you with His right hand of mercy.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 27
Mark 6

Friday, July 26th

Have you ever read something in the Bible and needed to re-read it because it seemed contradictory?  Two of the verses in today's Proverb seem to do just that.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. "
"Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit."

How can one verse (vs 4) seem to discourage correcting someone who is acting foolishly while the very next verse (vs 5) seems to do the complete opposite?  Though the Scripture doesn't say, I believe discernment is the key.  There are conversations that we sometimes become involved with that have absolutely no benefit to us, to Christ, or to the person we are talking with.  I call these kinds of "discussions" Bible bashing.  Even though you may have Scripture to back up your stand, the person with whom you are debating does not truly want to know the truth; they only wish to argue.  We aren't to put ourselves into the same position as a fool by arguing just for the sake of arguing. 

On the other hand, we are to be prepared to give an answer of the hope that lies within us.  We are not supposed to wither like a wilting flower in the face of those who are acting like fools.  We do not have to fear...we have the answers!  And, we need not be afraid to speak with confidence about those issues that the Bible makes clear.  However, we do not need to argue in the same way the foolish argue.  We must use God's Word---it is the power of God.  Our words are just that---words.  But, the Bible is God's Word and has the power to change lives. 

So, girls, don't be afraid to answer boldly for the name of Christ; but, don't resort to arguing just for the sake of arguing.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 26
Mark 5

Thursday, July 25th

I have to be honest, the Lock Haven teen girls are some of the sweetest, most compassionate young ladies I've ever had the privilege of working with.  Pride is a sin---if it's the wrong kind of pride.  But, I am proud of each of you.  Perhaps the better word would be pleased with our girls.  Most of you have honored your commitments from camp; there has been a genuine desire for spiritual things in your hearts and evidenced in your actions.  So, this morning, I want to encourage you to keep going! Too many times we view our Christian race as one that has a finish line on this side of Heaven.  It doesn't.  We must keep our eyes on the cross, ever pressing forward toward the mark of the prize.  Remember the memory verse we learned at camp:

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. I Corinthians 9:24

There will be days when you feel defeated; this may even be one of them:-(  Be assured though that when in view of eternity, these heartaches and distractions will be a very, very distant memory.  The sacrifices you make now to walk with Christ will all be worth it.  If you are ridiculed, you will be rewarded.  If you are forsaken (by earthly man---NEVER by your Heavenly Father), you will not be forgotten.  If you are surrendered in this life, you will be saluted. 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 25
Mark 4


Wednesday, July 24th

"Wow, she's got anger issues!"
Ever heard that said about someone?  The Bible calls it wrath and has much to say about its destruction.

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: Proverbs 14:29

Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; Proverbs 27:4

A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to ang er appeaseth strife. Proverbs 15:18

"I just have a short fuse, Mrs. Kim.  That's all.  I really don't have a problem with anger at all."  We can cover our indignation by making excuses, but that won't help us.  Anger is a human emotion, and to be sure, every one of us will battle anger in some form.  But, uncontrollable anger is as dangerous as gasoline.  It's volatile and unpredictable, and, it must be surrendered to the Lord.  For some, it's a daily battle and not easily won.  But, it CAN be brought under submission of the Holy Spirit, and there can be spiritual victory.  Here are a few thoughts to consider:

1.) If you're angry, do not talk to the person with whom you are angry.  Your anger will eventually subside, but a cutting, hurtful remark said in that anger will not.

2.) Get alone with God in prayer until the moment of rage passes, and the Lord grants you a spirit of calm, peace.

3.)  Ask the Lord to forgive you if your anger is unreasonable.  Not all anger is unreasonable; but, many times the way we handle it is.

4.)  Ask God to help you forgive if your anger is reasonable;  however, be prepared to ask forgiveness if the Lord reveals to you that it is yourself who is wrong.

Don't waste time being mad, girls.  Life's just too short.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 24
Mark 3

Tuesday, July 23rd

You've probably heard the question lots of times, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"   Some of you already have your dream job in sight as you make college preparations.  I've talked with you most of you, and you have goals and ambition.  You are SMART young ladies, and I'm so proud of each of you.  But, as I pray for you, I want to remind you to pray about your futures!  God has a perfect plan for your life, and you need to be in the dead-set center!  Don't ever make a decision as important as your job future based upon the amount of money that job title has the potential of making.  It won't mean anything to have that $100,000 a year job if you are miserable.  Choose your future based upon God's Word and His clear direction in your life.  Money, fame, excitement...these are NOT reasons to choose a particular field.  "Then, what is, Mrs. Kim?"  you're probably wondering.  How does the Lord want to use your can Jesus Christ best be glorified in your choice?  That's what you must consider.  And, girls, let me be honest:  if it's not Scriptural, it's not within His will for you.  I don't mean that the Bible has to mention your particular choice; but, in order for it to even be a consideration, the job must not go against what God clearly lays out in His word. 

Your future, your choice.  This is absolutely true.  But, never forget that the Lord knows exactly what will make you the happiest, the most fulfilled, and that is what He wants for you.  Pray earnestly for the Lord's guidance and be willing to shift directions if the Lord makes it clear that what you've always dreamed about isn't exactly His best for you.

"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."  Psalm 37:4

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 23
Mark 2

Monday, July 22nd

I've never met anyone who liked every part of themselves.  They loved their smile, thought their nose was perfect, were proud of their skin, etc.  I'm sure all of us could pin-point what we feel is our best attribute, but we could just as quickly highlight our flaws.   There are very few people who genuinely love who they are.  If we did, we wouldn't be so busy straightening our curly hair or curling our straight hair!   Ladies like to feel pretty, and I don't believe there's anything wrong with a woman being feminine and beautiful.  But, each of us has to come to the place that we are comfortable with who we are.  For some, that may come with the realization that we won't ever be 105 pounds (and to be honest, it's not realistic or pretty to want to be either); other young ladies may have to give up the hope of getting taller....or shorter.....or having prettier ankles or hands; to be honest, the list could go on and on.  My point is this:  God made each of us.  He created us within our mother's wombs, and He is our Designer.  Take a look at what the Scripture says,

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:" Psalm 139:14

So, when we bemoan the fact that we have chicken legs or elephant ankles....or slanted eyes....or chubby cheeks...or whatever we aren't happy with about ourselves, we are saying, "God, I feel ugly, and I just don't like the way You made me!"   Perhaps we'd never say it out loud, but when we think so little of what the Lord thinks so much of, we are indeed saying that.  Are you thankful for how the Lord created you? 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverb 22
Mark 1

Sunday, July 21st

The story is told of a man who planted an orchard of lemon trees.  He worked diligently every day caring for the new plants, handling them with tender care.  Yet, in the evening, he prayed that God would give him apples from his new plants.  "That's silly,"  you may be thinking, and you'd be right.  You can't plant lemon trees and expect apple fruit.  In much the same way, we cannot go through our day hoping every one is sweet and kind to us but being ugly and mean to them.  It is the natural law of sowing and reaping:  you reap what you sow, you get what you grow.  It is also a spiritual principle:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

We can apply this foundation in all areas of our life, with our demeanor being no exception. 

All of us want friends, but at times, we act like it's everyone else's responsibility to be nice to us.  Scripture declares though that,

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:"  Proverbs 18:24

So, dear girls, if you want people to be kind and gracious to you, you must first be cordial and likable yourself.  Do not expect to drink sweet apple juice if you've planted sour lemon trees.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 21
Matthew 28

Saturday, July 20th

How do you like it when someone compliments you?  Most of us, though we might not know how to respond, like to be praised.  Perhaps some of us enjoy it too much:-)  But, the Scripture indicates that there is a time to honor people.  Proverbs 27:21 says this,

As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.

We know that the fining pot makes the silver prettier, better; the furnace purifies gold.  So, the right kind and the correct amount of praise is a help to people.  However, we need to be careful that we aren't excessive in our compliments to someone because then it becomes flattery.  And, the Bible also talks about this word:

He that speaketh flattery to his friends, even the eyes of his children shall fail.

So, wherein is the difference between the two words--flattery and praise?  Flattery is trying to build up someone's self-esteem.  To be honest, most of us do not need MORE self-esteem; we need less.  But, to praise someone's actions, someone's choices is different.  The right kind of praise encourages us on...leads us to try harder.  Let me give a personal example.  Today someone left me a note that said simply, "I love you...Thanks for being my hero."  That one small note made my heart happy and gave me the push to continue lifting up the blood-stained banner, and it gave me the hope that the choices and decisions I make are impacting others. 

Now, one more thing:  please don't misunderstand my thoughts today.  I do not think it's wrong to compliment someone on their hair...their make-up...their dress.  It's good to tell people they look nice!  Just be sure you are complimenting or praising the right things.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 20
Matthew 27

Thought for Friday, July 19th

Life is like a coin in one way: you can spend it any way you like, but once it's spent, it's spent.  This morning I've been thinking about something.  If I knew that today would be my very last day on this earth, what would I do differently?  I'm sure many of you have considered that thought, too.  But, since none of us are promised tomorrow, shouldn't we use today in such a way that if it were our last, there'd be no regrets? 

1.)  I hope I'd spend my last day trying my best to serve God.  "Are you serious, Mrs. Kim??  Your last day?!  Wouldn't you go, for lack of a better illustration, skydiving??"  I guess that's a natural-man response---to want to spend it doing something that would make me feel good.  But, I Corinthians 4:2 says,

"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."

2.)  I'd act like I really love my family.  I am sure the little aggravations wouldn't seem like annoyances any longer; in fact, those nuisances or irritations would probably seem like music to my ears.  If I knew I'd never, ever hear those precious voices again, what would I say differently?  I'd definitely speak  more lovingly, even in the face of aggravation.  Why?  Because it wouldn't be aggravation any longer. 

" covereth all sins."  Proverbs 10:12

3.)  I'd laugh at EVERYTHING!  I'd want my family and friends to hear me happy.

4.)  I'd forget about the things that really don't matter in the long run anyway and enjoy the gift of another day.

Now, that I review this list...perhaps it would do me well to look at it remember what is really important in my life.  And, should it be my last day, then if I have done these things, surely there would be no regrets.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 19
Matthew 26

Thought for Thursday, July 18th

 Proverbs 11:16 tells us that, 

"A gracious woman retaineth honour:"

 When we think of the word gracious, most of us envision a courteous lady, a kind hostess.  That would be correct.  However, some may not realize that graciousness can also mean compassion, mercy, or behavior laced with 
delicacy and good taste.  We can all agree that we do not see very many young women whose speech...whose dress...whose lifestyles emulate grace.  But, considering the definitions, we, as Christian girls, would do well to sincerely ask God  to fill us with graciousness.
Grace is something we all need in our lives, but not something that we extend very easily.  Grace allows us to overlook others' imperfections; it gives us the ability to offer understanding.  Graciousness exhibits itself in a soft-spoken, welcoming, even calming manner.  It's the total opposite of being boisterous and loud. 
Can you honestly say "Oh, yeah, Mrs. Kim, I'd love for people to think of me as being gracious."  Chances are that you may not have given it much thought.  But, would it be such a bad thing for us to be courteous, kind, compassionate, or merciful?  Remember, a gracious woman retains (keeps) her honor. 

Graciousness---sounding better every time I say the word.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 18
Matthew 25

Thought for Wednesday, July 17th

I need to apologize for yesterday's devotion.  I did my blog yesterday from my phone and thought it published it at the set time, but, it didn't:-(  I am sorry that I didn't notice it before now.

Most of us have seen the movie Courageous and loved it.  It's interesting to me that Merriam's Online Dictionary lists one definition for courage as the moral strength to persevere.  And, I most assuredly agree that to persist in our Christian faith will take courage.  Another interesting way to put it is that courage is not the absence of fear but rather the mastery of fear.  Everyone is afraid of something.  Boy, the list could go on and on...the dark, closed-in spaces, strangers, your parents (he he he); but, truthfully, there is something that frightens every single one of us.  My fears won't necessarily be your fears.  And, to be honest, to others, your fears may seem silly or unwarranted.  Yet, still, they are your fears.  Courage does not mean that you don't have fear or dismay; courage means that you honestly, humbly face them with determination that Christ can conquer them.

In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.  Psalm 56:4

And, another,

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Psalm 56:3

Girls, it's time we give our intimate fears to Jesus for He knows them already.  There is no weakness in admitting what scares us, whether it be fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or fear for the future; the weakness is not being courageous enough to admit to our Savior the areas where we need His divine intervention.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 17
Matthew 24

Thought for Tuesday, July 16th

It's been said that we can learn by experience---preferably other people's!  But, how often do we make the same mistakes that countless others have made before us simply because we failed to recognize that if it was a mistake for them, it will likely be for us, too.  Somehow we think that we can tweek their mistake and it won't have the same end result for us.  This is where accepting wise counsel comes into play.  We will all make mistakes, and that's an unavoidable fact; but, we don't have to make the same mistake that we've seen others make and witnessed the consequential results.  Listen to those that have been there, girls!  I know, I know, "But, Mrs. Kim, they're soooo old-fashioned!  They're old-school!  They do not know what's really going on in our generation!"  While it is true that the younger ladies are facing much harder circumstances than we older ladies, the Scripture tells us that there is nothing new under the sun.  The bottom line is this:  older ladies have faced trials, temptations, difficulties, and sorrow.  They can help you by sharing what they did wrong AND what they did right.  Be wise; listen!  When an older lady tells you something will bring you heartache, take heed!  When someone counsels you that a path you're walking will lead you straight into the fast lane, pay attention!  Don't take the attitude that, "Hey, it may be a mistake, but at least it will be MY mistake!" 

"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise."  
Proverbs 12:15

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 16
Matthew 23

Thought for Monday, July 15th

While it is true that we shouldn't be bothered by what people think of us, as Christians, we are to be concerned with how others see us.   I know what you're thinking, "We're not supposed to care, but wait, we are supposed to care....".   I guess it seems like a double-edged sword!  The reality is that we are supposed to care AS IT AFFECTS OUR CHRISTIAN TESTIMONY; we are NOT supposed to care when it brings us ridicule simply for following Christ.  The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:1 that,

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." 

Your testimony (reputation) is of great concern to the Lord for it is how others ultimately view God.  You see, we represent the Lord.  A young lady who's never been saved---never read the Bible---doesn't know much about God.  What she knows about Him, she sees in His children. 

And, yet, there must come a point in your walk with Christ that you stop tormenting yourself when others make fun of you for your stand for the Lord.  Jesus Himself said this to us in John 15:20,

"The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you"

The summary of the matter is this:  You must care if your testimony or your actions are causing shame to the name of Christ; you must not care when people are talking and provoking just because you are living in a Christ-like way.  Perhaps we can remember it like this:  If it brings me reproach, no worries.  If it brings Christ reproach, I've got to do some things differently.

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 15
Matthew 22

Thought for Sunday, July 14th

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."  Matthew 5:9

A very simple word--peacemaker, defined as simply one who makes peace.  And, if there's anything we are lacking amongst our girls and ladies, it would definitely be women who are wholly given to creating harmony.  Some of us, in fact, do the complete opposite.  Instead of being a calming force in a volatile situation, we act more like the gasoline!  We do this at times by pointing out the negative instead of focusing on what is helpful.   

"Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins."  Proverbs 10:12

Sometimes, to appease strife, all it would take would be a simple, "I don't think she really meant it like that" or maybe, "Don't worry about what they said.  God will work this all out".  Instead, we often say something like, "I understand why you're mad!  She thinks she's better than everybody else..."  or "You should say something!  You can't let people run over  you!"

Remember, girls, sometimes when we stir up trouble, the trouble turns out to be way more than we bargained for.  Be a peacemaker!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 14
Matthew  21

Thought for Saturday, July 13th

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."

Have you ever asked your parents or maybe even God for something, and the answer was not forthcoming?  Patience is definitely not one of my more dominant traits, and it's likely not one of yours either.  We are born with an "I-want-it-all-and-I-want-it-NOW" mentality.  It's evident in every aspect of our lives, too, by the way.  We demonstrate a lack of patience when we want to be the first in line; when we feel put out by having to wait our turn; even when we try to beat someone to a parking spot!  We are saying in an unspoken language, "I deserve that spot more than she does!  After all, I'm late for work!"  Patience is indeed something that the Lord desires to grow in all of us.  But, in most of us, He cannot.  Do you want to know why?  Because we often do not allow Him to.  "Mrs. Kim, that's not true.  I even ask the Lord to give me patience!"  Ah, surely, that is the case, but look at what the Bible tells us in Romans 5:3-4,

"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: "

So, in order to be more patient---to be more longsuffering---we have to be put through trials.  In those times of testing, sometimes we feel abandoned and alone.  But, it's during the trial that the Lord is teaching us patience. 

Are you going through a difficult time right now in some area?  Know of a certainty that...
"trying of your faith worketh patience", James 1:3.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 13
Matthew 20

Thought for Friday, July 12th

In yesterday's devotion, we talked a little about presenting our needs to God in prayer.  For today, I'd like you to consider that word "need".

Many times I've said, "Oh, I need a new pair of flip-flops...I need a new stove....I need a new purse..."  But, girls, I am using the word "need" incorrectly.  Merriam-Webster lists one of the definitions for the word need as a "requirement for the well-being of an organism".  Hmm...I'm not sure my well-being will be affected if I don't get those new flip-flops, so my desire for the new flip-flops is not a need but a want.  We use the word "need" loosely.  However, our physical needs can be broken down into a basic 4 categories:

1.) Food
2.) Clean Water
3.) Shelter
4.) Clothes

  In Philippians 4:19, the Lord promises that He will meet the needs of His children who are doing as they are supposed to be doing.

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

All of us today have had our needs met, and probably, most of our wants, too.  It helps me to keep focused on just how blessed I am when I remember what I heard one lady say yesterday in her devotion about her desire for a new purse.  "It's just the icing on the, better yet, it's the sprinkles on top of the icing!"

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 12
Matthew 19

Thought for Thursday, July 11th

Prayer---what is it really?  We've all heard eloquent men deliver prayers so beautifully orated that it sounded like they were meant for poetry.  But, is that what Scriptural prayer is about?  The Bible commands us to pray.  The Lord Jesus prayed in John 17, and I'd encourage you to read how He talked to the Father.  It wasn't with great swelling words that nobody understood; rather, He spoke to His Father just as you would speak to your father---in a personal, intimate way.  That's all that prayer is---you coming before your Heavenly Father to share with Him your day, your burdens, your needs.  William Cowper once said,

"Satan trembles when he sees the weakest Christian on his knees." 

Why would Satan fear a Christian who is praying?  Simply because prayer unleashes the power of God in a  Christian's life.  James 4:2 tells us,

"ye have not, because ye ask not."

But, there is an order to how your prayer life should be conducted.  Let me illustrate with an example.  Johnny comes into his daddy's bedroom and says, "Let me have a dollar, Dad."  Hmmm.....will Johnny get the dollar?  That depends on who Johnny's daddy is:-) 
No, seriously.  What if Johnny changed his approach to, "Hello, Daddy, how was your day?  Yes, sir, mine was good.  I was able to play with Timmy, and we had a great day.  Say, Dad, my class is getting ice-cream tomorrow, and I'd like to get some, too.  May I have a dollar for ice-cream?"  Which approach do you see earning that dollar? 

Prayer is not just petitioning God for your needs; He already knows the things you need (Matthew 6:32).  It is talking to your Savior in an attitude of worship, thanksgiving, and humbleness.  And, it should be like talking to your best friend.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 11
Matthew 18

Thought for Wednesday, July 10th

Someone once said that the fastest way to fail is to try to please everyone.  No matter how hard you try, someone is always going to find fault.  Perhaps this is the reason why so many are discouraged and depressed; they've realized that, in spite of their best intentions, there's usually somebody who will complain.  Others, realizing they can't please everybody, do not try to please anybody.  And, they, too, are miserable.  So, girls, where is the answer?  The answer lies in pleasing Christ. 

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.  Romans 14:12

At the end of the day, you need to be able to pillow your head knowing that, according to Scripture, you have been pleasing to the Lord in your day's activities.  If you haven't been, the answer is easy!  In humbleness, ask for the Lord's forgiveness and His wisdom not to make the same mistake again.  He is a merciful God, plenteous in grace, and always willing to hear you.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.   I John 1:19

If our hearts are right before our Savior, He will make everything else and everybody else okay!  One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 16:7,

When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 10
Matthew 17

Thought for Tuesday, July 9th

"Aww, I know how you Baptists believe...once saved, always saved!"  Has anyone ever said that to you?  The doctrinal term for this is eternal security, and yes, it is fundamental to the Baptist faith because it is Scriptural.  After today's devotion, you might feel like you've been in a vocabulary class, but I promise, it'll help you.

The word security in our minds might mean comfort or stability.  When we see a toddler carrying around a little blanket or a stuffed animal, we say that's his security blanket.  As a born-again young lady, you have that same security that your Heavenly Father loves you, will provide for you, and will never leave you.  Your security is in the form of the Holy Spirit of God which was given to you the moment you trusted Christ as your Savior. 

Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. 2 Corinthians 1:22

The word I'd like you to notice in the above passage is the word earnest.  Earnest can mean diligent or serious; but, in this passage the word earnest takes on an entirely new meaning because it is defined as

a pledge, that is, part of the purchase money or property given in advance as security for the rest:

To better explain earnest, I'll share a story.  There once was a man who was interested in a particular car.  He stopped at the dealer, drove the car, and loved it.  He decided instantaneously that he must have that car.  But, he didn't have all the money the dealer was asking.  He had it at home but not with him.  After talking with the dealer, it was decided that he would put down some "earnest" money for the dealer to keep the car until he could come back the next day with the balance.  It was, if you will, a down payment.   The more he thought about it though, the more he decided he really didn't want that car afterall, so he never returned.  What happened to the earnest money or the down payment?  The dealer got to keep it.

So, the application of the word earnest as it is being used in 2 Corinthians 1:22 is that when we repent and ask Christ to save us, we are given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts; in other words, the down payment of the Holy Ghost of God to live in our hearts until such time that the Lord calls us home to Heaven.  This is an impossibility, girls, but just for example's sake, let's say that the Lord decides that He made a mistake and He's not going to save us like He promised (as in our example when the gentleman decided he didn't want the car)?  Just like that dealer got to keep the earnest money, you get to keep the earnest of the Spirit in your heart.  Your salvation is a gift.  You can not work hard enough to get it, and you can not work hard enough to keep it.  You are secure, dear girl, based upon what Christ did---not what we've done.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 9
Matthew 16

Thought for Monday, July 8th

Being raised in a broken and dysfunctional home, as a new bride, I had absolutely no idea of how a marriage was supposed to work.  I was chatty and talkative and couldn't wait to talk my new husband's ear off the minute he came in from work.  Pastor, on the other hand, was quiet and reserved.  Because I didn't know how to get the attention I craved, I would start arguments.  I reasoned that if we were fighting, at least we were talking, and in some strange way, it brought me security.  There are many reasons why people are content with strife. Some ladies may bicker and fight because it's all they know; others because it's a mask for what's truly bothering them.  Whatever the reason though, creating strife will only, in the long, run, make you miserable.  Proverbs 17:14 says that, 

"The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with."

That's how arguments are, don't you think?  Most of the time, they begin with something minor, something even miniscule.  But, if allowed to fester, the tiny disagreement turns into a full-blown, all-out fight.  The Scripture compares it to letting out water.  Have you ever unplugged the bathtub stopper after a bath and watched the little tornado of water escape down the drain?  At first, the water goes down without much fanfare; but, after a while, it begins to churn and turn until it's making that distinctive whistling noise that signals it's almost empty.  That's how strife is.  We need to be careful not to be so willing to argue and fight.  In fact, we need to be, on purpose and with practice, slow to strive.

"Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof ,"  Proverbs 25:8.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 8
Matthew 15

Thought for Sunday, July 7th

Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?  Did you know that you are to be both?  You are to follow those in leadership roles such as your parents and your teachers.  You are to follow those in spiritual authority such as your pastor and your Sunday school teacher.  God has placed authorities of all types over ALL people.  Have you ever seen someone who struggles with authority?  Normally, it manifests itself in the home first; parental leadership is shunned and no matter the approach, the one who struggles with authority bucks and kicks any direct instruction.  However, it won't stop there.  Usually, the objections to rules continue into adulthood and the clash with civil law becomes a reality.  Girls, when we contend with the authority in our home, we are really opposing our greatest Authority---God Himself.  It is the Lord Who has written,

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right."  Ephesians 6:1

It's been suggested that the way a young lady obeys her father is the way that she will submit herself to her husband.  I have found that to be true.  But, lest I make it sound easy, let me emphasize that obedience is not easy.  It hasn't ever been easy for any girl!  There's something in our nature that, in just a small way perhaps, wants to be the boss.  It's called a sin nature for that very reason!  Obeying those in authority is a difficult battle for many; and, it is most definitely a battle that you must surrender to the Lord each and every day.  But, remember this, before you can lead, you must follow.  Most of you girls reading this will someday be mommies, and you will be the one in authority.  Ask yourself a very poignant question: "Can I honestly say I hope my little girl obeys me like I obey my parents?"  Chances are that you'll probably see areas, just like I do in my own life, that we can be more submissive and humbly obedient. 

Isn't it great though that the Lord continues to shape us, to mold us, and to love us while He's teaching us to be more like Jesus? 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 7

Thought for Saturday, July 6th

Yesterday's thought was about the blessing of laughter and how we, as Christians, ought to let our joy bubble over.  Today's thought will also cover laugher---the wrong kind.

If we are honest, nobody likes to be the brunt of cruel jokes; nobody likes to be made fun of.  "Wait, Mrs. Kim, I thought you said yesterday that we should laugh?"  I did, but with laughter at an appropriate time or an appropriate place.  Laughter is an emotion that God intends for us to use.  It's a manifestation of happiness.  However, laughing at the wrong thing or at the wrong time can produce horrible consequences such as hurt feelings, broken friendships, and isolation.  The Scripture tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:4 that there is,

"A time to weep, and a time to laugh..."

Discernment is what's needed to know the difference.  There are a few things though that you should NEVER laugh at:

1.) In mockery towards God (making fun of Christianity, someone taking God's name in vain, etc.) 
2.) At someone's misfortune (even if that person has been ugly towards you)
3.) At jokes that are vile or nasty
4.) When someone else is being made fun of

I've always said that if it's not fun FOR all, it's not fun AT all.  It's difficult sometimes, I know; but, littlemoments_mean_everything commented on this week's Tuesday post something that can be applied even in this situation.  How would  you feel if the shoe was on your foot?  If you would feel embarrassed or hurt at the laughter taking place, chances are that the person you are laughing at feels the same way. 

Finally, one particular quote that comes to mind is this,

You can measure a man's character by what it is that makes him laugh.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
Matthew 13

Thought for Friday, July 5th

One of my most favorite sounds is that of a child laughing.  I LOVE it, but especially when it's this little bitty baby laughing ferociously!  There's just something about it that makes me laugh, too, no matter what they're laughing at.  

Most of the time, laughter comes when our hearts are light and happy.  Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine...", and surely if anybody ought to be happy, it should be Christians.  Our hearts ought to be literally bubbling over with joy.  We've got everything to be happy about!  And, guess what else?  Laughter is quite contagious.  You never know when your laughter and joy might be the only ray of sunshine in the life of someone else.

Here's some things that we ought to laugh at:
1.)  With those that laugh.  If someone is happy and joyful, be happy with them.  Romans 12:15 tells us to rejoice with them that are rejoicing.
2.)  Laugh at silly things....go'll be alright.  It's okay to be crazy, goofy, funny sometimes:-)
3.)  Laugh at jokes that do not dishonor the Lord.
4.)  And, this is probably the MOST important----Laugh at YOURSELF!!  This has been a hard lesson for me to learn, because as a younger woman, I hated to be embarrassed.  I hated when people laughed at me.  But, as I've gotten older, I've realized that most of the time they were laughing because whatever I did was genuinely funny.  Not always but most of the time now the person laughing loudest at me is my own self!  And, boy, is it ever better than being mad because someone else is laughing at me.  

So, girls, have a great Friday and go ahead......LAUGH!

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 5
Matthew 12

Thought for Thursday, July 4th

It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you. 
Liberty.  Have you ever considered its meaning?  It is defined as the quality or state of being free.  And, surely as American young ladies, we are free.  I dare say our citizens have been granted more freedom than any other country in this world.  And, though the word means freedom, there are other descriptions.

a : the power to do as one pleases

b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

To be quite honest, as I was glancing over this list, one thought became increasingly obvious...we enjoy ALL of these freedoms simply because we are Americans.  Too often I take for granted the sacrifices that others have made for me to be able to go to church; for me to be able to read my Bible and witness openly; for me to even wear a Christian T-shirt in public.  Never forget that the ground of freedom has been watered with the blood of courageous men and women who understood that freedom isn't free.

And, then, I think of another kind of liberty.  Spiritually-speaking, the definition is much the same: freedom.  As blood-bought, born-again Christians, we have freedom in Christ.  We are no longer in bondage to sin.  Our sin debt is paid full and free when we trust Christ as our Savior.  But, just as freedom hasn't been free for Americans, it isn't free in Christianity.  While it is true that it costs you nothing, it cost Christ EVERYTHING!  For a Savior Who died for me, is it too much that I live for Him?

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another,  Galatians 5:13

As you spend today thanking God for our free country, thank Him also for the freedom He's given us in Christ to serve one another.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 4
Matthew 11

Thought for Wednesday, July 3rd

Jumping to conclusions is not half as good an exercise as digging for facts.

Has someone ever tried to explain something to you---perhaps a situation that happened---and before she even told half of the story, you had already decided how it happened...who was to handle it?  The Bible tells us to be careful of this very thing in Proverbs 18:13:

He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

That word "folly" just means silliness or foolishness.  So, in other words, it's silly to try and make a decision before we know all the facts.  I have to be honest, I am guilty of this very thing.  And, normally it is because I am basing my decision on what I presume about the rest of the story.  More times than not though, the rest of the story is not what I was assuming it would be, and I end up needing to apologize to someone for making a presumptuous conclusion.  Secondly, always remember, girls, that there are two sides to every story.  

As ladies, it's our nature to jump to conclusions, but we need to walk according to the Spirit.  We need, more than ever, the discernment of the Lord and most of all, a willingness to listen more than a willingness to reach a verdict. 

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 3
Matthew 10