Sunday, January 5th: Guest Writer, Mrs. Lois Ormsby

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31

Remember how at our caroling night last month, I said I’d be launching a series of posts about glorifying God? Here’s the beginning! Today, I wanted to remind you of this key verse, the verse by which we can measure everything in our life. If we wonder if something is right or wrong, all we have to do is ask, “is it to the glory of God?” When we really ask that question, the answer comes out more easily than we might think!

What is glory? “Brightness, luster, splendor, magnificence, distinguished honor or ornament; that which honors or makes renowned; that of which one may boast.”

Everything we do is supposed to revolve around Christ – the big question we have to ask ourselves is “does MY life revolve around Jesus Christ?” But sometimes, we wonder – “does it really matter if I glorify God in ALL of my outfits? How do I glorify God when my peers at school could care less about pleasing God? I don’t have to glorify God if my parents are not faithful Christians…do I?”

I have quite a list made up of topics to write about – our speech, behavior, Facebook, Pinterest, family, friends, music, and more – but maybe there’s something on your heart that you’ve been wondering – “how do/can I glorify God in this?” Either comment here or text me with what you might have in mind so I can add it to my list!

In the meantime, begin a habit of asking yourself, “Is what I am about to do/say/hear/watch/wear/see glorifying to God?”

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 5
I Timothy 3


  1. How do I glorify God with my attitude, even those that may be receiving it have been rude or hurt me, or even they are giving me an attitude. What if I didn't even mean to give them one but once I did I don't care?

    1. Kayla, this is an honest question, and you're not alone in your feelings. It's definitely not easy to be kind or respectful to those who aren't necessarily acting worthy of your honor. But, you do have to realize that your attitude to others dependent upon their treatment of you.

      But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
      Matthew 5:44 KJV

    2. If we cannot be loving in our attitude towards someone for their own sake because they have been hurtful or unkind to us, can we not be loving towards them simply for Christ's sake? Maybe they don't deserve honor, but remember, our attitudes are a form of worship to Christ. Hang in there, sweet girl.

  2. Good question, Kayla - I appreciate your honesty! We girls ALL struggle with attitude in one way or another...I shall add "attitude" to my list!

  3. How do I glorify God with my thought life? It is so easy to get distracted in thought and not even realize what you are thinking is bad.

    1. Good one, Bentley! I have also added your topic to my list :) That is one that is hard for me too, sometimes - I think all girls/women struggle with that because we are TOO good at thinking! :)

  4. Wow this is so thought provoking! There are so many things I do/say/think etc. that I know is not glorifying God and I really need to make sure I always glorifying Him!
