Wednesday, February 12th

There have been times in our Teen Zone class that I have mentioned certain habits that are displeasing to the Lord.  Whether it be drinking, smoking, immodesty, or gambling, I normally have at least one who will say, "Where is that in the Bible?"  Believe it or not, I am encouraged by that question!  It tells me that some of my teens are truly searching and eager to know God's mind.  But, because we do keep a pretty structured time-constraint, I don't always have the time to cover some of these lifestyle choices in depth.  

Tonight I want to cover one: gambling.  What is gambling and why is it wrong for Christians?  Betting, wagering, poker, etc. are all considered gambling to some degree.  "But, isn't it just wrong if you're gambling away huge amounts of money or if you're addicted to it?"  The answer to that is that no one begins as a compulsive gambler.  It starts small and builds into an addiction.  There are several reasons why gambling is Biblically wrong.

1.) It short-circuits God's design for men to earn their living.  II Thessalonians 3:10, Genesis 3:19.  

2.)  Promotes a "get-rich-quick-mentality".  People do not appreciate that for which they have no personal vested interest.  If you have not put your own blood, sweat, and tears into something, it's hard to be grateful.  It hasn't cost you something.

3.)  Riches can be temporary.  Just as quickly as money comes into your life, it can be  taken.  Proverbs 23:5

4.)  It is a stumbling block to others.  You may very well have the self-control to buy one single $1 scratch-off ticket just for fun and never buy another.  However, not everyone has that same will power.  Just because you do not struggle with it doesn't mean that others won't.  What happens when someone sees you, a professing Christian, buy a ticket.  They reason in their minds, "Well, it can't be that bad.  Such-and-such buys lottery tickets and they're not addicted."  So, they purchase one, then ten, and a hundred.   All for one reason:  they saw you do it and thought if you could handle it, so could they.

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.  Proverbs 13:11

Every decision we make as Christians either honors or dishonors the Savior.  Use the Scriptures tonight for yourself; look them up and then, you tell  me.  Does gambling bring glory to Christ?

Scripture Reading for the Day:
Proverbs 12
I John 1

1 comment:

  1. Wow I didn't realize how bad gambling really is. Very eye opening.
