Friday, April 18th

Mark chapter 5 presents a very stark contrast of the way God's children should act and the way the devil would have people act.  Notice that the demoniac hung out in the graveyard and had been bound with chains.  His behavior was wild and erratic.  Scripture says that he was always crying and cutting himself with stones.  Cutting oneself has become common practice among some of our teens.  I've been told that it's a means of relieving inward, emotional pain.  However, from today's chapter in Mark, cutting himself was a huge identification for this man being wholly controlled by satan.  

Contrast his behavior with his behavior AFTER he met Jesus!  Verse 15 tells us that he was 1.) Clothed. So, it's reasonable to expect that when God changes a person, their clothing changes.  2.) Sitting.  I don't necessarily think that this is referring to his actual posture but rather his manner.  In other words, he wasn't running crazy.  He was calm. 3.) In his right mind.  God's children should have a testimony of being of a sound mind.  

This man needed Christ to make a difference in his life, and the Lord did just that.  He didn't send the man to anger management classes; He didn't put him on medication to calm his nerves.  He freed him from the possession of the devil.

Jesus' presence will make a difference in the lives of those willing to seek Him.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Mark 5
Proverbs 18

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