Friday, January 3rd

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Some of you have shared with me some of your concerns for your futures.  You're busy planning your life!  Which college to attend, what your major should be, whether you should live at home or on campus, and should now be the time to be involved in a serious relationship are all honest, relevant questions.  There's just so much that we can be anxious about, isn't there?!  But, the honest truth, girls, is that the Lord cares about every single detail of your life, right down to where you go to school and what you choose to take while there.  Your life is to be for His glory, so of course, He has a plan for you.  Sometimes though, what causes the anxiousness in our hearts is that we're afraid that His plan won't be our plan.  Our reference verse today warns us of trying to "figure it out on our own" by leaning unto our own understanding.  Sometimes we just can't make sense of what the Lord is doing or how He is leading; but, we can rest in calm assurance knowing that as we choose to acknowledge Him, He will guide our direction.  

What does it mean to acknowledge Him?  One definition of the word might be to take note of.  Very simply, we are to take note of the Lord in every aspect of our lives.  We are to involve Him in each decision, invite Him to dominate our goal making, and introduce Him to each person He puts in our path.

When we acknowledge Him in all our ways, the promise is clear: He WILL direct our path.  He will guide our thinking, lead our hearts, and use us to draw others to Himself.

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 3

I Timothy 1

1 comment:

  1. I really needed this post today.. Sometimes it is so hard to wonder what God has for you in store and to wonder is it going to be what you want for yourself. For 2014, I want to try to let God make the major decisions for my life.
