Thursday, December 12th

Today we will do a little Bible trivia:-)  How many of you know who I am talking about when I give you the hint that this particular lady lived in the church for 84 years after her husband died?  I'll throw you out a couple of life-lines: she was in the New Testament, and she immediately recognized the tiny Lord Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah when he was but a few weeks old.  Give up??

Her name is Anna, and she is only mentioned in these two verses in all of the Bible.  However, though little is said about her, we can infer much from her life. 
And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
Luke 2:36-38
The first thing I'd like for you to note is that Anna was more dependent upon her God than upon her need to have a man in her life.  She had lived with her husband for only 7 short years.  She understood the precious relationship between a husband and wife.  However, when the Lord called her husband home, Anna contented herself with serving God wholeheartedly.  Many girls are consumed with a desire for a guy---any guy.  We can learn much from Anna in this regard.
Secondly, Anna knew enough prophecy that she immediately recognized God's only begotten Son.  She was so close to God that when Mary and Joseph brought the infant Jesus to the temple, Anna, obviously moved by the Lord, knew it was the Christ-child.
Lastly, Anna didn't keep the news that the Promised One had been born to herself.  Her example as a zealous soulwinner is seen in verse 38.  She spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. 
Anna...satisfied with the love of her Savior, sold-out to knowing her God intimately, and secure enough in her faith to share Christ with others.
I think I'd like to be like Anna:-)

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 12
Ephesians 1

1 comment:

  1. Pretty awesome to see how much we can learn from someone so little was mentioned about.
