Sunday, October 27th

By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.  
Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.  By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned. Hebrews 11:27-29
In today's devotion, we will continue studying Moses, whose faith is mentioned in our series the Wall of Faith Chapter, Hebrews 11.  Yesterday we learned how Moses fled Egypt after slaying an Egyptian in defense of one of his Hebrew people.  Though living in the land of Midian,  Moses never forgot Egypt.  He had taken a wife and begun a family after escaping the sure anger of the Pharoah, but certainly he thought of the Hebrews still enslaved in the bondage of Egypt's most powerful.   He remembered their hardship; perhaps he thought of his mother and tried to remember her face.  But, whatever fond memories he had were no match for the fear that gripped his heart when the Lord spoke to him from the burning bush.  Moses, I've heard the cry of my people, and I'm sending you back to lead them to a land flowing with milk and honey.  You are the one that will deliver them, the Lord said.  Moses reply was quick, Not me, Lord!  He listed reasons why he could not do as the Lord was asking:

1.)  I'm not important enough, Lord (Exodus 3:11)
           The Lord replied, You're representing Me.  You don't have to be important.  I'll be with you.
2.) I don't know who to tell them has sent me (Exodus 3:13)
             The Lord replied, Tell them that I AM has sent you.  They'll understand.   

3.) They will not believe You told me to come (Exodus 4:1)
             The Lord replied, I will allow you to work miracles so that My power is evident.

4.) I don't speak well, Lord (Exodus 4:10)
              The Lord replied, And who made your mouth, Moses?  But, because you're scared, I'll send Aaron your brother with you and he can do the talking.
Finally, Moses understood he needed to obey the Lord.  He went back to Egypt, showing no fear of the Pharoah.  By faith, when the Hebrews kept the Passover feast, Moses led by example and also made sure to do it just as the Lord commanded.  And, lastly, today's verse said that Moses walked across the Red Sea on dry ground by faith. 
Moses didn't instinctively have mountain-moving faith.  In Genesis 3, we see a picture of a man who was just an ordinary guy.  He had doubts and fears, just like we do; yet, he learned a great lesson relatively quickly:  it is better to obey God than to throw out excuses. 
For Moses' to get to the point in his spiritual life that he was parting the waters with his staff, he had to first get to the point he was willing to obey.  Are you using one of Moses' 4 excuses today?

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 27
Romans 8


  1. Very often I like to use excuses as to why I can't do something, but thankfully the Lord will provide and I don't have to worry!

  2. I find myself making excuses of why I can't so something for God. Normally it has to do with being scared. But with God's help I can do whatever he ask of me.
