Saturday, August 31st

D.L. Moody, an evangelist who pointed many to Christ in the 1800's once said, If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.  I've also read that your reputation is who others think you are while your character is who you really are.  It used to be that most teen girls cared about their reputation.  Even if they secretly behaved immorally, they tried to maintain a good reputation publicly.  I don't see that very frequently now; more often, I watch young ladies who, for the most part, have thrown caution to the wind and do not really care about their reputation.  They make statements like, I don't really care what anybody thinks; it's not their business anyway.  And, while certainly it's not anybody else's job to be our judge, when we've come to the point that we genuinely don't care what others think, we've likely gotten to the point that we're not concerned what God thinks either.   At the end of the day, it is to the Lord Jesus that we must give an account.  If we've spent our day building and maintaining solid character traits such as respect, honesty, determination, and diligence, then our reputation will certainly reflect that.  On the other hand, if we've spent our time trying to maintain the front of a good reputation without fortifying the foundation of that  reputation, our stronghold will fold.  The foundation of your reputation is your character, and if you build upon that, your reputation will honor God.

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Galatians 1:10

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 31
John 1

Friday, August 30th

It is said that a person is who he really is when he's alone with his thoughts.  According to Proverbs 23:7, it's true. 

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:
It is fair to say then that what we are pondering, what we are dreaming about, what we are allowing our minds to dwell upon is what makes us who we really are.  This is one of the reasons that Christians ought not watch soap operas and tv series that are filled with episodes of adultery, fornication, drinking, and cursing.  I know these things to be sin according to Scripture.  Do I think that necessarily watching a television show that features a woman dishonoring her marriage vows is going to make me dishonor my marriage vows?  No, I don't believe any woman lies, steals, or cheats because of a tv program.  However, when I allow these lifestyle choices to permeate my thinking, my Holy Spirit-led convictions become foggy.  And, the longer, the more I consider the world's philosophy, the less I consider God's teachings.  The Lord gives us the answer in Philippians 4:8,

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
If you want your mind to be pure, you have to think clean thoughts.  And, if you want to have clean thoughts, you can't fill your mind with trash.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 30
Luke 24

Thursday, August 29th

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25
The word snare means entrapment.  Have you ever seen a trap that has been set for an animal?  The trap is carefully disguised in order to lure the animal to its vices.  When we are afraid of man, we are entrapped.  There are many ways to fear man, but I want to focus on the ways that are most likely to apply to our Beautiful Girlhood group. 
Sometimes we are afraid of what our friends will think of us if we do or don't do certain things or if we dress a certain way.  Being fearful of fitting-in can cause us to say and do things that we know in our hearts are wrong.  But, often we oblige what we know to be wrong because we know that to do opposite would cause ridicule.  This is a type of fear of man.  You would know the term peer pressure better, but the two are synonymous.  We're more afraid of what our friends think...what the "in" crowd thinks than what we know God thinks. And, the really crazy thing is that if we take a look at that in crowd or at the type of people we're trying so hard to impress, we probably don't want our lives to be patterned after theirs anyway.   
The Lord, in His compassion doesn't condemn us, girls.  Instead, He gently exhorts us in
 I Peter 3:13-15 to be bold in our stand for Christ,
And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
The fear of man causes bondage; the fear of God brings freedom.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 29
Luke 23

Wednesday, August 28th

What do you think is the most important ingredient in the formula for success? you think it might be good time-management skills?  Perhaps the ability to multi-task or the gift of being tech-savvy?  Still others might say that good financial skills are needed for success.  I agree that all of these are needed, but none of them are the most important.  Even with great time-management skills, the wonderful ability to multi-task, a geek-freak mentality, or phenomenal financial smarts, you will not excel without the very important grace of knowing how to get along with people.  That's right---people skills.  You have to learn---and it's far better to learn now---how to talk to people.   Sarcasm is never, ever going to get you very far; seeking to embarrass someone will always be costly; and, impatience will always come back to bite you later.  For some, people skills come naturally; for others, it's a learned art.  But, whatever the case for you, practice being soft-spoken, genuine, and polite. 

A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it! Proverbs 15:23
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 28
Luke 22

Tuesday, August 27th

They say that a goal properly set is already halfway reached.  Likely that is because the hardest thing about growing and moving forward is to identify where you'd like to be in a given time period.  Spiritually speaking, we need to set goals for ourselves.  It's not reasonable to expect yourself to begin by passing out 100 tracts a week, reading 6 chapters in the Bible a day, and praying an hour everyday.  While this objective is commendable, it is not attainable without careful planning and conditioning.  There's no way that I could go out next week and run a 5k marathon.  It would be ridiculous of me to try!  Why?  Because I'm not capable of running a 5k?  No, rather because I have not prepared and conditioned myself to run.  Certainly the results would be embarrassing!  This is what happens to many people in their walks with Christ.  They have wonderful ambition and exciting,fiery zeal for the Lord, but they lack the spiritual conditioning. 

I challenge you to sit down in your devotion time this week and ask yourself where you'd like to be this time next year in your walk with the Lord.  Make yourself an attainable list of goals to help you reach your mark.  If your goal is to be passing out 25 tracts a week on your own by next year, start by setting a mark of 5 tracts.  If you'd like to have a scheduled prayer time, start with 5 minutes.  Keep a journal, and for every day that you meet  your goal, give yourself a star.  You will have days that you don't pass out any tracts; that you get so busy you forget your prayer time; that your Bible goes unread.  But, on those days, don't give up!  Just get back up the next morning and start again.  Remember, a bad day doesn't derail your goals. 

For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again:
Proverbs 24:16
You're not a failure until you quit trying:-) 
So, let's get busy!  Set yourself some attainable goals and move forward!
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 27
Luke 21

Monday, August 26th

We've all heard our mothers say something along the lines of treat others like you want them to treat you.  The Bible verse they are using is Matthew 7:12 and reads,

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
It seems simple, but it's not always so simply applied.  We are going to have a short grammar lesson now, girls:-)  The phrase, whatsoever ye would that men should do is actually future tense, while the phrase, do ye even so to them is present tense.  However you'd like for people to treat you in the future is how you are to treat them in the present.  If you'd like for people to be kind, gentle, and understanding with you tomorrow, then you need to plant those same seeds today.  Notice the verse doesn't exhort us to treat people how they've already treated us; no, that would, in some cases, be returning evil for evil and we know better than that. 
It can be best be summed by this one statement, You reap what you sow; you get what you grow. 
Plants seeds in your garden that will bloom into the plants of sweetness, compassion, and joy; not seeds that will grow into the weeds of sarcasm, hatefulness, and mean-spiritedness.  You'll just have to weed them out later, and it's far better to not grow the weeds in the first place than to spend your time rooting out what never should have been planted.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 26
Luke 20

Sunday, August 25th

The Sunday evening services have been a blessing at Lock Haven as we've covered the life of Joseph and the picture of Christ in Joseph's example.  Last night, a statement Pastor Stockton made caught my attention.  He said, One of the ways to measure your spiritual maturity is this:  Ask yourself this question: does it bother me when my brother or sister in Christ is blessed?  Too many times, we are not genuinely excited when others are blessed.  Oh, we may smile and say, Praise the Lord, but inwardly, we question God and wonder why we aren't getting the same blessing.  This, dear girls, is called covetousness, and it is sin.  It comes down to basically nothing more than pride---thinking that we deserve the blessing more than the one receiving it does.  But, girls, God is no respecter of persons.  He doesn't choose to be extra good to, say Carrie, because she's His favorite.  Rather, He may choose to bless Carrie because she is in the place in her walk with Christ that she can handle the blessing.  But, when we secretly resent those that God chooses to bless, we are saying, God, that's not fair!  I wanted that!  I deserved that!  Sounds kind-of like a 2-year-old temper tantrum, doesn't it?  Don't be like that, girls; though you may not ever show it on the outside, your Heavenly Father sees the attitude of the heart.  And, just as a good parent shouldn't reward a fit, neither will our Heavenly Father.

Rejoice with them that do rejoice,
Romans 12:15
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 25
Luke 19

Saturday, August 24th

Sometimes the quotes I come across are quite funny; yet, some of them, though funny, have some merit.  One said, Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.  While no one would ever really try to do such a thing, there's a serious thought here.  This saying means that we should never cause more damage to our friend by correcting his/her error than the error itself is causing.  Sometimes all we see is the bad---even in our friends.  Instead of focusing on the commendable traits, we pick at the bad.  I'm not saying that we should hide our eyes from wrongdoing; I'm not saying that we should pretend everything is right when we know that our friend is in trouble spiritually.  What I am saying is that sometimes we rebuke harshly for things that are minor and do not correct at all when the offense is major.  I guess we have it backwards.  In Matthew 23:24, the Lord Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and told them that they strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel.  In other words, they majored on minor things and minored on major things.  There's a fine line, girls, and I realize that.  The line is in the fact that you must not be judgmental or condemning; however, you must be a representative of the Light.  So, be gentle.  Always offer a listening ear, but never let your silence be misinterpreted for a sympathetic understanding when your friend is in the wrong.

Finally, remember Proverbs 27:6,

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 24
Luke 18

Friday, August 23rd

Have you ever heard something referred to as a classic?  Maybe you were speaking of music or even an old car.  But, a classic is something that I call time-honored.  It's just the opposite of faddish---something that will fade with time.  We've all heard Pastor Stockton talk about being in-style with his 'parachute pants' in high school.  That was the fad of the day then, and at that time, parachute pants were the die-for item on everybody's back-to-school list.  But, like all fads, within 6 months, nobody was wearing those loud, plastic-feeling things anymore and a  new fad had been implemented.  With fashion, there will always be the latest craze, but there is always the classic look, too.  Women are often referred to as classy ladies.  In much the same way, there are some faddish behaviors.  I remember when I was in high school that the in-crowd talked like valley girls.  My dad thought I'd lost my mind!  But, that rage soon died down, too.  There are some character traits though that are classic according to Scripture. 

"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30
Being beautiful is not bad!  But, we must understand that our outward beauty will eventually fade.  With time, our skin will wrinkle and our bodies will not look the same.  This is a natural part of aging.  However, the inward beauty is classic; it will remain when the outward beauty has failed.  The inward is what only the Lord can do in you, dear girls. 
So, while everyone is racing to and fro trying to have the latest, craziest fad, remember, seek also the classic in your heart---the fear of the Lord.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 23
Luke 17

Thursday, August 22nd

"The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do."

I know what you're thinking, "C'mon, Mrs. Kim, can't you give us quotes that we don't have to read and re-read to understand what we're reading?!"  Yes, girls, I could do that...but, it wouldn't be half the fun:-) 

What does it mean to speak two words when one will do?  Simply:  don't dominate the conversation.  Have you ever been in a crowded room and noticed that there was one girl who was the loudest, most dominating of the attention in the room?  I've often used the word boisterous with my own girls, and it just means loud in a rowdy sort-of way.  There's a difference in being outgoing and being obnoxious, and as young ladies we ought never be obnoxious.  There's nothing wrong with laughing and joking; nothing at all.  But, we need to be careful that in our tone, in our words themselves, and in our behavior we aren't seeking to be the center of attention.  That is the total opposite of how the Lord would like for young ladies to behave.

"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." I Peter 3:4
A meek and quiet spirit isn't a wallflower either, girls.  It's not a young lady that never opens her mouth.  A meek and quiet spirit is the picture of humility---an attitude of the heart that is seeking to draw others to Christ and not to one's self.
Have a wonderful day, girls!
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 22
Luke 16

Wednesday, August 21st

I am reading one of my newest books that I bought over the summer, What is Modesty: Discovering the Truth, and I'd like to share a thought that the author, Michelle Brock, expands:

"A person who finds his speech is beginning to be characterized by sarcasm and innuendo may determine that he needs to limit the television he watches."

I absolutely agree that the influences you allow to penetrate your thinking will impact your actions.  Hebrews 12:1 admonishes us to get rid of anything that hinders our relationship with the Lord.

"...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"
The influence that has the most detrimental impact to your walk with Christ may not be television at all.  You may not have a problem watching shows that are ungodly in nature such as programs that promote sex before or outside of marriage, programs that almost encourage a rebellious attitude toward your parents, programs that ridicule a God-honoring lifestyle.  In fact, watching television may not be your forte' at all; but, perhaps your downfall is hanging out with a crowd that does the very things I just spoke about in the negative TV programming.  Our friends influence us, girls.  It's the honest truth.  And, though we should never shun anyone or act in a way that we feel we are better than another, we are definitely commanded to choose our closest confidants among those who have Christ-honoring motives.
One final thought from Proverbs 13:20,
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:"

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 21
Luke 15

Tuesday, August 20th

Every job we do is a self-portrait---almost like our autobiography.  Whether it be doing the dishes, cleaning our room, our school assignments, or a paid position, we are putting our autograph on everything we do.  What does the quality of your work say about your work ethic or even your walk with Christ?  Is it saying, "I'm in a hurry!"  or perhaps, "This will be good enough to get by" or maybe even, "Nobody notices anyway..."?

But, girls, the Scripture is very plain:

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." 
Colossians 3:17
What has your self-portrait looked like so far today?  Remember, your autograph is  on your work.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 20
Luke 14

Monday, August 19th

It's been said that the best things in life are free.  I've pondered this thought and come to the conclusion that I think I disagree.  The best things in life may not have a monetary value, but they are certainly not free.  Let me give you some examples:

1.)  Love---this is the one thing that many claim costs nothing at all.  But, is that true?  Think of the love your mother had for you in choosing to give you life.  Believe me, she certainly spent a great deal to deliver you into this world.  Granted, that cost may not have been in the form of dollars, but a huge expense to her physically and emotionally.  Yet, if you are reading this blog, she paid that cost for you and likely does not regret doing so.

2.) Home---when we speak of the home, I am not referring to the building you live in.  I'm talking about the family that resides there---the ones who give you that feeling of warmth and security.  Again, the payment for a "home" or rather a "home life" may not come with a visible price tag.  However, think of the sacrifice that it takes on everybody's part to have a peaceful, loving home.  Oh, sweet girls, it costs something!  If you've ever been into a home where there is no obvious signs of compassion, joy, or tenderness but rather hatefulness, selfishness, and chaos, then you have to understand that the loving home does not just get that way.  It is built by those willing to pay the price in obedience to God's direction for the home.

3.) Peace---this is my last but, by far, the greatest example.  Consider I Peter 1:18,

"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;"
The Lord didn't pay a monetary sum for your peace and freedom, dear girls.  He paid more, so much more.  You see, He paid your ransom with His own life.  Everybody has read the story this week's news of the young lady kidnapped by her father's best friend.  Though she was not kidnapped for a ransom, you were being held ransom in your sins by Satan.  And, your Redeemer rescued you and paid the price for your freedom.
So, the next time someone says, the best things in life are free, remember this: the best things in life have a price.  In our Savior's case, it cost Him everything.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 19
Luke 13

Sunday, August 18th

Have you ever heard someone say, "Oh, I wish I had the willpower to do...."  Whether it be the will to refrain from having that 3rd piece of cake or the determination to keep on track with your Bible reading, many times we get distracted and think it's our willpower that it's in question.  To be honest, most people have way too much will power; it's the won't power that's missing.   In order to avoid that 3rd piece of cake, we must say to ourselves, "I won't be happy with the consequences of overeating."  To keep on track with our devotion time, we need to be willing to say, "I won't put any other thing or person before the Lord."  It's not will power we need; it's won't power.  How do we get this won't power?  Scripture tells us that God will give us the want-to!  In the referenced verse, the Bible tells us that it is God who works in us to will (that is to even want to do it) and then to follow through with the want-to by actually doing what He's asked us to.

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."  Philippinas 2:13
If you think  you're lacking will power, try asking God for the won't power instead.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 18
Luke 12

Saturday, August 17th

"You will do automatically what you ought to do, if you are who you ought to be."

My pastor's wife, Mrs. Brenda Shebs, said this often when we were going through the Bible institute.  One of the preachers' wives questioned her about it one day, and she explained her thinking.  We can worry ourselves about future decisions, future reactions to problems, future ability to stand against persecution, but how you will behave during these future events is mostly influenced by how you are preparing now.  If you are reading your Bible faithfully, if you have an active prayer life, if you are genuinely trying to win souls, then your spiritual instinct will be in-tact when put under the gun.  None of you teen girls will remember the Columbine High School massacre that happened in 1999 in Colorado.  Two senior boys walked into the high-school with a vicious plan to destroy and kill.  One of the innocent  students was a young lady named Cassie Bernall, a 17-year-old who had been saved only 2 years.  When the shooters went on their shooting rampage, it is witnessed that one of them asked Cassie a simple question, "Do you believe in God?"  Cassie's reply, "Yes."  It is said that Cassie died instantly of the gunshot wound to the head that followed her answer.

Now, my point is this:  do you think Cassie had time to prepare her response?  She did not.  She automatically replied because Cassie had been making a spiritual preparation.  It is reported that Cassie was faithful to her youth group, her church, and her own walk with Christ.

She did was she ought to have done because she was busy preparing for who she ought to be.  Though it cost her everything, Cassie was faithful to the Lord.  Help us, Lord Jesus, to prepare now so that should the time come when our faith in Christ is ever put to the test, we will be just as faithful.

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. " 
Matthew 16:24
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 17
Luke 11

Friday, August 16th

When it comes to making decisions, are you normally indecisive?  Big decisions or small decisions alike can sometimes be very overwhelming.  Likely from fear of making the wrong decision, some will put off making any decision at all.  I've seen girls struggle with a decision as small as which  flavor of ice-cream to choose!  In many ways, I think choosing an ice-cream flavor can be a bigger, more-at-stake judgment call than a huge, life-altering commitment.  Why would I say that??  Surely something as small as ice-cream is not as important as choosing, say, where I go to college or whom I marry!  No, girls, it's not as important a decision, this is true.  But, life-altering decisions are ones that I call value decisions and are not at all hard-to-make once you figure out what your values really are.  The key is figuring out what your values really are, and the Bible holds the answers.  If you are willing to base your judgment in these value decisions on Scriptural precedence--on Biblical value--- you will not struggle very much at all with knowing what decision to make; however, you may fight with your flesh in following through with that decision. 

Make a covenant with the Lord that, by God's grace, you will try to make those value decisions based on Biblical values.  It will relieve you of a great deal of pressure if you are solid in knowing that whatever God says you will do.  In these cases, there's really not a whole lot of decision making to be done.  And, that, dear girls, will leave you free to struggle with all those little decisions---like which flavor of ice-cream to choose:-)

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 16
Luke 10

Thursday, August 15th

It's been said that who ceases to be a friend never was one.  What are your thoughts on that? 

Many times my little girls have come to me with wide eyes, brimming with big tears, and say something like, "So-and-so doesn't like me anymore, Mama.  She said she's not my friend anymore!" When we get older, we may not necessarily say those words, but often, we act the same way.  A true friend isn't one who shares your every thought, every dream, every conviction; likely, with any friendship, there will be differences of opinion.  There may be disagreements.  But, a true friend is not one who is willing to be good to you one day and turn her back on you the next.  Please don't misunderstand my thoughts today, girls.  I firmly believe that there may come a time in a friendship when the parties involved are simply not going in the same direction.  Spiritually speaking, you should never turn your back on your friend.  However,  you should never turn your back on your Savior---Bible-led convictions, Spirit-filled goals and desires---for a friendship that no longer has Christ as its center.

A true friend will point you toward Christ.  Proverbs 18:24 talks about friendship,

"...and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

Of course, Jesus is that Friend.  But, if you will allow Him, He will shape you into the mold of the kind of friend that will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 15

Luke 9

Wednesday, August 14th

Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.
If I had a dollar for every time I've made a careless statement or spoke without any forethought of the effect of my words, I'd certainly be a rich woman.  There are women so notoriously talkative that it's been said they could get a street sign to talk back.  Girls, having an outgoing personality is not a bad thing; in fact, if used in the right way, an outgoing personality can go a long way in making people feel cared for and welcome.  However, if not carefully guarded, a young lady's tongue can quickly land her in a heap of hot water.  We must be careful not to speak too hastily, even when in a joking conversation.  Most of the time, when I have said something offensive, it is because I have been too hasty---not giving enough thought or prayer to what the Lord would have me say.  Consider I Peter 1:15,
"But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;"
Girls, that doesn't mean we can't joke and have a good time, but rather that we be careful that our speech honors God.  God is honored in fun--He really is---if it's the right kind of fun. 
Let me share a personal example.  I remember as a new Christian, Pastor Stockton and I hadn't been married very long at all.  I had confided in my pastor's wife about an argument that my husband and I had.  Later in the afternoon, I made a comment about someone 'living like the devil', and with a wink, she retorted something along the lines of "Some of us are just living WITH the devil."  I knew she was joking and didn't think a thing about it.  But, it bothered my dear Pastor's wife deeply.  She came to me the next day, broken and literally weeping, about the careless, joking comment she'd made about my husband.  I never forgot that lesson nor the obvious embarrassment her comment caused her.  Not me---I laughed about it.  But, her. 
Remember, dear girls, once you say something, it cannot be taken back, no matter how much you may want to.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 14
Luke 8

Tuesday, August 13th

"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."  Ezekiel 22:30 
It's back-to-school time with several in Orange and Osceola counties already back in session.  The thought that I'd like to share with you today is being an interceder for your friends and your school.  Exactly what is an interceder?  It is one who is the go-between or the intervener between two parties.  This year, can God count on you to intercede for your school...for your friends in prayer?  There is so much evil in our midst; it seems everywhere we look there can be found wicked, hateful activity.  There are those who would hurt us physically; lurking, searching for a time to maim or destroy.  There are certainly those who desire to hurt us spiritually.  Never before has there been such an attack on every Christian freedom we hold near.  Still yet, there are those who would hurt us emotionally.  If there has ever been a time when our schools needed Christian students to intervene for others, to stand in the gap in prayer, it is NOW. 
In order to stand in the gap for your friends and your school, you have to have a burden.  You have to see the need around you.  If your heart is burdened, YOU be the prayer warrior.  Covenant with God that you will whisper a prayer every morning before you begin your day to help you stand in the gap.  If your heart is not burdened, ask God to give you eyes to see the desperation of our young people...our schools...our country.
Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 13

Luke 7

Monday, August 12th

The question was posed this week, "If God told you He would grant the one thing you wanted most, what would that one thing be?"  I pondered the question, and without any hesitation, I knew what my answer would be.  What would your answer be?  All of you girls are likely familiar with the story of David and Bathsheba.  You'll likely recognize the name of their son, Solomon--known as the wisest king who ever lived.  Just how did Solomon come to be so wise?  Simple answer:  he asked God to make him that way.  The Lord asked Solomon what he would like most of all, and here is Solomon's response:

"Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?"

Solomon could've asked for wealth, lands, possessions...but, instead he asked for God's help to be a Godly ruler.  He asked for wisdom.  And, because he wasn't selfish in his request, God also gave him more riches than he could've ever dreamed possible---AND wisdom.

What would your one request be and for what reason?  For the glory of God and the blessing of others or for our own dreams and desires?  Solomon was in no-wise perfect, but he loved God and acknowledged that he needed God's help more than he needed anything else in this world.

Girls, where are you tonight?  What would your one request be?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 12
Luke 6


Sunday, August 11th

Have you ever met a girl who thinks she's better than others?  When I was a teen, we called it being a snob or stuck-up.  I knew girls who thought that because their parents were more wealthy they were better than the other girls.  I didn't realize that when I became a Christian, there would still be stuck-up people---even in church!   Some are snobbish because they are more financially stable; some are conceited because they are able to have nicer clothes and possessions; and some are stuck-up because they feel spiritually superior to others.  Perhaps they have a higher moral standard of living; perhaps they know more Bible, etc.  But, whatever the reason, it is a sin to look down upon other people.  If you are able to look down, that must mean you are lifted up.  James 2:1 says,

"My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons." 

We should be able to welcome a homeless, nasty-smelling, tattered-garment-wearing lady as warmly as we would welcome an obviously fashion-conscientious, latest-fad-wearing young woman into our church.  There should be no difference in the way that we look at or treat people.  Jesus crossed all lines to be kind, girls.  He crossed the barriers of race and class to reach people.  We should be no different.  Remember, dear girls, you have what you have because of grace.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 11
Luke 5

Saturday, August 10th

Today while out visiting, I happened to be talking to a lady about her husband.  He had been hospitalized and wasn't at all kind to the nurses.  She shared with me though that there was one nurse who knew how to handle him.  I asked her, "Well, was she more stern than the other nurses or more softly-spoken?"  She told me that she was a people-person, meaning that she knew how to talk to people and calm them down.  Colossians 4:6 tells us that we are to...

"Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt..."

We ought to all desire for our talk to be this way.  I've said it before-- it's not what you say but how you say it--that speaks the loudest to people.  Today I was reminded that I want to be like that nurse.  I want people to say about me, "She knows how to calm the situation".  Don't you?  The Bible calls this a peacemaker, and I believe we've spoken before about it in our devotions. 

Before you close your eyes tonight, try this: practice speaking softly to someone.  Gentleness ought to come easy for us, but sadly, if we look around, it's obvious by the way some children are treated that gentleness is something that we desperately need the Lord to cultivate in us.  Try it and remember, girls, you catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar:-)

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 10
Luke 4

Friday, August 9th

What service do you think most thrills the Lord when He looks at the work His children are doing in His name?  Surely, it's going to a foreign field to give the Gospel to a heathen nation.  Or maybe, it is the life of sacrifice---living below your means in order to afford to financially support missionaries to go to the heathen nations.  Still yet, perhaps it is the day spent at the homeless shelter working in the soup line to feed the hungry.  Giving of your possessions to those less fortunate? 

While all of these things are wonderful gifts to the Lord, I'm not sure they are the greatest offering.  "Mrs. Kim, for real??  How much more could anyone sacrifice than to go to a foreign field to share the Gospel??"  Indeed, the heart of God is missions.   But, did you know that by caring for two specific groups of people you please the Lord like no other service?  Which two groups?  Widows and orphans.  As simple as that.  And, right here in your own backyard you can serve the Lord Jesus in a very easy way.  We have widows at Lock Haven.  When is the last time that we baked them cookies or offered to clean their house or mow their yards?  What about the orphans at Lock Haven?  While all of the children at Lock Haven have a physically-living father, many do not have a spiritual father at all.  What could we do to minister to them in the name of their Heavenly Father? 

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,"  James 1:27

Do I have pure religion?  Do you?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 9
Luke 3

Thursday, August 8th

It's probably no secret to any of you girls that I am a baseball fan.  I enjoy the sport but especially watching the St. Louis Cardinals.  Benji is the only other Stockton who likes the Cards, and when our team is winning, wow!  we can get excited.  I mean, really excited:-)  Benji has been known to run through the house screaming at 12 o'clock at night because of a hard-fought victory!  It's not wrong to like a sport or a particular team.  But, this week, I got excited about something else, and that is the topic of our devotion today.

The Bible gives no indication that Jesus ever went to a chariot race (yes, they had those in the Bible!).  He may have, but we aren't told about it.  There is no record of Jesus ever painting his face blue in support of his favorite contender in the javelin-throwing competition. Even though it's not mentioned in Scripture doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong; the Bible could not contain every step of Jesus or every word of Christ because the volume of books couldn't contain all that he said and did.  But, my point is this:  we are given a glimpse into what was most stirring to the Savior---the salvation of souls.

"I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth,"  Luke 15:7

When was the last time that you got excited about someone getting saved or someone getting their heart right with the Lord?  Vacation Bible School this week was phenomenal!  I have to admit that when little Samara looked up at me with the most innocent, sweetest, tear-filled eyes and said, "Mrs. Kim, I just need to get saved", the excitement that filled me was better than ANY sports game or music performance or contest.  Just knowing that Lock Haven Baptist Church has made a spiritual impact in the life of this child---that her whole eternal destination has been changed---it thrills me.  I am excited to say that I believe we had 4 more over the course of the week to accept Christ as Savior.  That, dear girls, is what excitement is all about.

What about you?  What excites you can be a very good indicator of where you are spiritually.  Think about it.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 8
Luke  2

Wednesday, August 7th

I've heard Pastor Lane say, "I'm weary in the work but not weary of the work."  I've also heard people say something like this, "Well, I just spent my whole life serving God, and I just got burned out."  What are they really saying?  They are excusing a lifestyle of not serving Christ by saying that they worked for the Lord so hard and so long that they really have nothing left to give.  Can that be true, you might ask.  I don't think so.  Because even when you are physically spent, as is the case with elderly saints, you may not be capable of going out and door knocking.  BUT, even the most feeble, most wearied soul can pray.  We have one lady at Lock Haven who, because of physical impairments, cannot go with us on Thursday night soulwinning.  But, she is just as active in our soulwinning program as anybody is because she takes tracts and mails them all over Orlando and Kissimmee. 

As our VBS progresses with services every night, I see that many of us are tired.  Genuinely weary.  But, hallelujah!  We are not tired of the work....just a little worn out in the work.   Girls, if there ever comes a point in your life that you say within yourself, "I'm tired of serving God.  I'm just tired of it.", there's a problem.  And, it's likely not a weariness problem.  There's a spiritual issue going on.  Stop, ask God to search your heart, and get it right.  Don't keep going!  Also, recognize that you are flesh, and as flesh, our bodies do get weary.  Learn to listen to the signals your body gives you when you need to rest.  So, instead of staying up till 1 am texting or Facebooking, get some rest.  You'll feel refreshed and better able to face the new day in the morning with the right kind of spirit.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 7
Luke 1

Tuesday, August 6th

Someone once remarked, "I would rather fail in the cause that someday will triumph than triumph in a cause that someday will fail."  A mouthful, right?  It is a statement that is both confusing but also very thought-provoking.  As a Christian, I can't deny that sometimes I look around and wonder if there's any way at all that a Christian girl can be Godly without being reclusive (withdrawn from society).  Even though I know in my heart that the battle is already won and that when it's all said and done, Christians are the victors in the war against the devil, I still struggle with the fairness of it all right now.  I would be lying if I didn't tell you that sometimes the glitter and gleam of this world's entertainment seems like so much fun, and I wonder if I'm missing out;  if my children are missing out.  You may have wondered yourself if this Christian race is truly worth the cost.  But, when we consider that the cause of Christ will triumph and this triumph is determined within God's set time, then it becomes easier to focus on putting one foot ahead of the other.  Too many times, we get ahead of ourselves---we want to see victory now and in so desiring, we choose rather the cause that seems victorious now but will, within God's time, fail.  Christ's cause---soulwinning, God-honoring activities, having a genuine servant's heart---this is His cause and will triumph.  Self-gratifying desires, worldly activities, and having a heart set upon only that which pleases ourselves is a cause that will ultimately fail.  As an all-in Christian young lady, you will have days that you fail; but you will ultimately win.  As a mediocre, luke-warm Christian young lady, you will have plenty of days when your flesh wins---you have the time of your life!  But, that cause is ultimately going to lose and you are left with life of devotion for the One Who offered you His own precious blood.

So, which is it?  A cause that today will bring you pleasure and tomorrow grief; or a cause that today may cost you a few pleasures of the flesh but will in eternity pay huge dividends.  Which?  Moses chose well...

"Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;"

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 6
Mark 16

Monday, August 5th

How do you begin your prayer time with the Lord?  Did you know that Scripture gives us direction in praying.  In Luke 11:2, the Lord tells us to begin with praise!

"And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name."

That word hallowed just means worthy of honor or respect, and certainly we would all agree that our Heavenly Father is worthy.  So, by definition, our prayer time should begin with our praise for the Lord.  

1.) Praise for your salvation; for the blood of Jesus that has made you a child of God.  Were it not for God's mercy, you'd be on your way to hell.
2.) Praise for your home; for your parents, your family. They may be a bunch of nuts, but at least you have a family to call your own.
3.) Praise for your health; the ability to think and move and breathe.  Hospitals are full of people fighting for the strength to do what we take for granted.
4.) Praise for your church; your pastor, the influential leaders in your life.  They are only human, but God has placed them in your life to help you.
5.) Praise for God's blessings; a car, an air-conditioned home.  We are so privileged to enjoy these luxuries in America.
6.) Praise for God's chastisement; discipline by your parents.  This is for your benefit and growth. 
7.) Praise that you are allowed to go to school.  That's right---I said allowed.  In parts of the Middle East, girls are often not afforded that privilege.

This is just a beginning list---there's so much more for which we need to be thankful.  But, in order to help your prayer life grow, we need to know the right order of prayer.  Always begin with praise; a thankful heart is a tender heart.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 5
Mark 15

Sunday, August 4th

When you look at a woman's face, what's the very first thing you notice?  Some will say her smile or her nose, but most of the time, the answer is her eyes.  Why is that?  Most of the time, a person can tell a lot about someone else by his/her eyes.  Even the Scripture tell us in Matthew 6:22 that,

"The light of the body is the eye:"

What exactly does that mean?  Well, it means that your eyes are an entrance point for what you take into your mind.  If your eyes allow it, your mind will be filled with all sorts of material that won't be honoring to God.  In the same way, a woman's eyes can also reveal what has already been taken into her mind.  A girl's eyes ought to be radiant; they ought to illuminate light--Christ's light.  When we consider this, it should influence the way we apply our eye make-up.  It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul.  If that is so, then the seductive look would certainly not be very becoming of a Godly young lady.  Consider the warning in Proverbs 6:25,

"...neither let her take thee with her eyelids." 

According to this verse, a woman's eyes can be enticing.  Girls, be careful what your eyes say about you!  Make sure your eyes are inviting because they are full of joy, purity, and radiance.  In other words, make sure your eyes are saying to young men what your heart is saying---which, by the way, ought to be, "Let me tell you about my Jesus."

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 4
Mark 14

Saturday, August 3rd

This week Pastor Stockton used a phrase several times that I've had on my mind:  "all in".  In fact, one of the nights during his message, he went a step further and said something to the effect of "Hog-head all in."  Now, I'm not really sure what the "hog head" had to do with anything, but the phrase "all in" has certainly grabbed my attention.  I've asked myself, "Am I really 'all in'?"  Maybe we ought to all stop a minute and ask ourselves that question.

Am I all in with my service to the King?  Am I all in with my devotion to my family?  What about my church family?  Am I all in there or are there those that I could be kinder to, more understanding with?  You see, if there is hesitation in my heart, I am NOT all-in.  If Christ is my everything, I will be all in.  I will be all in at the church; I will be all in at home; I will be all in with everything I do.  "Well, Mrs. Kim, I am not sure I understand what you mean by being all in."  Just this:  Christ is your all in all.

"For to me to live is Christ,"  Philippians 1:21

I'm not sure that any of us can say we are all in right now or ever will be, but can we with an honest heart say that we want to be?  That's really where being all in starts.  It begins with an attitude of wanting to please the Lord Jesus; to want to live so that He is glorified.

Count me all in.  Now what about you?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 3
Mark 13