Friday, November 22nd

30 Days of Praise

I am thankful today that the Lord has given me many examples to follow of people who have done hard things, who have kept the faith, who walked with Christ to the very end of their life's road.  When I am discouraged or downhearted, it helps me to remember that I am not the first one who's encountered heartache or confusion.  There are countless examples throughout Scripture of ones who had difficulties YET remained true to the Lord.  I think of Job---he lost EVERYTHING he had in one single day and did not question or blame God.  I think of Jonathan---King Saul's son who was surely in line for the throne.  When God chose his best friend David to be future King of Israel, Jonathan kept going.  The Apostle Paul---beaten, shipwrecked, stoned, and abandoned by his dearest friends, but he continued in the faith.  Hosea, a Godly man whose wife was a prostitute---wow!  don't you know he sometimes felt like quitting??  But, he didn't.  He remained faithful.

There are countless examples in God's Word of spiritual steadfastness.  There are also numberless examples in my own life.  My own precious mother is one.  Faced with a husband who left her for her best friend, surely she could have given in to defeat and heartbreak, but she didn't.  For me...she kept going.  I think of the couple who lost 10 of their children in a fiery car crash.  With only the grace of God to sustain them, they kept going and used their heartbreak as a venue to draw others to the tenderness of our Savior.  What about Mrs. Jo Rooney in our congregation right now at Lock Haven?  Three times she's faced cancer.  Even at this moment, she's enduring a horrible bout with pain from the chemo.  But, if you were to call or text her, she'd say something about the goodness of Jesus. 

How can people go on when they seemingly have no reason to?  Purely by the grace of God they keep walking, one foot in front of the other.  Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day.  I'm so thankful today for the ones in the Bible who chose to continue in their walks with the Lord.  I'm even more thankful for the people in my personal life whom I have seen with my own eyes remain faithful to their God.  When I feel discouraged and abandoned, I remember that I am not the first one to face affliction.  The same grace that carried others has and will carry me, too.

As others' examples have nudged me on in my faith, I want my walk with Christ to push someone further.  But, in order for that to happen, I have to do the hard things---I have to carry on, even when sometimes I may feel like I can't.  Remember, the grace that carried others will carry you.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1

Scripture Reading for the Day:

Proverbs 22
II Corinthians 1

1 comment:

  1. There are so many people that have been such an encouragement to me! And I thank God for the people in my life that uplift me and encourage me even when I'm having bad day.
