Saturday, October 26th

By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.  Hebrews 11:24-26
Thank you, Mrs. Lois, for yesterday's devotion.  We would all do well to recognize that our enemy is real and is waiting to devour our testimonies, our families, over very lives.  Very good lesson, Mrs. Lois!
Back to our series, the Wall of Faith Chapter, Hebrews 11.  We talked about Moses' extraordinary beginning with his parents, Amram and Jochebed.  To avoid the soldiers' swords, they hid baby Moses for 3 months.  When he could no longer be hidden, Jochebed made her infant son a tiny little boat and instructed her daughter to put him into the Nile River.  God guided the little boat straight into the hands of the Pharoah's daughter, who was bathing herself in the river.  By the providential hand of God, Jochebed was called to nurse her own child and, get this, receive a paycheck for it!  Those first years with baby Moses were precious to Jochebed, and no doubt, every spare moment spent planting spiritual seeds.  Jochebed knew her time to teach him about the Hebrew God was short, and imparting unto him the training he needed became her life.  Finally the day came that little Moses was weaned from the breast and was ready to present to Pharoah's daughter.  How Jochebed's heart must have shattered!  But, having done her best to point him toward knowing the living God, Jochebed left him to his new home in the palace. 
Years passed and Moses became a man.  One day he ventured out to the Hebrew side of town.  I don't believe Moses was a stranger there.  On this particular instance though, something bad happened.  Moses witnessed an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew man.  Moses looked around and thought no one would see.  He killed the Egyptian man and buried him in the sand.  Make no mistake about it:  Moses knew exactly who he was and was defending his own people.  Someone did see what happened though, and Moses knew it was only a matter of time before Pharoah learned of it.  He fled Egypt and went into the land of Midian. 
In our text verse for today, Moses made the decision that he'd rather suffer with God's people than to live in his palace pretending to be someone he knew he wasn't.  Moses answered God's call to deliver the Hebrew people out of bondage.  He could have easily lived a life of ease and never given his heritage a second thought. 

What amazes me the most is the teaching that Moses' mother must have instilled in him during those few years she nursed him.  She planted enough Truth in him that he never forgot it---even when he became a man of position in Egypt. 

Moses made a conscious decision that, though it cost him everything, he would serve God with his whole being.  For you and me, the cost is small...yet we don't sell out completely.  Why not?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 26
Romans 7

1 comment:

  1. There will be a lot of tough decisions we will need to make, it won't always be easy. Jesus gave everything for us, so we should be able to sacrifice things of our own. We must stay true to God
