Thursday, February 13th

In yesterday's devotion, we talked about one of the questions that normally comes up in our Teen Zone class---why is gambling wrong?.  Today we will cover another often-asked question: Why should I NOT get a tattoo?

Tattoing has become a very widespread practice in American culture---even among Christians.  You've probably heard it said that Christians shouldn't get tattoos and maybe you wondered why.  There are several reasons, so let's get started.

1. The Bible prohibits it.

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord .  Leviticus 19:28

"But, Mrs. Kim, since that was Old Testament law, are New Testament Christians required to follow that?"  That was Old Testament moral law---just like Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal...Are New Testament Christians supposed to follow those commandments?  Of course we are!  The only Old Testament commandments that we are not required to follow are the sacrificial worship laws.  Because of Christ's sacrificial offering of His life for ours on the cross of Calvary, we do not have to sacrifice a lamb anymore for the atonement of our sins.   Jesus Christ fulfilled that portion of the ceremonial law.  

2. Your body is not your own.  When someone trusts Christ as His Savior, he/she is bought with a price, and that person no longer belongs to himself/herself.  "But, what if I get a tattoo of Jesus' name?"  If you belong to Christ, you don't need His name tattooed on your arm to prove it.  The Scriptures tell us that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments.  Obeying God will prove our allegiance to Christ far more than a tattoo of His name carved on our body.

3.  We are not to identify with worldly practices.  

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  I John 2:15

4.  As you age and mature with time, your likes and dislikes change.  What I thought was cool at 15-years-old, I do not necessarily think is cool now!  I shutter to think how I would look as a 45-year-old grandmother walking around with a rainbow unicorn tattooed across my backside.  Mmmm....not a pretty thought!  Tattoos are permanent reminders of a past that you might not want to remember further down the road.

5.  There are health risks associated with tattoos.  With more hygienic practices, tattoos have become better than they were years ago, but there are still medical risks involved.  Infection and disease are just two of those risks that you do well to consider.  

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 13
I John 2


  1. Tattoos are something that do not seem appealing at all to me, especially since God strongly disapproves of them!

  2. I have never really been into tattoos. I think it is crazy when I see someone walking around covered in ink. Its like they are trying to hide who they are!
