Tuesday, April 1st

Girls, today is a national holiday?  I don't think it's a legal holiday, but perhaps it should be.  No, I'm not talking about April Fool's Day.  But, the holiday I'm speaking about has something to do with a fool, alright.

You see, I think it should be called the National Atheist Day.  Why?  Because, Psalm 14:1 tells us that, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God..."

God says that it is foolish to question whether or not there is a Creator because quite frankly, the complexity of creation testifies that all of this didn't just make itself.  The great order of the universe, the eco system, and the intricacy of the human body all demand an honest answer to the question, "Could it all be a coincidence?"  To the honest, truly seeking soul, God will certainly reveal Himself.  

Today is a day that many take great pleasure in pranking others and playing practical jokes.  I'm not against having a little fun, but on this day, take a few minutes of prayer to ask the Lord to help you witness to those who do not believe in even the existence of God.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 1
Matthew 17

1 comment:

  1. I have always been amazed at the people who think the world and all in it is just a coincidence! How foolish!
